Potato truck topples in traffic circle

A smash-up turned into a mash-up when a truck driver in England flipped his tractor trailer and spilled thousands of potatoes onto the road.

The driver was negotiating a roundabout in the city of Deal on Monday morning when he lost control at the junction with the culinary-sounding Sandwich Road.

The accident occurred at a Deal roundabout that connects with Sandwich Road. (Google Earth)

The truck and taters blocked half of the street and became the butt of potato-related jokes from locals posted on Facebook for the rest of the day.

Locals photographed the accident and joked about it on Facebook. (SWNS)

"Driver obviously had a chip on his shoulder, tried to take his jacket off whilst driving and had a mash,” read one.

"But let’s not waffle on about his misfortune anymore."

"Driver is in for a roasting."


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