
World Cup tourists have given high marks to their World Cup experience despite high costs, according to a new survey conducted by the Datafolha Institute.

The Institute polled over 2,200 people from 60 countries. According to the poll, 83 percent of respondents believed that the month-long event was well organized, with just three percent saying the organization was poor.

Prior to the World Cup, there was concern about Brazil’s ability to accommodate over 600,000 foreign travelers and about three million domestic fans with their aging airport system, according to AFP. But 72 percent of poll takers said they had a positive experience traveling and 76 percent claimed flying around the large country to get to games.

While stadium food failed to impress—just 42 percent found options up to par—92 percent felt that venue security and comfort was optimal across six of 12 stadiums. Around the country, high safety marks were also given to tourist attractions.

Accommodations in Brazil were a big complaint, according to the survey, which just 32 percent of respondents claiming they were affordable.

The most positively rated tourist attraction in Brazil? The people.

Ninety-five percent of poll respondents said the people of host country were friendly.