Mechanic takes last ride on favorite truck used as hearse


A mechanic who passed away at age 80 was driven to his funeral in style on the back of his favorite flatbed truck last week.

Tony Penny of London. U.K., spent decades driving and working on Foden trucks, first at a delivery company and then as an independent mechanic, SWNS reports.

The post-war FG model was his favorite and his wife Pat said he knew it like the back of his hand.


Searching for a way to give him a proper send-off, his family was amazed to find a company on the internet called Classic Foden Lorry Funerals, which runs a 1957 22-ton FG as a hearse.

The outfit was more than happy to oblige them, despite the fact that it was headquartered 150 miles away in South Wales and the FG’s top speed is just 40 mph.

"I wanted it to be a celebration of his life, we have all these weeks and months to mourn,” Pat said.


"There were lots of people from the lorry [truck] trade at the funeral and they could not believe it but said what a wonderful send off for him."

Penny’s daughter Natalie said that he “would have been looking down with a massive smile on his face, getting a ride in his beloved Foden for the last time.”


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