10 Reality Show Ideas for Fergie

The Duchess of York Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson was caught on tape selling access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, for a cool $750,000. Fergie fessed up post-bust, saying she was in dire financial straits. We have noticed that celebrities often turn to reality television to repair tarnished images, and to make some quick cash. Maybe Fergie would be wise to consider such a trajectory, and make some lemonade from said lemons? Here are our Top 10 Reality Show Ideas for Fergie. (News of the World)

Fergie could bounce quarters off The Situation’s abs, and we’d pay $750,000 right now to see her sling a frozen Margarita at Snookie in a sordid barroom brawl. (MTV/REUTERS)

She has the same accent as exiting super-judge Simon Cowell. Done deal. (FOX/REUTERS)

Can’t you just see Fergie playing beer pong in her underwear and talking smack about her ex, “the Prince of Losertown,” with a guy named Tate and a girl named Stacey? (CBS/REUTERS)

Semi-celebrity Fergie has always pined for a Los Angeles lifestyle. Orange County’s close enough! (BRAVO/REUTERS)

We think Donald Trump would have a hard time telling a woman who married into the wealthiest aristocracy on the planet that she’s fired. Plus he’s probably had an eye on that Windsor Castle for some time, and she could be just the “in” he needs to turn it into Trump Windsor Castle. (NBC/REUTERS)

Anyone who can remember all of those royal etiquette rules would be a tough adversary on complicated Survivor challenges. (CBS/REUTERS)

She may have to do some sit-ups, think about breast implants and get a dye job, but it’s a small price to pay to be one of Hef’s harem. Plus room and board at the Playboy Mansion  is included! (E!/REUTERS)

With the queen of daytime abdicating her throne, a royal successor must be named. Fergie’s got the royal part already in the bag. (HEARST/REUTERS)

Enough twenty-something career gals – we want an ex-princess mother of two with relationship and money issues to pick herself a man on TV! (ABC/REUTERS)

If Paul McCartney’s one-legged ex-wife Heather Mills can do it, Fergie can too. (ABC/REUTERS)