Amy Locane's deadly drunk-driving crash: Family of woman killed to get $4.8M

The family of a woman killed in a 2010 crash involving a "Melrose Place" actress will receive a $4.8 million settlement. reports most of the money will come from the hosts of a party where actress Amy Locane-Bovenizer was drinking before the crash.

Rachel and Carlos Sagebien agreed to pay $3.3 million through their insurance company to the family of Helene Seeman. Locane-Bovenizer and her estranged husband will pay $1.5 million.

The actress served about 2½ years in prison after being convicted of vehicular manslaughter and other charges.

In a resentencing hearing, a judge said he erred by imposing too light a sentence, but declined to send Locane-Bovenizer back to prison. The state has appealed that decision.

The Montgomery Township crash also injured Seeman's husband, Fred.