
The Latest on the federal death penalty trial of Dylann Roof, accused of killing nine black people during a South Carolina church Bible study(all times local):

10 a.m.

A medical examiner says it took her four days to complete the autopsies of the nine people killed in a shooting last year at a Charleston church.

Dr. Erin Presnell testified Wednesday at Dylann Roof's federal death penalty trial on hate crime charges.

She opened her testimony by saying it took her four days to finish examining all the bodies after the June 17, 2015, shooting, including working through a weekend and doing three autopsies the Monday after the victims were killed at a Wednesday night Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Some family members of the victims stayed out of the courtroom as Presnell testified.

Roof stared forward at the defense table.


2:45 a.m.

Prosecutors are expected to call their final witnesses in the case against the man accused of killing nine blacks during a Bible study at a South Carolina church.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jay Richardson says he could rest his case against Dylann Roof by late Wednesday morning. As his final witness, Richardson is planning to call Polly Sheppard, a survivor of the June 2015 shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.

Before Sheppard, Richardson says a medical examiner will testify about the victims' injuries.

Roof faces 33 federal charges including hate crimes. His attorneys say Roof would be willing to plead guilty if prosecutors dropped their pursuit of the death penalty.

Attorney David Bruck says he plans to call several witnesses in Roof's defense.