LIFESTYLE Meet the American who reported the first sensational UFO encounters, Puritan leader John Winthrop
LIFESTYLE Meet the American who conjured up 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow': Washington Irving, first US celebrity author
LIFESTYLE Meet the American who made us flip for hamburgers, Louis Lassen, Danish immigrant street-wagon cook
LIFESTYLE Meet the American who first planted apples in the colonies: William Blaxton, eccentric settler
LIFESTYLE October 18 Meet the American who invented the hard hat, a proud symbol of our nation's working class Edward W. Bullard invented the hard hat in 1919, then patented it in 1929. It's credited with saving lives on job sites while also becoming a symbol of working-class America.
LIFESTYLE October 11 Meet the American who conjured up 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow': Washington Irving, first US celebrity author Washington Irving was born in New York City in 1783, just 18 months after his namesake George Washington led America to independence with victory over the British at Yorktown.
LIFESTYLE October 4 Meet the American who defined a new national identity, Noah Webster, New England patriot armed with the pen Noah Webster was the patriot armed with a pen. He defined 12,000 new words in the wake of the American Revolution, using language to establish a new national identity.
LIFESTYLE September 27 Meet the American who reported the first sensational UFO encounters, Puritan leader John Winthrop Meet the American who shared sensational accounts of UFO encounters. John Winthrop was the leader of the Massachusetts Bay Colony — his journal of colonial life is essential to American history.
LIFESTYLE September 20 Meet the American who was the first paid professional football player: Pudge Heffelfinger Gridiron goliath and Yale star Pudge Heffelfinger was later paid $500 to play for the Allegheny Athletic Association in 1892, becoming the first professional football player.
LIFESTYLE September 13 Meet the American who first planted apples in the colonies: William Blaxton, eccentric settler William Blaxton, an eccentric loner and Anglican minister, settled Boston before the Puritans and Rhode Island before Roger Williams — and planted the first apple orchards in America.
LIFESTYLE September 6 Meet the American who invented the shopping cart, Sylvan Goldman, Oklahoma supermarket mogul Meet Sylvan Goldman, an American born to immigrant parents in Oklahoma. As a businessman, his brilliantly simple invention, the shopping cart, changed consumer culture.
LIFESTYLE August 30 Meet the American who inspired American Legion Baseball, John Griffith, WWI vet and sports pioneer John L. Griffith was an early 20th-century college sports administrator whose call to action inspired the creation of American Legion Baseball in 1925.
LIFESTYLE August 23 Meet the American who invented the folding beach chair, Fredric Arnold, WWII hero, innovator, artist, actor Artist and World War II combat pilot Fredric Arnold famously invented the collapsible beach chair, but his most important work was a monumental tribute to American war heroes.
LIFESTYLE August 16 Meet the American who launched modern submarines, John Philip Holland, 'brilliant' self-taught engineer Meet the American who is "the father of the modern submarine." The first U.S. and British submarines, the USS Holland and HMS Holland, were the designs of John Philip Holland.