A small Schnauzer snuck into his unsuspecting owner's suitcase. (iStock)
A Schnauzer took a free flight from Hong Kong to Japan after sneaking into its vacationing owner’s suitcase.
On Dec. 28, the dog’s owner, who has not been named, left Hong Kong with his family for a holiday trip in Japan, reports EJI Insight (via Hong Kong’s Apple Daily).
Upon landing in Hokkaido, the owner received a text from his mother-in-law saying the dog had gone missing. After retrieving his checked luggage the owner was shocked to find the Schnauzer alive and well in his suitcase.
The dog had somehow evaded detection through the entire seven hour trip.
The owner told authorities that he didn't notice his pet sneaking into his luggage before he had zipped it up at home.
But how did the dog avoid detection from airport scanners in both Hong Kong and Japanese customs?
Authorities still aren’t sure.
An spokesperson for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department in Hong Kong told EJI that a Japanese government official had alerted them to the incident and the dog was sent back to Hong Kong on Dec. 30.
Airlines in the U.S. have strict policies regarding animal carriage but trying to sneak an animal in checked luggage constitutes animal abuse. In March, TSA discovered a live Chihuahua had snuck into its owner's checked suitcase. The woman told authorities that the dog had secretly snuck inside on its own.