A mysterious object was seen off the coast of a Washington state island last weekend. The military denies it was a missile launch. (Skunk Bay Weather)
A weather camera on an island in Washington state on Sunday captured a mystery object that appears to some to be a missile in ascent, Q13Fox.com reported.
The object was spotted at 3:56 a.m. over Whidbey Island, where there is a naval air station. But a spokesman from NAS Whidbey Island said there are no missile capabilities at the base.
"There's a lot of speculation around here,” Tom Mills, the spokesman, said. "But it's definitely not a missile launch."
A professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington speculated that the object looks like a missile.
“I’ve seen a lot of stuff,” Cliff Mass, the professor, said. “But nothing like this.”
There was reportedly an air ambulance helicopter in the vicinity of the northern Kitsap Peninsula that was flying at the same time the shot was taken.