For ordinary people, daffodils pushing through the ground, the tweeting of birds and the wheezing as your allergies take hold are sure signs that winter is over. But for people who love cars and motorcycles there are other signs of spring.
- For the first time in four months you can hear the rumble of your neighbor’s Boss 302
- While out on your favorite back road in your Austin-Healey 3000 you had to dodge eight cyclists
- You woke up this morning to the lovely sweet sounds of the municipal street sweeper cleaning your road of all that tiny gravel and sand left over from winter.
- You were up all night Friday wondering if your Chevelle will start for the first time on Saturday morning, thinking, did I use enough Stabil or will I have to clean the carburetor again?
- Despite having to cut the lawn, spread fertilizer and plant the tomatoes, you can’t wait to wash and wax the ’59 Eldo.
If you’re not thinking thoughts like these, it’s probably time for you to unplug the Volt or get someone to check the tire pressure in the Prius before checking that your compost temperature probe is properly positioned.