Spend more time outside when you have the right gear. (iStock)
Winter creates beautiful snow-covered landscapes that are fun to explore, but sometimes the cold can be too much for many people to enjoy the snow and ice. If you’ve got the right outdoor gear, however, spending time outside in the winter can actually be enjoyable.
If you like hiking in the winter, want to get outside more with your kids or have a job that takes you outside even in the colder months, these seven outdoor products will keep you as warm as possible.
Base layers: $39.99
Base layers are the first layer of clothing you should wear on freezing days. They can be made from wool, synthetic fibers and other warm materials to help keep you warm despite the wind, snow and rain. Smartwool offers base layers for men and women made from merino wool. You can also get Thermajohn base layer sets on Amazon, with a fleece lining that’s soft, comfortable and warm.
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Hand warmers: $10.99
Hand warmers come in handy when you’re working outside, hiking in the winter or shoveling out your driveway. You can get a 10-pack of disposable hand warmers on Amazon. They provide hours of warmth, and they can easily be inserted in your gloves or shoes to keep you warm.
There are also rechargeable hand warmers that you can use all winter long. They last for up to 20 hours on one charge, and can automatically adjust the heat setting depending on how cold it is outside.
Wool socks: $26.99
A good pair of wool socks can keep your feet nice and toasty if you plan to be outside for long periods of time. You can get three pairs of merino wool socks from Amazon that are soft and extra warm. L.L. Bean also has a three-pack of wool rag socks in different colors. They’re made to go right in the washer and dryer without shrinking, a rarity with wool socks.
Neck warmer: $99.99
Neck warmers or balaclavas can protect your neck and face from getting cold while outside in the winter. Even on freezing cold days, this heated neck warmer from Amazon will help ensure you never get cold. The battery can last an hour and a half on high, and even longer at lower temperatures.
Smartwool also has a merino wool balaclava in a variety of colors. It’s lightweight, so you won’t get itchy, but thick enough to protect you from icy winds and snow.
Lined down coat: $229
A down jacket is one of the warmest jacket options for the frigid cold. L.L. Bean has a down jacket for women that’s lined with a sherpa fleece for additional warmth. The extra-long design also adds warmth, protecting the top of your legs as well as your chest and neck.
When you want a stylish down coat, Hollister has you covered with its longline puffer parka. It has a beautiful faux fur hood lining and comes in three classy neutral colors. One of Eddie Bauer’s warmest jackets is the men’s down waterproof parka. It’s waterproof, has secure pockets and is designed to protect you in the worst winter conditions.
Trapper hat: $26.99
Trapper hats got their name from the trappers and hunters who wore them to stay warm in the winter. They’re a little more stylish than they used to be, but trapper hats are still some of the warmest hat options.
Amazon has a waterproof trapper hat with an attachable face strap that keeps your cheeks and nose warm. Eddie Bauer’s Hadlock trapper hat is also designed with warmth in mind. It’s lined with faux fur as well as ThermaFill insulation throughout for warmth.
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Heated mug: $169.95
While you’re outside, drinking a hot cup of coffee, tea or cocoa can go a long way in keeping you warm, but if your drink gets cold after a few minutes, it doesn’t do much good. That’s where a Nextmug heated mug comes in handy. After charging the mug, you can select from warm, hot or piping hot and your drink can stay hot for hours.