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7 Reasons Why Lindsay Lohan Is the New Britney Spears
A few years ago, Britney was the queen of unusual behavior before an apparent breakdown. Here are a few reasons why we are seriously concerned that Lindsay is next.
- Before Spears recorded new albums and went on a world tour, she spent nearly a year doing little but shopping. These days, Lindsay seems to spend all of her time doing the same. And with reports that she is taking in less money than "Jersey Shore" star Snooki, Lohan's finances are in dire straights. Source: X17 Click here for more Lindsay photos Click here for more Britney photosread more
- Britney is known for going into a store and coming out with a completely different outfit on for no apparent reason. Lately, Lindsay has been doing the exact same thing, as seen here after an L.A. shopping trip. Source: X17 Click here for more Lindsay photos Click here for more Britney photosread more
- The enduring image of Britney's apparent breakdown was undoubtedly the star shaving her head. We sincerely hope that isn't next for Lindsay. Source: X17 Click here for more Lindsay photos Click here for more Britney photosread more
- Published3 Images
7 Reasons Why Lindsay Lohan Is the New Britney Spears
A few years ago, Britney was the queen of unusual behavior before an apparent breakdown. Here are a few reasons why we are seriously concerned that Lindsay is next.
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- 7 Reasons Why Lindsay Lohan Is the New Britney Spears
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