Alyssa Milano calls for 'intellectually bankrupt' Bernie Sanders to end campaign amid the coronavirus pandemic

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Alyssa Milano is pulling no punches in calling for fellow Democrat Bernie Sanders to drop out of the 2020 presidential race

The actress and activist took to Twitter on Tuesday to bash Sander’s campaign for continuing to take donations during the coronavirus pandemic despite having "no path forward" to the nomination. 

"It is intellectually bankrupt for Bernie to pretend that not unifying the party today is advantageous to a democratic victory in November," she tweeted. "He is still taking donations from people during crisis on a campaign that has no path forward! It’s intellectually and morally bankrupt."


After commanding wins on Super Tuesday and subsequent primaries that took place prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, Joe Biden currently has a commanding lead over Sanders, who reportedly has been assessing his campaign for several weeks in addition to fundraising for coronavirus relief. However, Milano has been using her social media platform to call on Sanders to drop out of the 2020 presidential race so that the party can unify behind Biden during the global pandemic and effectively end the primary process. 

The actress’ anti-Sanders rhetoric clearly upset many of her fans and his supporters, prompting her to pen a lengthy response on Twitter to her critics about why she believes Biden is the right person to lead America at the moment.

Alyssa Milano is calling for Bernie Sanders to drop out of the 2020 presidential race amid the coronavirus pandemic. (Getty)

"Bernie supporters, a thread for you. I will continue to do what’s right for the people in this country no matter how you attack me. I’m tough. I’ve had 4 years of practice from MAGAs. I know all the tricks and you can’t silence me. I supported Bernie in 2016," she began. "In 2016, I felt Bernie was the right person for that moment in history. I still support and believe in many of the policies & ideals of the Sanders Campaign. He has always fought for what is right and just. I know this. I love this about him."


She went on to note that her goal is not to alienate Sanders supporters.

"However, at this moment, I, along with what seems like a vast majority of the American people, and 90% of the other dem candidates, feel that Biden is going to be the steady leadership that we need. He has what it takes to heal the soul of the nation and bridge the divide," she continued. "Biden is right for this heartbreaking moment in time. That’s my opinion. My right. You’re entitled to unfollow and wish me away. But, alas, I’m not going anywhere...and I hope you don’t either. We need your fight. We need your anger.  We need your passion. We need love."

She added: "I’m not your enemy. We are all fighting for the most vulnerable among us. I acknowledge that Sen. Sanders is an amazing public servent and we would be lucky to have him continue in any for of political office. I don’t believe he can unite the country because his base is toxic."

That’s when she switched gears to talk about the threat posed by the coronavirus.


"Having said that, people are dying. I don’t care if they are Trump supporters, Bernie supporters, Biden supporters or a-political. My heart aches for ALL who are struggling right now. Loss of life of this magnitude is unprecedented. Globally, millions of people are going to die," she wrote. "We have a choice here. We can continue with the divisiveness and fear of the "other," or we can use this moment to hold hands and carry each other through this tragedy. Nothing else matters. Hold your loved ones. Help when you can. May you always be safe. May you always be well."


She concluded her post by thanking those that continue to support her, even as she calls for an end to Sanders’ campaign.

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