
An unbreakable Brit is fine after being hit head-on by a bus in the English city of Reading.

Simon Smith was strolling down the sidewalk in the center of town when an out of control double-decker bus came speeding around a curve, crossed the road and slammed into him.

Surveillance video of the incident shows the windshield of the bus breaking as it throws the 53-year-old down the sidewalk and then swerves to avoid driving over him.

Incredibly, after coming to a stop, Smith simply gets up and appears to walk into a pub.

According to The Sun, he wasn’t going for a drink, just taking shelter as he collected himself. An ambulance soon arrived on the scene and took him to a local hospital, where he was found to be largely uninjured, save for a few scrapes and bruises.

“He then got released from the hospital and I think he just went for a pint to relax,” said the owner of the Purple Turtle bar where the accident occurred.

The cause of the accident is still unknown, but an investigation is underway.