EXCLUSIVE: Allison Mack's former victims are speaking out about the former TV star's three-year prison sentence for her involvement in NXIVM.

Mack, 38, appeared in Brooklyn federal court on Wednesday where Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis sentenced her to three years behind bars for racketeering and conspiracy charges she pleaded guilty to in 2019.

The "Smallville" alum's sentence is just a fraction of the applicable advisory guidelines range for her crimes, which was was 168 months (14 years) to 210 months (17 and a half years) behind bars. 

Former victims of Mack's and even one of her former neighbors from upstate New York delivered mixed reactions to her sentence to Fox News on Wednesday.


Allison Mack (C) arrives at Brooklyn Federal Court on June 30, 2021 in New York. She was sentenced to three years in prison for her role in NXIVM. 

Allison Mack (C) arrives at Brooklyn Federal Court on June 30, 2021 in New York. She was sentenced to three years in prison for her role in NXIVM.  (TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

A resident of Half Moon, New York who lived near the neighborhood where Mack assisted in performing a "branding" ritual on NXIVM "slaves" tells Fox News three years behind bars simply isn't enough.

"Disgusting. I can't believe it," the neighbor reacted to Fox News. "I'm shocked. I thought she'd at least get seven years. I'm upset about it."

The neighbor went on to claim that Mack's recent letter to the federal court in which she apologized for her actions was nothing but a stunt.

"She's an actress. She should get an academy award for this. She played this," the neighbor continued. "For four years this was going on under my nose in our neighborhood. What a witch."

Allison Mack was sentenced to three years in prison for her role in the NXIVM cult and its practices.  (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images)

Allison Mack was sentenced to three years in prison for her role in the NXIVM cult and its practices.  (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images)

Whistleblower Jessica Joan told Fox News that she wishes that Mack had received a longer sentence: "I feel that there isn't amount of time in her lifetime to pay back the pain, damage and devastation her actions caused."

In a statement, the actress noted that the judge was faced with "complexity" when making their decision, but that Mack's victimization at the hands of NXIVM "does not take away her responsibility and ramification for her actions. She was not operating brainlessly in this situation."

Joan claimed that Mack "gained pleasure in creating harm and destruction in her victims" and said that she was previously ingrained with "evil," but that the organization "activated and cultivated it."


Former NXIVM member Toni Natalie, who also previously dated convicted NXIVM leader Keith Raniere, said it appears Mack has received "a lot of family support" during her three years under house arrest leading up to Wednesday's sentencing.

"With that in mind, the court must feel she can be rehabilitated, which is always the goal," Natalie, the author of "The Program: Inside the Mind of Keith Raniere and the Rise and Fall of NXIVM," said in a statement to Fox News. "I pray the Judge shows the same mercy to [co-defendant] Lauren Salzman. [Lauren Salzman's] ‘family support’ most of her adult life was [co-defendant] Nancy Salzman, and Keith Raniere. Nancy deserves a long prison sentence just like her Vanguard and benefactor, Clare Bronfman. Hopefully that will be coming sooner than later."

Allison Mack is best known for her role as a young Superman’s close friend on the series 'Smallville.'

Allison Mack is best known for her role as a young Superman’s close friend on the series 'Smallville.' (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

Meanwhile, India Oxenberg, who was recruited to NXIVM's master-slave sorority known as DOS by Mack, told Fox News she's "still in a state of disbelief."

"But I trust and honor the judge’s decision. I hope that her victims, including myself, feel vindicated and safer, given that she has denounced Keith Raniere. We all need time to process and digest everything. This is a big moment for all of us," India's statement concludes.

India's mother, actress Catherine Oxenberg, said she agrees with "everything" her daughter shared.

"I do believe people deserve a second chance and Allison has shown remorse for her actions," Catherine added.

Mack's sentencing was a long time coming, as the former actress was arrested in April 2018 on federal charges for her involvement in NXIVM, led by convicted leader Keith Raniere. She pleaded guilty to racketeering and conspiracy charges in April 2019. 


Devoting herself to the self-improvement guru "was the biggest mistake and greatest regret of my life," she wrote in a letter filed with the court last week.

"I am sorry to those of you that I brought into NXIVM," she wrote. "I am sorry I ever exposed you to the nefarious and emotionally abusive schemes of a twisted man."

Actress Catherine Oxenberg (L) and daughter India shared that they were in disbelief shortly after a judge handed Allison Mack a three-year prison sentence.

Actress Catherine Oxenberg (L) and daughter India shared that they were in disbelief shortly after a judge handed Allison Mack a three-year prison sentence. (Charley Gallay/Getty Images       )

Her defense team previously argued in court papers that probation or a sentence to home confinement would be more appropriate for the actress, as did the government. In a memo last week, U.S. attorneys in the case asked the Eastern District of New York to "impose a sentence below the otherwise applicable advisory Guidelines range" due to Mack's "assistance" in the case. The government revealed that Mack was cooperative with authorities, previously providing the government with audio recordings of Raniere discussing a "branding" ritual performed on his victims whom he groomed as "slaves."


Raniere was sentenced last year to 120 years in prison for his conviction on sex-trafficking charges. Bronfman was sentenced to 81 months behind bars for her role, while Lauren Salzman has a sentencing date scheduled for next month. Lauren's mother, Nancy Salzman, has yet to receive a sentencing date.

Mack was told to surrender to prison Sept. 29.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.