Alec Baldwin's daughter says people made 'way bigger deal' out of dad's 'rude little pig' voicemail than was warranted

Alec and Ireland Baldwin in 2009. (Reuters)

In 2007, Alec Baldwin left a voice mail message for his 11-year-old daughter Ireland in which he called her "a rude, thoughtless little pig" for failing to answer her phone.

Ireland, now 16, says these days its all water under the bridge.

"I've always had a really great relationship with my dad," she tells the new issue of The Post's Page Six Magazine. "The only problem with that voicemail was that people made it out to be a way bigger deal than it was. He's said stuff like that before just because he's frustrated. For me it was like, 'OK, whatever.' I called him back, I was like, 'Sorry, Dad, I didn't have my phone.' That was it."

A big deal was made of it indeed. Baldwin was excoriated by the public, and even today, after starring on '30 Rock,' countless 'Saturday Night Live' episodes, and being kicked off a plane for playing Words With Friends, that voice mail may still be what ends up on Baldwin'stombstone. (It also cost him a year of visitation with Ireland, with whose mother, Kim Basinger, he was then going through a bitter divorce.)

But now Ireland and her dad think its pretty funny, she says.

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"We almost did something funny on YouTube, of me calling him and yelling at him," she laughs. "We were just talking about it the other week."

Ireland, who stands 6' 2", also says she's happy her father, 54, got remarried to 28-year-old yoga enthusiast Hilaria Thomas.

"Hilaria and I are really close. She's like a big sister to me, but I feel like I haven't spent enough time with her yet," Ireland said. "We have a lot more to learn about each other and we have a lot more experiences to have together. We joke around and I call her 'Mom.' But I respect her, it's not like I'm Parent Trap-ping her, setting up booby traps in her room."