Amy Schumer reportedly kicks up-and-coming comic off stage to do unannounced set

Amy Schumer won’t take no for an answer.

The “I Feel Pretty” star, 36, showed up unannounced at Carolines on Broadway Tuesday night with the hopes of running through her “Saturday Night Live”monologue while up-and-coming comic Brendan Sagalow was headlining the show.

“She basically came in and went to the manager and asked if she could get up [on stage]. The manager said Brendan has just gotten up. She asked for 10 minutes and the manager was explaining how he was doing a long set,” a spy told Page Six, to which the comedic actress replied, “But, I’m Amy Schumer!”

Schumer then approached another comic who was scheduled to perform, asking if she knew who Sagalow was, even though Schumer follows him on Instagram. The comic explained to her that his friends and family were in the audience and that this show was a big deal to him, the spy added, but, “after he said that, she literally barged on stage.”

In a since-deleted video posted on the comedy club’s Instagram page, Schumer can be heard saying, “Brendan! It’s Amy Schumer, can I do 10 minutes really quick?” to which Sagalow responded, “Of course,” before welcoming her onto the stage.

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

“It was pretty f–ked up, but I think it was pretty amazing,” the spy said.

Another audience member told us Schumer’s set “went well overall. The crowd was happy to see her, and Brendan crushed when he got back on stage … despite such an odd thing happening.”

Sagalow recounted the experience on his podcast, The Stupid Little Podcast, Wednesday. “I’m five minutes into my set, I’m doing some crowd work … and then from off to the side, I hear, ‘Hey Brendan! It’s Amy Schumer! Can I do 10 minutes?’ In the middle of my set … I look over and it’s Amy, and I’m like, ‘Yeah, of course!’ I had no other reaction … When I’m walking off I’m like, ‘OK …’ But I’m actually happy — I’m like, ‘This is a good thing! This is a great thing!’ Everybody thinks I’m friends with Amy, she knows my name, she said she follows me on Instagram, which she mentioned. She said she ‘loves Brendan as a comic.’ She doesn’t. You put the quarter in, you play the game.”

He later added, “Everybody was like, ‘You should be mad, what a bitch, that’s an awful thing to do.’ Which … it is. It is a pretty s—tty thing to do at my first headlining set with all my friends and family there, but I think it’s a good thing … I thought it was awesome, because everybody else’s headlining set at Carolines, nobody talks about it.”

When reached for comment, Sagalow told Page Six, “I’m happy I could give Amy the time on my show. A lot of people thought it was a sh–ty move on her part to interrupt me and I talked about it more in depth on my podcast, The Stupid Little Podcast, but I thought it was awesome. It didn’t throw me off one bit, I know what I’m doing on stage.”

A source close to Schumer told Page Six she had texted Sagalow beforehand letting him know she would come by and that the two are “good friends.”

Carolines on Broadway did not immediately return a request for comment. A rep for Schumer declined to comment.

This article originally appeared in Page Six.

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