
On this episode of the Branding Blowout Podcast I speak with David Nihill, founder of FunnyBiz a company that specializes in helping people be funnier in print and in front of an audience.

In a single year, David went from panicking at the thought of public speaking to performing stand-up comedy. He achieved this by learning the tricks of the trade from stand up comics. His personal experience became the basis of his recent book Do You Talk Funny? 7 Comedy Habits to Become a Better (and Funnier) Public Speaker. David believes that being funny is not just a natural talent you are born with, but a skill that can be developed. Topics include:

• How doing improv comedy can make anyone a better public speaker

• How to use humor to connect with your audience

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• The tips and tricks you can borrow from professional comedians to get a laugh

Click here to start listening to this podcast and learn how you too can make your personal brand just a bit funnier.