Driver who crashed at 157 mph dodges jail

(Vancouver Police)

A Vancouver man who survived a 157 mph crash into the front lawn of a suburban home will not be jailed for the incident.

The crash occurred in 2015 when Yue Hui Wang, then 18, was speeding down a two-lane street through an upscale neighborhood in his new Mercedes-Benz C63 high performance coupe, according to the Vancouver Sun.

Wang was driving a friend home when he lost control and smashed into several trees, knocking him out and injuring his passenger badly enough to require a 17 day hospital stay. The passenger told a court that he couldn’t remember the crash, but recalls Wang driving over 100 mph prior to it, while data extracted from the Mercedes’ airbag control module indicated that the impact happened at 157 mph.

Wang, a Chinese citizen with permanent Canadian residency, pled guilty to one count of criminal negligence causing bodily harm. Prosecutors were seeking a 90-day jail sentence, but his defense attorney argued that he otherwise had a clean record and the court issued a suspended sentence with two years of probation, 200 hours of community service and a three-year driving ban.