F1 driver who lost eye recalls crash terror


Crash survivor Maria de Villota was terrified when she first saw her injuries from the accident in which she lost an eye.

The Spanish driver hit a Marussia team truck while carrying out a test for the Formula One team before the British Grand Prix.

Giving her first interview since July’s crash, she said: “The first day I looked at myself in the mirror I had 140 black stitches on my face.

Read more in Spanish from Hola magazine

“They looked like they had been stitched with a boat rope – and I had lost my right eye. I was terrified.”

De Villota, who spent a month in hospital after the smash, suffers bad headaches and has lost her senses of smell and taste.

But despite needing more surgery, she insisted: “The worst is now behind.”

Read more about De Villota's recovery at The Sun