
A couple who lives in San Francisco's Millennium Tower said in an interview that they are afraid the building ─ which has reportedly sunk more than one foot ─ might not be able to withstand an earthquake.

"The real issue for me is that [the sinking] hasn’t slowed down,” said Jerry Dodson, a lawyer who lives with his wife, Pat, on the 42nd floor.

"We don't know if this building's going to stand up in an earthquake," Frank Jernigan told CBS' "60 Minutes." "And so I became severely frightened of that."

A consumer group is suing the developers of San Francisco’s Millennium Tower for $200 million for damages over the building’s condition.

The Dodsons, who paid $2 million in 2009, said when they bought the unit they were under the impression that it was the best building in the city.

Dodson said her husband now checks stress gauges on a daily basis and inspects the cracks in the luxury condo’s basement, The San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The luxury condo has reportedly sunk about 17 inches since the construction that began more than a decade ago – way more than the engineers’ projection of four to six inches over the life of the building.

The building could continue sinking up to 31 inches, The San Francisco Chronicle reported.