
A University of South Alabama student was charged with violating the school’s code of conduct after campus police caught him on campus wearing an empty gun holster, in an incident recorded on video.

D.J. Parten, a junior from Mobile, said he was stopped Wednesday, detained for more than 30 minutes and then issued a citation that required him to meet with the Dean of Students, Al.com reported Thursday. Officials said they ultimately dismissed the citation after taking a closer look at the case.

South Alabama spokesman Bob Lowry told the news outlet it all started when campus police responded to a report of a person in the Student Center who may have been carrying an "unconcealed" weapon.

“USAPD officers arrived at the location and following an on-site interview with a student wearing an empty gun holster, issued a campus judicial citation to the student,” he said.

“Upon further investigation, it has been determined that the citation should not have been issued and it has been rescinded,” Lowry said, adding that University Police were conducting an internal investigation of the matter.

Parten told the website he is acting president of the USA chapter of Students for Concealed Carry. Each spring the organization holds a nationwide empty holster protest against rules prohibiting weapons on campus.

In a seven-minute video posted on Campus Reform, a campus police officer asks Parent where the weapon is that is meant to go in the holster.

“I don’t have it,” he tells the officer, according to Al.com. “Would you like a copy of the Constitution?"