
It appears the world’s richest man may be stingy when it comes to providing snacks for his staff.

The Washington Post employees want better pay, but are reportedly also demanding enhanced snacks such as wasabi peas, trail mix, fresh fruit and M&Ms in order to compete with rival journalists at The New York Times, according to Business Insider.

President Trump frequently refers to the Post as the “Amazon Washington Post,” as the paper’s billionaire owner Jeff Bezos also runs the tech giant and has a contentious relationship with the president. Bezos is worth $141 billion and was named Forbes’ richest person in the world earlier this year.

The Post staffers have been lobbying for increased wages, equal pay, better retirement benefits, a higher 401(k) match and improved severance pay. Last week, over 400 employees signed an open letter to Bezos outlining the staffers’ demands.

Business Insider reported that it has obtained a memo directly from the Washington Post Guild, which serves as the paper’s union. While portions of the memo have emerged on social media, Business Insider reported that Post reporters also aren’t happy with their selection of free snacks.

“At the end of the memo is an afterthought, which highlights the generosity of The New York Times when it comes to free perks in the office. The implied message to Bezos and Post management was: We'd like some of the same,” Business Insider reporter Isobel Asher Hamilton wrote.

According to Business Insider, the memo said, “The Times offers its staff free coffee — and free snacks, too: fresh fruit, popcorn, M&M's, trail mix and wasabi peas, to name a few."

The Washington Post declined a request for comment.

Trump, who frequently mocks the news organization, has recently taken to Twitter to mock Bezos for having disgruntled employees.

“Washington Post employees want to go on strike because Bezos isn’t paying them enough,” Trump recently tweeted. “I think a really long strike would be a great idea. Employees would get more money and we would get rid of Fake News for an extended period of time!”

Several of the paper’s employees have participated in a video directed at Bezos, touting the Post’s recent success while expressing issues with management. The video outlines the employees’ demands.

Meanwhile, the president’s feud with the newspaper is nothing new.

“The Amazon Washington Post fabricated the facts on my ending massive, dangerous, and wasteful payments to Syrian rebels fighting Assad,” Trump tweeted back in July 2017.

Bezos purchased the Post in 2013 for $250 million.

The Washington Post Guild reportedly told Business Insider that it has not heard from Bezos regarding the letter and that legendary Post editor Martin Baron has not gotten involved.