Oh, deer.

A BMW driver in Poland was lucky to escape unharmed when a herd of red deer galloped across the road leaping over and onto the car.

The action was captured on the dashcam of a vehicle following the BMW 5-Series as it slammed on the brakes in an attempt to avoid hitting the animals.

One can be seen leaping onto and over the roof, while another crash-lands on the trunk of the sedan, before taking a look toward the camera and bounding away.

The car suffered a few dents and scratches, but no major damage, while all of the deer appear to have survived the incident.

The video was shared on Facebook by the Oakland County, Mich. Sheriff’s office as a reminder that "you always have to be in control of your car and not distracted."


According to State Farm, there were approximately 1.5 million auto insurance claims involving deer strikes in the U.S. from July 2019 to July 2020.