This photo is said to show the aftermath of the airstrike that killed the American couple. (Facebook/Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium)
A drone strike in Syria killed a married American couple who'd pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terror group and worked to recruit new jihadis overseas and online, ISIS-linked social media accounts revealed on Saturday.
The husband and wife were identified as Abu Issa Al-Amriki and Umm Issa Al-Amrikiah. They did not reveal their birth names. The terror group frequently uses the name "Al-Amriki" to refer to Americans.
The drone strike took place in late-April, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor.

A photo said to be from the wife. (Middle East Media Research Institute)
Analysts say the wife was especially eager to make the terror group seem appealing to women. One post appeared to show her holding a suicide belt, claiming she hoped she could use it herself to kill "infidels."
Another post reportedly read, "My account is for sisters only, so unless you menstruate do not message me." Islamic law puts strict limits on socializing between men and women who aren't related.
More than 150 Americans have traveled, or have tried to travel, to Syria to join terror cells, National Counterterrorism Center director Nicholas Rasmussen said last year.
The husband and wife "were hit in their house by the airstrikes and they both attained shahadah [martyrdom]," one pro-ISIS account read.
It's unclear who carried out the drone strike. A U.S. strike in Syria killed the British terror operative known as Jihadi John in November.