The Ward Memorial Hall at the Milwaukee Soldiers Home. (AP Photo/Journal-Sentinel, Mike De Sisti)
Homeless veterans in the Milwaukee area could soon have a new place to stay -- inside one of several historic buildings in the city's Soldiers Home District, Fox 6 reported Sunday.
The area near Miller Park was originally created to house veterans of the Civil War, historians say, adding that it was one of the last acts signed by President Abraham Lincoln before he was assassinated in 1865. The buildings were intended to give veterans a place to stay and adjust to life after war.
Now, the Department of Veterans Affairs has asked for developers to propose plans to renovate the buildings for veterans who are homeless or may soon be homeless. If approved, the department would issue long-term leases, Fox 6 adds.
The grounds in Milwaukee comprise one of three original Soldiers Homes across the country, Peter Zanghi, Vice President of the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance, said. The VA Department ultimately took over the buildings, many of which are now vacant.
Zanghi encouraged developers to "bring this full circle and get them back into the service of veterans."
Developers reportedly have until May to submit renovation proposals.