Live Predictions

Hover over any pin to see the prediction and make one yourself.

America Predicts asks the Fox News community to make predictions about the future outcome of news and events. To save your prediction, be sure to login or create a Fox Account.

Frequently Asked Questions About America Predicts

How do I make a prediction?

Once you are logged in to your Fox Account, move the needle to whatever you think the answer will be. You can also add a comment about why you think you're right. Then choose "SUBMIT YOUR PREDICTION." We'll save your prediction and when the answer is known, you'll get to see how you did.

What if I change my mind later?

You can change your prediction at any time. Just choose YOUR DASHBOARD and then UPDATE and save any prediction you've made.

What do you do with my prediction?

In addition to saving your prediction for you to track, we also combine everyone's predictions into an "America Predicts" prediction. We do not share your prediction or everyone's combined predictions with anyone outside Fox News and our partner Cultivate Labs.

How is this different from a poll?

A poll typically asks what you want to happen: "Who do you want to win the election? Should the contestant be kicked off the show?" But America Predicts questions are always designed to ask what will happen. So even if you don't want something to happen, you should think about what will actually happen and make a prediction accordingly. Also polls don't allow you to make updates before the outcome is known. America Predicts does! Just go to YOUR DASHBOARD and you can make any updates you want.

What are Kudos?

In addition to making your own prediction, you get to see what the rest of the community is predicting too by choosing COMMUNITY PREDICTIONS. If you like someone's prediction or what they've said about their prediction, you can give them "Kudos." If someone likes your prediction, they can give you Kudos too.

What is my Accuracy Score?

Math warning: We calculate how accurate you were with your prediction using something called a Brier Score. More simply, did you predict something "probably" would happen, and then it did? That's pretty accurate and you'll earn points for that. Did you predict "no way" something would happen and then it did happen? You won't earn accuracy points for that!