
Saudi Arabia is advertising eight new openings for executioner jobs as beheadings in the country are soaring this year.

The positions, posted online Monday by Saudi Arabia’s civil service ministry, state that no special qualifications are needed. The jobs also involve performing amputations for those convicted of lesser crimes, Reuters reports.

An application form for the jobs classifies the positions as "religious functionaries" and that pay would be at the lower end of the scale.

In Saudi Arabia, drug trafficking, rape, murder, apostasy and armed robbery are all crimes punishable by death, while amputation is a common punishment for theft, according to the AFP.

A man beheaded Sunday was the 85th person this year to be executed in Saudi Arabia, compared to 88 executions in all of 2014, Human Rights Watch says.

Saudi diplomats have speculated that the uptick in executions is because more judges have been appointed, allowing a backlog of cases to be heard, Reuters reports.

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