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    10 Heroic Death Scenes

    Click through for some of the most poignant death scenes in war film history.

  • Heroic Movie Deaths
    In honor of Memorial Day, presents the most heroic deaths ever to occur on the big screen.
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  • Saving_Private_Ryan_death
    Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) utters "James... earn this. Earn it" to PFC James Ryan (Matt Damon) during his sacrificial death by German bullets. (Paramount/1998)
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  • Glory_fdsfd
    Civil war soldier Pvt. Trip (Denzel Washington) dies heroically in battle, keeping the American flag upright despite a hail of rebel bullets. (TriStar Pictures/1989)
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  • The_Bridge_on_the_River_Kwai_death
    Upon realizing his aid to the enemy, British Colonel Nicholson (Alec Guinness) exclaims "What have I done?" Mortally wounded, he falls onto a dynamite plunger, blowing up the bridge he had spent months building for the Japanese. (Columbia Pictures/1957)
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  • Platoon_death
    After reporting an unethical solider, Sgt. Elias (Willem Dafoe) is shot and then mowed down by enemy bullets in Vietnam. (Metro Goldwyn Mayer/1986)
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  • All_Quiet_on_the_Western_Front_death
    Katczinsky (Louis Wolheim) AKA Kat, is hit by shrapnel at the end of the movie. After being carried back to camp, Paul (Lew Ayres) discovers Kat is dead -- a stray splinter had pierced his head. (Universal/1930)
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  • Forrest Gump
    Forrest's (Tom Hanks) best friend Bubba (Mykelti Williamson) dies tragically in Vietnam when their platoon is attacked. Forrest is inspired to save several members of the unit. (Paramount/1994)
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  • Paths_of_Glory_death
    Innocent French soldiers Corporal Paris (Ralph Meeker), Arnaud (Joe Turkel) and Prival Ferol (Timothy Carey) are executed by firing squad in a poignant scene. (United Artists/1957)
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  • Braveheart_dhjkfsl
    Scottish rebel William Wallace (Mel Gibson) is tortured and killed for his cause. He would not cry "Mercy" as commanded, but instead yelled "FREEEEEDOOOOMMMMMM" before being beheaded (offscreen). (Paramount/1995)
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  • Pearl_Harbor_death
    Air Force pilots Rafe (Ben Affleck) and Danny (Josh Hartnett) are captured by the Japanese in this WWII flick. As Rafe is about to be shot, Danny knocks the soldiers over and is killed. (Touchstone/2001)
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  • The_Thin_Red_Line_death
    U.S. Army Private Witt (James Caviezel) acts as a decoy to attract the Japanese away from his fellow soldiers. As the enemy moves in, he raises his rifle and is killed. (20th Century Fox/1998)
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  • Published
    11 Images

    10 Heroic Death Scenes

    Click through for some of the most poignant death scenes in war film history.

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  • 10 Heroic Death Scenes
  • Heroic Movie Deaths
  • Saving_Private_Ryan_death
  • Glory_fdsfd
  • The_Bridge_on_the_River_Kwai_death
  • Platoon_death
  • All_Quiet_on_the_Western_Front_death
  • Forrest Gump
  • Paths_of_Glory_death
  • Braveheart_dhjkfsl
  • Pearl_Harbor_death
  • The_Thin_Red_Line_death