TECH November 14, 2023 Crazy flexible phone with a screen that can bend around your wrist Imagine a phone that can bend to your will, literally. A phone that can transform from a flat screen to a wristband, or a stand, or anything you want.
Smartphones May 28, 2023 Why Gen Zers are gobbling up flip phones and rejecting smartphones Retro tech is making a comeback. Gen-Z are letting go of smartphones for flip-phones. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains which brands have the best ones.
TECH June 22, 2021 Avoid that embarrassing moment! Hide your phone’s lock screen notifications You’re showing a friend or coworker something on your phone when a text or other notification pops up that you wish they didn’t see. Here's what to do.
Smartphones July 5, 2019 Five best smartphone buys for summer 2019 Looking for a hot summer smartphone buy? Here are five of the best.
Home Ent March 21, 2018 9 great Black Friday deals Here are our favorite gadget deals for Black Friday 2013.
Microsoft March 21, 2018 A look at every smartwatch currently in development If you’re curious about what kind of technological wonderment may adorn a wrist near you, pull up a chair and get comfy as we run through all the facts and rumors about every smartwatch in development.
Smartphones May 24, 2016 What the flip: Motorola to revive Razr? A new promotional video tips the June 9 reveal of a next-gen Razr.
Motorola May 3, 2016 Near-death experience: the uncertain future of Sony, HTC, and Motorola The rise of smartphones has been meteoric, but as demand levels off, and prices begin to fall amid commoditization, a number of manufacturers are finding themselves in a precarious situation. Three of the biggest names in trouble are Sony, HTC, and Motorola. What are they doing about it? Can they turn things around? Is there a real risk that they won’t make it?
Samsung May 3, 2016 Samsung, others seek piece of nascent smartwatch market Samsung and other tech companies showcased new computerized wristwatches this week — all aimed at challenging Apple, a relative newcomer to selling smartwatches.
Google November 5, 2015 Review: Google has potential contender in new, customizable Motorola phone In the four decades since Motorola first showed off a prototype of the world's first cellphone, the company has watched Apple, Samsung and other innovators surpass it in sales.