Amy Schumer not scared of sex tape being leaked

(Gallery Books)

Amy Schumer is not one to hold back on stage with her stand-up and things are no different with her new memoir "The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo."

The comedian shared a number of often-TMI facts -- 44 to be exact -- in her new book, including that she has a sex tape.

According to E!, Schumer writes about being bombarded with messages from her publicist upon returning to the United States after traveling overseas.

She states she immediately thought her sex tape and been leaked and called her publicist back to assure her she didn't care.

However, Schumer was wrong about the piece of news her publicist was calling her about.

"Then she said, 'There was a shooting in a theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, at a showing of Trainwreck.' My heart broke right then and there. I mean it. The only other times I felt sadness that heavy in my life were after a surfing accident when I was sure I was losing my leg, and upon hearing of the deaths of a couple of close friends. The news crushed me."