Tesla suspending Model 3 production for several days to address 'production bottlenecks'

Tesla's highly automated Freemont, Calif., factory. (Tesla)

Tesla is suspending production of its Model 3 sedan for four or five days this week in order to make some tweaks to increase the speed of the process..

The move comes just days after Elon Musk told CBS News that an overreliance on automation was preventing the automaker from ramping up production of its first mass-market model.

"Yes, excessive automation at Tesla was a mistake. To be precise, my mistake. Humans are underrated," Musk tweeted following the airing of the CBS report.

This is the second time the line has been stopped in 2018, but a Tesla representative said that both were pre-planned.

“These periods are used to improve automation and systematically address bottlenecks in order to increase production rates.”

Industry analyst Dave Sullivan of AutoPacific told Bloomberg News that the shutdown was unusual.

“Traditional automakers adjust bottlenecks on the fly during a launch. This is totally out of the ordinary,” Sullivan said.

Tesla reached a build rate of 2,000 Model 3s per week at the end of March, which was short of its target of 2,500. It is now aiming to hit 5,000 per week before July.

Model S and X production will continue during the pause in Model 3 output.

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