This is the unbelievable moment in which a black Audi is frozen mid air after veering off the road and colliding with a metal post on a frost covered pavement. See Masons story MNAUDI; The picture shows a freeze-frame moment which looks like it is from an action movie with the car caught in the air at a seemingly impossible angle. Beds Cambs Herts Road Policing Unit said the suspected driver was standing by his car when they arrived and blew a breath test of almost double the drink drive limit. BCH Road Policing said on Twitter: "2nd Job this morning in #Peterborough, suspected driver stood next to his car blew 72ugl roadside, driver on way to #custody for evidential readings." No-one was injured in the crash. Cambs police have been contacted for comment. (SWNS)
At least the bollards worked.
An alleged drunk driver ended up with a tipsy car when he crashed his Audi onto the top of a roadside barriers in Petersborough, U.K. on Sunday morning in snowy conditions. It appears that he hit one bollard head-on, which launched him onto the second.

The car hit one bollard that launched it onto another. (SWNS)
Police found the sedan teetering at a 45-degree angle on a single pole when they responded to the incident.
No one was injured, but the driver, 24-year-old Tomas Dabrovolskis, recorded a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit at the scene, according to police.
The Peterborough Telegraph reports that he was released on bail ahead of a court hearing at the end of April.