Adult film legend Ron Jeremy banned from porn awards

FILE 2009: Actor Ron Jeremy attends the premiere of the movie "Finding Bliss" at the Slamdance Film Festival in Park City. (Reuters)

Porn legend Ron Jeremy, who’s facing allegations of rape and sexual assault, has been banned from this year’s AVN Adult Entertainment Expo and Awards.

AVN says he violated their code of conduct.

Jeremy told Rolling Stone, after the magazine reported on his behavior, “I have never and would never rape anyone,” but admitted he’s groped women in the context of, “I get paid to show up to these shows, events, and photo shoots and touch the people and they touch me.”

Jeremy tells us that the awards “are a lot more conservative than you would think they are. I would follow the rules, but I guess they thought I wouldn’t.”

He added, “I’m not God’s gift to women. I am not saying, ‘Step back Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, Ron Jeremy is here.’ I am old, I am chunky. [But fans] want to see it.”

Jeremy also says, “If I didn’t get permission and I just grabbed a random boob I’d have more black eyes than a panda bear. I always get permission. I’m 64, I don’t want to fight anybody.”

He’s been accused by over 12 women.

AVN Expo runs through Saturday.

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