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    10 Things We Hate About Jennifer Aniston

  • Jennifer Aniston
    1. She knows how to work the press, meaning us. She had David Letterman wrapped around her little finger following her GQ cover. And Letterman is a scary dude!
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    2. Her magazine covers get more press than famines, hurricanes, and typhoons combined. There's something very wrong about that. And we blame Jen. Charlize Theron's magazine covers don't get that kind of play. Think about it.
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    3. She's very "me me me" all the time, and obsessed with her career. Does she even have a charity? Can she even spell "charity"? Oh she's making us mad.
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    4. For someone who professes to value her privacy, she gets half naked A LOT. She shows more butt and boob cleavage than any other movie star. Hypocrisy is not sexy. Well, at least it shouldn't be sexy.
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    Rolling Stone
  • Jennifer Aniston
    5. We somehow have found ourselves liking her more these days, which in turn makes us hate her, because we had been very sure that we were on Team Brangelina. We think she's messing with us.
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    6. She's a multimillionaire actor who wins awards, and we still feel sorry for her. What is it about her that makes this possible? She has some kind of "poor me" gene.
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    7. She never changes. She looks exactly the same five years ago (in this picture) as she does now. Same hair, same body, same everything. that's not right.
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    8. She let Brad get away. Which allowed Angelina Jolie to grab him and annoy us with their child accumulating. "Brangelina" is all Jen's fault.
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    9. We always wanted Phoebe to be the break-out movie star from "Friends." And we wanted to spin-off to be about Chandler. Instead we got Jen Aniston in the movies and "Joey." Annoying.
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  • Jennifer Aniston
    10. She's in a new movie every three weeks. Doen't she ever rest like normal people? What's the rush?
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    10 Things We Hate About Jennifer Aniston

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  • 10 Things We Hate About Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston