Alleged Iggy Azalea sex tape could be her; may be child porn

Porn purveyor Vivid Entertainment released a press release this week stating that there was an Iggy Azalea sex tape on the market.

The rapper’s camp quickly denied the claim, saying it wasn't her.

But in a TMZ report positing that it might indeed be the rapper in the sex tape after all, Azalea’s lawyer backtracked, reportedly saying the video could be from a spurned ex, and it may have been filmed without her knowledge or consent.

That would classify it as revenge porn.

But it gets even more sordid. According to TMZ, the lawyer said if it is her, she may also be underage in the tape, which would make it child pornography.

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    Vivid’s president Steven Hirsch told FOX411 that he is “very confident that the person I saw was Iggy Azalea.”

    Dr. Charlotte Laws, an advocate for revenge porn victims, explained Azalea’s legal rights, should it indeed be her in the video.

    “If this is true, then her remedy is civil. She can sue for right to publicity and potentially win millions," Laws said. "She has the right to control the commercial use of her name and likeness."

    "On the criminal side, it largely depends on her state or country of residence. If her principal residence is in Australia, she may be in luck," Laws added. “The only two countries that have banned revenge porn thus far are Australia and Israel. She should contact law enforcement. If she resides in the U.S., it would depend on her particular state law. Fourteen states have banned nonconsensual pornography to date.”

    And according to Carrie Goldberg, a New York attorney who litigates online sexual privacy invasions, Vivid could also be in trouble if they release the video, even if Azalea is above the age of consent.

    “Vivid could also  be liable under the new criminal laws for intentionally distributing the sexual video knowing that it could cause emotional distress to Iggy," Goldberg said. "She has publicly announced to them that the filming was without her consent or knowledge. The video is the result of a crime that happened to Iggy. It’s legally and morally reprehensible for them to distribute and profit from this.”

    Azalea’s rep did not immediately respond to FOX411's request for comment.

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