26 Weird and Wacky Celebrity Products

Forget fragrances and clothing collaborations, these stars are a little more creative when it comes to the loot they sell to fans. Click on to see the wildest items out of Hollywood... and get your credit card ready, because you never know when you'll need a microwavable Hulk Hogan cheeseburger, or Paris Hilton scrapbook supplies. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP/REUTERS)

Now that they're chic fashion designers, the Olsen twins would probably like to erase their Aquafresh BubbleCool toothpaste from memory.  Don't worry girls, the kiddie paste was banished to the bargain bin long ago. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (REUTERS)

In a stroke of genius, former Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman has put out A METAL DETECTOR.  Apparently the old rocker is really into archaeology, and thus, the most random celebrity item ever created exists.  The Bill Wyman Signature Metal Detector is marketed as an entry-level tool for treasure hunters. You can get one at <a href="http://www.billwymandetector.com">billwymandetector.com.</a> <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (REUTERS)

It's only natural that the director of films like "Blue Velvet" and "Mulholland Drive" would delve into the coffee industry.  Right?  Well it's pretty random, but apparently Lynch <i>loves</i> coffee. The tagline on the David Lynch Signature Cup is "It's all in the beans ... and I'm just full of beans." Get the scoop at <a href="http://ecomm.davidlynch.com/catalog/coffee.php">davidlynch.com</a>. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

Before her shoe line, hair extension line, denim line, and all her other lines, J. Simp had Dessert Treats Edible Cosmetics.  The products made wearers smell like baked goods and candy, and included, "lipglosses, whipped body cream, fragrances, sugar shimmer, hair and body mist, body frosting, shampoo and body wash." Maybe that's how she gained those extra few pounds - she was eating her cosmetics line! <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a>

Does your pastel-clad baby need an edgier look? Bon Jovi drummer Tico Torres feels your pain, which is why he created his own line of baby outfits.  Rock Star Baby pieces feature edgy graphics like skulls and gothic fonts, so your infant is sure to be the most hardcore tot in the sandbox. Shop the collection at <a href="http://rockstarbaby.com/home.html">rockstarbaby.com.</a> <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a>

The TV personality is famous for whipping up easy meals for humans, but she also provides foodstuffs for the canine crowd.  Inspired by her dog Isaboo, Ray donates proceeds from Nutrish Dog Food to Rachael's Rescue, a charity that helps at-risk animals. Find out more at <a href="http://www.rachaelray.com/pets/nutrish.php">rachaelray.com</a>! <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a>

The heiress sells all manner of crap, from hair extensions to dog dresses, but her line of craft supplies strikes us as her strangest endeavor.  The Creativity Collection features scrapbook supplies like stickers and transfers.  In case you're not sold, here's what Paris has to say about the product: “I love scrapbooking, being creative is hot!” Find the collection at <a href="http://www.pariscreativity.com/">pariscreativity.com.</a> <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

Everyone's favorite daddy's girl is the inspiration behind the Sofia Mini, canned sparkling wine from the Coppola vineyards.  According to the <a href="http://store.franciscoppolawinery.com/Store/ProductDetails/tabid/84/CategoryID/333/ProductID/36711/Default.aspx">website</a>, "When his daughter was a little girl, Francis Coppola made her a promise that he would someday make a sparkling wine and name it after her." That's one strange promise. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)  

The eternally muscular action star channeled his testosterone into a manly product: pudding.  Taking a page from Bill Cosby's book, Stallone put out a protein-infused pudding, but unfortunately for us, it's no longer on the market. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a>

The singer caught flak for rolling out Pimp Juice, with African American groups saying the drink "degrades women and glorifies a pimp lifestyle." Nelly defended "Hip-Hop's #1 Energy Drink," claiming, "Pimp Juice is color blind; you find it works on all colors, creeds and kinds; from ages 50 right down to nine." Hey that rhymes! <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP) 

The comedic superstar has turned his attention to adult beverages, putting out <a href="http://www.crystalheadvodka.com">Crystal Head vodka</a>. Though seemingly random, this stuff is moving off the shelves of liquor stores everywhere! <a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/@fox411"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

Just what race car drivers need: chocolate bars!  NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt Jr. has a line of "Big Mo" candy bars named after his hometown of Mooresville, North Carolina and group of friends, the "Dirty Mo' Posse."  Awesome? Errr... <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

The legendary guitarist launched his Carlos line of ladies' footwear in 2005, and it turned out to be a great idea. Apparently women want shoes that "reflect the same passion, artistry, and energy generated by legendary rock icon Carlos Santana's music."  You can find the shoes at department stores and online retailers like Zappos.com. Visit <a href="http://www.carlosshoes.com">here</a> for more details. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

Yung Joc is just one performer who has his own flavor of Rap Snacks, a brand reportedly owned by Lil' Romeo.  One of Romeo's chip flavors is "Bar-b-quin with my Honey."  Sounds more appetizing than Yung Joc's "Honey Dew Cheese Curls." Visit <a href="http://www.rapsnacks.com">rapsnacks.com</a> to order! <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

The supermodel has her own line of candies, which includes Heidi's Yogurt Dessert Cremes, Heidi's Yogurt Fruit Cremes, and Heidi's Fruit Flirtations. "The fun shapes have little icons that Heidi puts alongside her personal text messages to her friends." We don't know what that means, but it sounds exciting. <a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/@fox411"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

According to the <a href="http://www.lightningdrink.com/energy-drinks.html">website</a>, "Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt energy drinks are as unique as the man who created it."  Other things you should know? It's the "only energy drink made of 100% juice," and it allows you to drink the "Asian Experience." And if you doubt the "Asian Experience" can be consumed through a former action star's energy drink, you haven't tried Lightning Bolt. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry puts out Boneyard Brew hot sauce.  That's almost as good a side gig as lead singer Steven Tyler judging "American Idol." But not quite. Get Joe's hot sauce <a href="http://www.joeperry.com/shop.cfm/pk/category/ac/detail/cid/400168/prodid/400171">here</a>. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a>

Good thing it isn't made of "real Jeff Foxworthy moustache clippings." Or maybe it is. Visit <a href="http://jefffoxworthyjerky.com/">jefffoxworthyjerky.com</a> for all the information you can handle, plus another product dubbed "NASCAR Meat Snacks." <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a>

Does the actor have designs on becoming the next Paul Newman?  Paul writes on his food <a href="http://www.paulsorvinofoods.com/">website</a>:  "I am excited to be able to share my love of cooking with the world. I have been in millions of homes on television screens and films for many years, and am trusted as a father figure. I am very excited to share my recipes while offering the highest level of quality at affordable prices." <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

When you're done munching on your Hulkster Burger (topped with Joe Perry hot sauce, natch), how about washing it down with some Sofia Coppola canned wine?  And for dessert -- Dale Earnhardt Jr. chocolate! But seriously, you can get these bad boys at Wal-Mart.   <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)  

Danny's inebriated appearance on "The View" was great publicity for his Limoncello brand! Visit <a href="http://www.dannyslimoncello.com/">dannyslimoncello.com</a> for more details on the sweet drink. <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,233937,00.html">FOXNews.com: How Danny DeVito and George Clooney Got So Drunk</a> <a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/@fox411"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a>

When the former "Grease" actress gets physical, she chugs her own brand of mineral water, Koala Blue. Her line of food, including the water, wine, and chocolate, claim to capture "the unique flavours and colours of Australia."   And here we thought water was tasteless and colorless. <a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/@fox411"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)  

You'd think being an accomplished country singer, actor, and film director would be enough for Dwight, but no.  He needed a line of frozen "chicken rings" (and boot-shaped chicken patties) to complete his career. Plus, we've never heard of a chicken ring. What part of the chicken is ring-shaped? <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

The shock rocker puts out Mansinthe, his very own brand of Swiss-produced, hallucinogenic alcohol. This one makes sense. For more info, check out <a href="http://www.mansinthe.com/">mansinthe.com.</a> <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

Watch out Joe Perry, here comes Cheech! Why did the comedian do a hot sauce? "Well, they asked me," he explains, adding, "From my Mexican heritage I know a lot about chiles."  The concoction's description says the Gnarly Garlic Hot Sauce is "Up in Smoke."  We get it. Sigh. <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)

The singer has a line of Margaritaville snacks, including queso, artichoke dip, tortilla chips, and frozen meals.  <i>How much money has he made off of this one song? </i> Amazing. See more info <a href="http://www.margaritavillefoods.com/">here.</a> <a href="http://twitter.com/@fox411" target="_blank"><b>Follow FOX411.com on Twitter.</b></a> (AP)