Hammer slams into Tesla Model 3 windshield in scary dashcam video

Tesla may be developing “armor” glass for its upcoming Cybertruck, but the windows in its current cars appear to be pretty strong.

The built-in dashcam in a Model 3 cruising down a Canadian highway recently captured the moment a hammer bounced off the road and slammed into its windshield.

In the clip posted to the Tesla Revolution YouTube page, the tool can be seen tumbling down the Queen Elizabeth Way highway in St. Catherine, before popping up and smashing, but not penetrating, the windshield.

(UPDATE: Some observers have suggested that the object is a tow hitch.)

Moments in the dashcam videos can be marked and saved by honking the horn. The car stayed under control following the impact, and no one was injured in the incident.

Last year at the unveiling of the Tesla Cybertruck concept vehicle, the pickup’s designer attempted to demonstrate its allegedly super-strong glass by throwing a metal ball at a door window, which cracked in a spectacularly embarrassing fashion. Then the designer did it again to another window with the same result.

Company CEO Elon Musk reacted, saying: “Oh, man, it didn’t go through,” adding that there was “room for improvement,” before the Cybertruck enters production in late 2021.


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