Ryder pumping up its truck fleet with innovative Halo Tire Inflator


Ryder is adopting a recently-introduced automatic tire inflating device in an effort to lower maintenance costs for its customers.

The Halo Tire Inflator, from California-based Aperia technologies, is a hub-mounted pump that uses the wheel’s rotation to power itself like a self-winding watch.


Set to a specific pressure, it keeps a tire properly inflated regardless of load and temperature, which improves tread life and a vehicle’s fuel economy.

Through the partnership, Ryder will be making the Halo standard specification on its heavy duty commercial rental fleet and offer it through a number of its products.


The deal with Ryder is exclusive among full-service leasing companies, but Aperia has found over 250 independent customers in the two years that Halo has been on sale. It also markets it with Michelin under the AutoInflate name.

Aperia estimates the Halo can save around $2,400 a year in fuel and servicing on an 18-wheel tractor trailer, and it is also compatible with many buses and straight jobs. Its customers have accumulated over a billion miles of collective use, reporting a 2.5 percent increase in fuel economy and tire life extended by 15 percent, according to the company.


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