Johnny Depp has undergone several incredible transformations for his eccentric movie roles, the most recent, and unbelievable, being for his role as the Mad Hatter in the upcoming "Alice in Wonderland" remake.
Jim Carrey has also transformed himself many times to fit different roles. It took up to 8 hours for him to transform into the Grinch in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
Mike Myers is another comedic actor who has transformed to play countless characters. One of his most amazing transformations was for his role as Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies.
It can't be easy to make gorgeous Charlize Theron ugly, but somehow this was done for her Oscar-winning role as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in the film "Monster."
Amazing costumes and fat suits allowed Eddie Murphey to play just about every single character in the film "The Nutty Professor," including the lovable lead Sherman Klump.
The late Heath Ledger's handsome looks were concealed with tons of makeup, transforming him into a terrifying Joker in "The Dark Knight," for which he earned a posthumous Oscar.
John Travolta underwent five hours of extensive make up and prosthetics to complete his transformation to Edna Turnblatt in the 2007 re-make of "Hairspray."