Monster truck? Police find T-Rex in back of van

Police officers carrying out a routine vehicle check were stunned when they opened the back of a lorry - and found a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Road cops from Thames Valley [U.K] Police were stunned when they discovered the giant dinosaur model in the back of the box van. The scary model looked ready to pounce as its oversized head poked outwards with its orange eyes and jagged teeth.

After recovering from the shock encounter, the officer posted a picture of their discovery on social media on Friday.

PC Pilling wrote: “Now I wasn't expecting that.”

It sparked a flurry of whimsical reactions on Twitter.

Sarah Williams said: “I can imagine needing a clean pair of undies opening the back up on that lorry."

Another local added: "Bet you got the fright of your life.”

The officer in question did not explain what the lorry driver was doing with the giant model.

Thames Valley Police Roads Policing have been contacted for comment.


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