
Four Marines murdered yesterday in Tennessee by a Kuwaiti-born Muslim named Mohammed Youssuf Abdulazeez. It’s being called terrorism, but authorities do believe he acted alone. Police believe he may have been inspired by ISIS calls for violence before the end of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan (which ends today). Abdulazeez was American. A female sailor and a police officer were also injured before Abdulazeez was shot and killed.

There were several vigils last night, and we’re awaiting a news conference later today.

We’ve got Fox team coverage. John Roberts and Steve Harrigan reporting.

President Obama is meeting with Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister today. It’s the first meeting with an Arab ally since the deal with Iran over its nuclear program was announced. Saudi Arabia is not only opposed to the deal, but is worried about the spread of Iran’s influence. VP Biden spent the day yesterday on Capitol Hill trying to sell the deal to skeptical Congressional Democrats.

James Holmes was convicted on all counts related to the Aurora, Colorado movie massacre that left 12 dead and 70 wounded. He faces the death penalty.

It was a year ago today that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine killing nearly 300 people – most of them from the Netherlands. A Dutch inquiry into the disaster will be finished soon and is expected to show pro-Russian separatists are to blame.

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