Honda is feeling the pressure, and that’s a good thing.


The automaker’s U.S. arm has customized 10 Odyssey minivans to transport patients for COVID-10 testing in hard-hit Detroit while protecting the health of the driver and front seat passenger.


The vehicles have a polycarbonate barrier installed behind the front seats and climate control systems reprogrammed to create a pressure imbalance between the two sections of the vehicle to help reduce the chance of virus-carrying moisture droplets reaching the front seats.

This illustration of the Japanese version of the van shows the design's basic operation.

This illustration of the Japanese version of the van shows the design's basic operation. (Honda)

Honda had previously converted several vehicles in Japan in a similar manner and was contacted by the city of Detroit to see if it could do the same thing there. The company said volunteers at its Ohio R&D center were able to complete the project in less than two weeks.


Automobile production at Honda’s North American facilities has been suspended through at least May 8.