Women who know Kavanaugh respond to allegations against him
65 women sign letter in support of Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh; women who knew him in high school speak out on 'The Ingraham Angle.'
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," September 17, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is "The Ingraham Angle" on a very important night here in Washington. In moments, my thoughts on Brett Kavanaugh, a man I've known for nearly three decades and we'll hear from some other women who have known him even longer.
Plus, why do some accusations matter, while others are summarily ignored. Bill Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick is here with some questions for Dianne Feinstein about her claims and how they were treated 20 years ago.
And hear exclusively later in the hour House Intel Chair Devin Nunes with his first reaction to the president's decision late this afternoon to declassify documents related to the Russia investigation. But first, 1991, all over again. That is the focus of tonight's ANGLE.
By now, most of you are familiar with the 11th hour charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Christine Blasey Ford, Palo Alto research psychologist is claiming that when she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, he made unwanted advances to her at a boozy house party. She claims that he tried to force himself upon her.
Kavanaugh released a statement today emphatically denying the charges for a second time, saying "This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes -- to her or to anyone." But the 10 Democrats on the judiciary committee were unanimous in their calls to delay Kavanaugh's scheduled Thursday vote. And some weak-kneed Republicans, no shock there, like Flake and Corker, joined those calls.
But there are holes in Ms. Ford's version of events. The 2012 notes from her psychotherapist mentioned four men involved in the assault on Ford. Now, the accuser says it was only two men. Nowhere does Kavanaugh's name appear in those notes. And both Kavanaugh and the only other witness deny that the event ever occurred.
Ford claims that she decided to come forwards at this moment out of "civic responsibility." But the timing, suffice it to say, is curious. Senator Dianne Feinstein had a letter from Ford detailing these allegations back in July. But she chose not to share it with the FBI or to raise it in 32 hours of public hearings, and of course, one hour of a private meeting with Kavanaugh, so why?
Well, this all has the whiff of a political smear masquerading as a sexual assault allegation, one that 36 years later, let's face it, cannot either be proven or disproven. It is impossible to prove a negative and questioning Ms. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh on this matter, it is unlikely to reveal anything new.
But still this afternoon, judiciary committee chairman Chuck Grassley announced that he's calling a hearing a week from today, giving both Kavanaugh and Ms. Ford an opportunity to be heard. But think about this for a moment. To furnish Democrats with another big talk for their divisive circus may actually be a mistake for Republicans.
Democrats have been salivating for another Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill like spectacle to use as leverage against Republicans in the fall and maybe get some more female voters while they're at it. Here is minority leader Chuck Schumer.
SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, D-N.Y.: I think the allegations of Professor Ford are extremely credible. She took a lie detector test. She talked to this to her therapist though, having family counseling in part because of what happened to her five years ago and told all the details.
And third, to come out and say something like this puts you and your family through incredible scrutiny, people throw brick bats at you and everything else. She didn't do it on a whim. I don't think she did it for political reasons so she has a great deal of credibility.
INGRAHAM: No one knows anything about this yet apparently. She hasn't testified, but Chuck Schumer is supremely confident. But the very idea that Schumer or anyone else who is going to be able to get to the bottom of a 36-year-old allegation is ludicrous. And Chuck, as you know, lie detectors aren't admissible in court for a reason.
Lindsey Graham made a point by the way earlier today. He said, "It is a little odd that she even decided to take a lie detector test, but she wanted to remain anonymous." Well the fact is, there is no way to ensure that Brett Kavanaugh will receive due process here because allegations such as this, they should have been examined in any of the six FBI background checks that Kavanaugh underwent.
But instead, this was dropped less than a week before his committee vote. And as such, a lot of reasonable people can conclude that this is all part of a political hit job, a well-orchestrated, elinskiite maneuver timed to cause maximum damage to Kavanaugh, to President Trump and the midterms for the Republicans.
Put maximum political pressure on the Republicans especially when you have people like Corker and Flake. They are not running for re-election, what are they supposed to do?
Anita Hill this weekend dropped a statement designed to insulate the accuser from any criticism, frankly, any meaningful questioning. And box in any male Republican questioning Ford in an open forum. She wrote the following, "Given the seriousness of these allegations, the government needs to find a fair and neutral way for complaints to be investigated. I've seen firsthand what happens when such a process is weaponized against an accuser and no one should have to endure that again."
Christine Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, echoed Anita Hill's thoughts and claims that her client is willing to appear before the judiciary committee.
DEBRA KATZ, ATTORNEY FOR CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD: She's willing to cooperate. What she is not willing to do is to be part of this bloodletting that happens in Washington. We only need to look at the Anita Hill hearings to know what that's going to look like and that is not a fair way to get at the truth.
INGRAHAM: Think about this, fair? What is a fair way? So, anyone has the freedom, a male or a female, has freedom to drop damaging allegations just days before a confirmation vote, when someone has been in public service for years and years and years, undergoing six background checks. And then outside the normal procedures, they can drop a letter anonymously, have it leak out a few weeks later and they don't get any criticism?
You can't examine motives. You can't examine maybe holes in the allegations. You can't examine any political affiliations. This is insanity. This does a disservice to the Senate, it does a disservice to the process and it does a disservice to Brett Kavanaugh, given everything he's given to this country in public service.
And Republicans who buckle to this type of smear and the type of frankly intimidation game, they don't deserve to be in the Senate for another minute. Any Senator who would allow this to happen to a nominee of Kavanaugh's experience, and integrity, should look at his or her own.
I've had the great privilege of knowing Kavanaugh for 25 years. I've known him socially and in professional circles. And I've known a lot of people in this town, both parties, but few, I can probably count them on two hands, with his character, his intellect and his professionalism. I don't say this because he is someone I support for the court, I say this because I know him.
And if this can happen to him, I tremble for this country and this process and for any man or woman, who find themselves up for a big job, who didn't spend his or her teenage years in a convent or a monastery. And that is "The Angle."
Joining us now with reaction are Suzanne Matan and Julie Devol both longtime friends of Judge Kavanaugh. They also signed the letter of support vouching for Kavanaugh's character last week after the accusation against him first surfaced. We're also joined by Jen Mascott, a former law clerk for the judge and also, we share having clerked for Justice Thomas. Great to see you.
Everyone, thanks for being here tonight, I know all of you are busy. You have a lot of stuff to do. Suzanne, let's start with you. Tell us how you knew -- we all know him as Brett, but tell us how you knew him.
SUZANNE MATAN, SUPPORTING BRETT KAVANAUGH: I met Brett sophomore year in high school, when I attended a private school. We became fast friends from the beginning. We remained friends throughout high school. We were occasional pen pals throughout college. We have daughters that were born a day apart and went on to be on the same lacrosse team, spent many hours on the sidelines talking about old times and getting to know his wife Ashley.
INGRAHAM: And when you heard this allegation last week, you all ran around the same circles, anything, when you look back knowing him in high school, anything just sticking (inaudible) this could have been Brett or immediately discounted?
MATAN: I immediately discounted it. He's bright. He's honest. He's kind. And he's respectable and so the allegation is something that is completely opposite of the Brett that I knew then and the Brett that I know now.
INGRAHAM: And Julie, you guys are old friends. I know both of you from Washington circles so, I've known him not as long as you have, but today on "Politico" or maybe it was on MSNBC, they started saying, well, the women who had signed the letter, they only could get two of them to still say they were supporting Kavanaugh. Is that accurate? You know a lot of these young -- you are young women -- young women who signed this letter, you know them. Is that true?
JULIE DEVOL, SUPPORTING BRETT KAVANAUGH: Not at all. Sixty-five o us all are on the same page. Every one of us is in agreement, we just -- there is some people calling everybody and making them nervous and so they've chosen not to come on to TV shows or to use their name, but every one of us still stands by what we said in the letter.
INGRAHAM: So that was complete disinformation, you know, people call it fake news. And why did you guys decide to come here tonight. You are both really busy, mothers, professionally, but you decided you weren't going to sit by on the sidelines, why?
DEVOL: No, I felt strongly that he's got great morals, great character and I've known him since 1980. This is not his personality. This is not anything that he would ever do. I mean, we used to talk on the phone every night during the weekday, he helped me with my homework. I mean, I used the right person to help me with my homework.
INGRAHAM: You picked the right one. I always had friends -- I always had my friends were always the smarter ones, too. I want to play -- this a moment on MSNBC today. Jen, you worked as a law clerk for him both on the D.C. Circuit where he has had an exemplary career. And then you clerked for Justice Thomas, so you know, this harkens back on my angle to what happened to him, which was so blatantly unfair. This is a moment on MSNBC today with this woman, Symone Sanders -- CNN, excuse me. Let's watch.
JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: In a lot of this MeToo cases, Harvey Weinstein, who have fallen because of their disgusting past behavior. And almost all of them, it's a pattern. You see more than one. What if nobody else comes forward, does that change things for you at all?
SYMONE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: No, I still think that Dr. Ford, she has credibly come forward in my opinion. I hope if there is any other women out there they do come forward. These women are probably some of the most powerful people on the planet right now.
INGRAHAM: Jen, I mean, your reaction to that? Apparently there is no pattern ever needs to be established, it could just be one person saying one thing, 36 years ago.
JEN MASCOTT, FORMER LAW CLERK FOR KAVANAUGH: See Laura, I clerked for Judge Kavanaugh his first year on the D.C. Circuit so I have known him and his family for 12 years. And I have to tell you, utmost integrity, character, always -- he's been a career-long mentor to me. You saw throughout the confirmation process, he said women of all walks of life, from all sides of ideological spectrum, come forward and attest to his character, his integrity. He has mentored scores of women as students and law clerks.
INGRAHAM: But they are actually saying that he did that -- there was someone last week, forgive me for not remembering who it was, someone on one of the major shows was saying, oh, now we know why he touted the fact that he coached a girl's basketball game and because he hired all these women clerks, because he thought that an allegation from high school was going to dog him. I kid you not, that is what they said.
MASCOTT: So Judge Kavanaugh has got an impeccable record and, you know, he's hired women law clerks over the entire 12 years.
INGRAHAM: But there was pretext according to some of these people.
MASCOTT: Well, not a lifetime pretext. I mean, as you know, we've seen people from all walks of life. He has unimpeachable record. He has had a clear record, you know, people from back in his school days attest to his character. I've seen him in every case that he's considered during my time clerking for him and years he's mentored me since then. I deeply admire him and respect him and he would be excellent Supreme Court justice.
INGRAHAM: How hard do you want him to fight to get this seat? There is going to be a fight.
MASCOTT: So, he has categorically denied the allegations and I think it is really important for people to listen to him and for him to stand strong in the truth that he knows and defend his character, yes.
INGRAHAM: Suzanne, when I think about -- I have two sons, age 8 and 10, OK. I think about even young women who are up for a big job or a big promotion and none of us knows what happened. I mean, you guys went to, how many parties do you guys go to? I mean, I went to a lot of parties in high school. A lot of parties, right?
I don't remember, you know, -- yes I was at someone's house, but the idea that something that happens in high school, 36 years later, can derail a job when you have no pattern. Listen what Jen just said. I've talked to, I don't know, 13 or 14 just recently of his former clerks and when you know - - when someone is a creep, you know it.
We all knew people who were creepy. I mean, we all met people. Did he ever have any -- a girlfriend or who said, ugh, not a good guy? I mean, anyone like that? Because we know people who are creepy and I've never heard anything like that about him, ever.
MATAN: No. People talk about the speed at which we got the women together for this letter, it is because we were tight-knit community. We talk often. And when we wanted to rally for his character, we did. And if there had been even like the slightest, like you said, inkling of something to the contrary, we would --
INGRAHAM: Someone would have heard it. And Julie, any thoughts from any of your friends or any people that you know who know the accuser, anything about motivation on this? Anything?
DEVOL: I can't talk about it.
INGRAHAM: No. She kind of moved -- she moved out of town and, you know, people don't seem to know anything. It's just -- it's an oddest, oddest thing, but you guys want him to fight on, correct?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Absolutely. And we area 100 percent behind him.
INGRAHAM: OK. Well guys, thank you so much for your insight into his character and the person he is. An again, we thank you and I know our viewers thank you for coming out. And don't let anyone intimidate you from having your truth because I think that is what they want to do. Ladies, thank you so much.
And my next guest says how the Senate handles this particular charge is profoundly important to the dignity of the institution itself. We're happy to welcome back to the show Judge Ken Starr, author of the new book, "Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation." Judge, you were on the radio with me this morning and now tonight on the show.
And things have changed a lot from 9:30 this morning when you and I talked about this. The Senate has now scheduled another hearing for a week from today, this morning you did not think that was a great idea to delay his confirmation hearing. Anything change in the intervening hours?
KEN STARR, FORMER SOLICIOR GENERAL: No, I think the thing that is changing is there is this huge outpouring and thank you for having these friends of Brett Kavanaugh on, who have known him for even longer, Laura, than you and I have known him. I've known him since 1994.
I likewise can attest that in my interactions with him over the years, including as his supervisor, not once did I see any evidence of this kind of character. Moreover, never was it reported in fact to the contrary. The outpouring that we are seeing now and I know there is a lot of noise, sort of on the other side, but that is politically inspired noise.
The people who know Brett Kavanaugh are saying to a person, he is a person of complete integrity and strong character and you're so right in your comment that the character will come out, someone cannot year after year at Yale College, at the Yale Law School and various courtships and then three decades of professional life here in Washington, D.C., be a neighbor and yet be this kind of person who now is being described as a predator. This is just absolutely appalling.
INGRAHAM: No, it's reprehensible.
STARR: I wish the senate had stood firm. I understand due process but the process at the Senate and this is what I said, that the process broke down terribly when Dianne Feinstein allowed then this process to remain what it is. I don't need to rehearse the facts for this to be enshrouded in secrecy and then dropped like neutron bomb.
INGRAHAM: Yes. But Judge, this was, I mean, I'm going to say you're very judicious. You are still (inaudible) --
STARR: Thank you.
INGRAHAM: I'm going to say it the way it is because I'm more cynical than you are because I've been here for too long. I got to move somewhere else. This is all orchestrated. The idea that this is like some, oh, it just came out and I took lie detector in August, why did you take a lie detector in August?
Why would you do that if you wanted to be anonymous? It makes no sense. But I got to play something because I'm dying to get your opinion it. Tubin (ph) and Turley, two legal minds who are out there today, differing views on whether you could ever even get to the bottom of this factual situation 36 years ago. Let's watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is unlikely that we will be able to conclusively show that someone is lying and someone telling the truth. It will be left to a credibility judgment.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is other evidence out there in the world that we need to hear. Why was she in a bathing suit? Was this a house with a pool? I mean, these are all facts that can be determined --
INGRAHAM: That narrows it down, the house with a pool and Chevy Chase. OK Judge, not many houses there. Which side do you come down on that? Factual determination impossible, so it is just the theater and the spectacle of it, which will build all week long.
STARR: Exactly. It's going to be drama and I think this again is very unfortunate for the country, for our culture and our values. It's obviously unfair to the Senate itself. This is a self-inflicted wound, as I see it, by the Senate, just counting and seeing this 11th hour process that Diane Feinstein is totally responsible for.
I'm not going to attack the person who is making these accusations, but I am going to say the Senate should be acting much more judiciously than it is. And it is. It is going to be I'm afraid a free-for-all circus and that is unfortunate, it is unfair to Brett Kavanaugh's family. It is also unfair to the Supreme Court of the United States because when he's confirmed, then he nonetheless carries this memory with him.
INGRAHAM: Ye. This is about Roe versus Wade. I'm sorry, it's about Roe versus Wade, that's what it's all about in the end. All right Judge, thank you so much. And still ahead, why do some accusations matter while others are ignored. Bill Clinton accuser Juanita Broadderick is here and she has some questions for Senator Feinstein.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: He's an outstanding intellect, an outstanding judge, respected by everybody, never had even a little blemish on his record. The FBI has, I think, gone through a process six times with him over the years. At the same time we want to go through a process. We want to make sure everything is perfect, everything is just right.
I wish the Democrats could have done this a lot sooner because they had this information for many months and they shouldn't have waited until literally the last days.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Should it be delayed?
TRUMP: I don't know. It depends on the process, if it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And offer to withdraw?
TRUMP: Next question, what a ridiculous question.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think his confirmation is on track?
TRUMP: I think he's on track, yes. I mean, I think he is very much on track.
INGRAHAM: And that was President Trump earlier today commenting on the Kavanaugh accusations of course, and signaling that he is willing to give Democrats time but expects a nomination to proceed. Joining us now on the phone is Kim Strassel, columnist at "Wall Street Journal" and Chris Hahn is a radio host and former aide to Chuck Schumer.
Chris, I want to go to you first on this because there is something just wild about an allegation that can be raised less than a week before a confirmation vote that has been in the possession of Dianne Feinstein since July, I guess early July. She held on to it. The accuser for some reason took a lie detector test.
Lindsey Graham raised a question about that earlier today, just curious. And then right before the vote, they dropped this thing, I was 15, he was 17. Do you have any reservations as a man -- I don't know if you have sons or not, but of this happening, stuff that happens in high school right before a big promotion or a big job?
CHRIS HAHN, RADIO HOST: You know, I have daughters. Look, I don't like unfounded reservations, but -- unfounded accusations, but look, we're in a situation where a person is being elevated to highest court in the land. He will never seek election. He will never be confirmed by the voters and he will never have to stand before Congress again. The highest level of scrutiny needs to be applied in this situation and Kavanaugh is receiving that scrutiny and it is fought with peril.
The president's comments were as disciplined as I've ever heard the president be, because the White House knows that this confirmation is in jeopardy and I think that Monday's hearing is a huge risk for both Kavanaugh and the White House and Senate Republicans. If they try to do what they did to Anita Hill, they will lose more seats than they could possibly think of in November. So there is a good chance --
INGRAHAM: So, do you think someone -- let me just get this straight. This whole Anita Hill thing is ridiculous. Well, I clerked for Justice Thomas, full disclosure, I've known him for 35 years, OK. I've known him for longer than I've known Kavanaugh.
So you are saying someone should be able to make an allegation, where no pattern of such behavior is established, someone has been in public life for decades and that person should be able to lob these allegations without questions about motivation, political ties, credibility or other contemporaneous comments to others when the act occurred? None of that can be pursued because that is neat position to be in.
HAHN: No, no. I do think all of that should be pursued. I think the FBI should be investigating this claim.
HAHN: And they should find out what is truth and what is not truth. And maybe Monday is too quick to have a hearing for the FBI to do that. I think everything you just said should be looked into because I don't believe you should be able to just baselessly throw a political accusation out there --
INGRAHAM: But when it happens to a family member --
HAHN: -- but if there is proof to the foundation, this man is going to sit on the Supreme Court probably for 30 years.
INGRAHAM: Well, that gets to the rub of it, and Kim, I know you are on the phone, but I want you to listen to something. This was Angela Rye, a Democratic commentator today on CNN, which I think speaks to some of the perhaps political implication of all of this and what might be really going on here. Let's listen.
ANGELA RYE, CNN COMMENTATOR: We need to remember what will be before Brett Kavanaugh if he were nominated to the Supreme Court, women's choice, equal pay, workers rights. And if he has a pattern and practice of demonstrating that he cannot ever side with women or that women are beneath him, I think that this is another piece of this.
INGRAHAM: Kim, there is a pattern and practice of Judge Kavanaugh doing the exact opposite, elevating women, more than half of his law clerks have been women. Of course his work at the White House. His work as a young lawyer. I've known him socially and professionally for more than two decades, almost three, and just an exemplary person and among women. Your reaction to that?
KIM STRASSEL, COLUMNIST, WALL STREET JOURNAL: Yes, correct. This is the problem with the argument that oh, you should go out and find the truth. As you have been saying on the show, there is no way to verify this in part, because the accuser herself can't recollect key details.
And I think what is really important here is we can have this hearing, you could have the FBI look into it, I think that is a terrible idea. But it is still going to be he said/she said in the end and what defines part of this is that what she's doing is very different from other allegations that has happened as part of this MeToo thing and people need to bear that in mind.
You know, for starters, she can't provide details of even the year of when it happened, which denies Judge Kavanaugh the ability to perhaps prove he was someone else. She told nobody about it contemporaneously and so there is no one to actually in fact verify this. And there is just lot of that that makes all of this a very, very difficult accusation to just hold on and face and say, well, we obviously have to pay more attention to it than a lifetime of service and everything else that he has demonstrated.
That's one other thing. People we know, by the way -- no, people that accused of this and have admitted to some of this, Harvey Weinstein, they have a pattern of such behavior. You don't do something like this one time in your life and there is nothing to suggest that this judge (inaudible).
HAHN: And I agree. You look for patterns in things like this, and so far we haven't seen anything like that from Judge Kavanaugh. But this is not a court of law. This is a court of public opinion, and it's really a court of opinion about two or three senators on the right who may defect in this nomination and have been looking for a reason to defect, and this might just be that reason. So there needs to be full vetting of what happened, and there's going to be. And since they decided to have a hearing, they should really investigate what happened and may even delay this hearing until they figure that out.
INGRAHAM: Well, the Democrats want to delay it and delay it and delay it because the more they think they can drag it out, the more political traction they think they get with this because it becomes a battering ram in the midterm elections. The idea that this was -- everybody is acting benevolently and all the Democrats, they just want to get to the truth. If they wanted to get to the truth, the most senior member of that communications for the Democrats, Dianne Feinstein, a senior woman of the committee, would have pursued this aggressively, and Brett Kavanaugh could have testified in those three days of raucous hearing about that and his views on substantive due process. But they didn't do that? Why did she not do that? Does that bother you, Chris, because it bothers the hell out of me?
HAHN: It does trouble me that this wasn't pursued immediately, I'll admit to that. but I think perhaps that is why she took the lie detector test. Perhaps she was not believed fully by Senator Feinstein and her staff when this came forward and they needed that proof from the lie detector to move it forward. And that just happened in August, which is not too long ago. So here we are, we're at this point, there's going to be a hearing. And frankly it's dangerous for Republicans to even have this hearing because very possible --
INGRAHAM: So its damned if they do -- you think they should pull the nomination? You are basically saying you have to pull the nomination. It is ridiculous.
HAHN: If I was advising -- if I was advising the president, I would try to get to the truth of this from the nominee. If I wasn't fully satisfied, I would pull the nomination.
STRASSEL: I disagree, this is not dangerous for Republicans. I wish they were not holding this hearing, because, by the way, this allegation is too old, too unsubstantiated, and too procedurally flawed --
INGRAHAM: I guess everybody in high school, in high school, what did you do? I'm sorry, but at 17 years old, you are not accused of a crime. There was no contemporaneous reporting of this, apparently. Maybe someone else will come out of the woodwork. I don't know. But my goodness, I find this to be just insane, and I don't know why anyone, frankly, lives in Washington after this. Guys, thank you so much.
Straight ahead, Juanita Broaddrick, who of course accused Bill Clinton of raping her, is calling Democrats' hypocrisy over the Brett Kavanaugh allegations. She joins us to sound off next.
INGRAHAM: Christine Blasey Ford has made a serious allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, and as we said earlier, the accusation should be investigated. Democrats, though, are happy to oblige if they don't drown in their own hypocrisy first. FOX News chief national correspondent Ed Henry joins us to explain. Ed?
ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Laura, great to see you. Dr. Ford as well as Judge Kavanaugh have been invited to testify in public next Monday by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The White House saying Kavanaugh will testify tomorrow if they want because he's so eager to clear his name.
Remember, Democrat Dianne Feinstein, as you just mentioned, has known about an anonymous allegation along these lines since July, had not said anything until late last week, something President Trump noted today in comments at the White House, telling reporters that the senator should have had the courage to confront Kavanaugh face-to-face.
Philip Wegmann writing today in The Washington Examiner that Feinstein as well as leading Democrats, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, and Patty Murray were all in Congress when charges of rape were leveled against then president Bill Clinton. Wegmann writing, quote, "Juanita Broaddrick accused then president Bill Clinton of raping her, Clinton was not a teenager at the time, in his hotel during his first gubernatorial race in Arkansas in 1978. The Senate was in middle of an impeachment trial in 1999. Not one of those Democrats called for an investigation into the Broaddrick accusations."
So when Durbin tweeted this over the weekend, "If the Me Too movement has taught us anything, it's that we must respect and listen to the survivors of sexual assault regardless of the age of those involved or when the alleged attack took place." Broaddrick was not buying it, responding on Twitter, quote, "Well, Dick, do I have a story for you. Once upon a time Bill Clinton raped me. You voted not guilty on both counts in Clinton's impeachment. You didn't give a damn back then. You, Dickie Durbin, are a complete fraud."
Here is what Broaddrick has said previously about a confrontation she had with Hillary Clinton. Listen.
JUANITA BROADDRICK, ACCUSED BILL CLINTON OF RAPE: She came over to me, took a hold of me, and said I've heard so much about you, and I've been dying to meet you, or been wanting to meet you. I can't, just paraphrasing now. And she said, I just want you to know how much that Bill and I appreciate what you do for him. And she held on to my hand and she said, do you understand, everything that you do. I mean, cold chills went up my spine. That's the first time I became afraid of that woman.
HENRY: Democrats, the shoe may be on the other foot now for Kavanaugh. Remember, during the Clinton administration, he was working on independent counsel Ken Starr's team and was pushing for as much transparency as possible about Bill Clinton's personal life, though it's important to note that rather than running from this accusation now, Kavanaugh has gone on the record to deny it and said he's willing to testify as soon as possible, Laura.
INGRAHAM: All right, thanks so much, Ed.
And as Ed highlighted, Democrats saying a different tune when multiple allegations of misconduct were raised about Bill Clinton. Joining us with more is Juanita Broaddrick, who famously accused the former president of raping her. Juanita, I know when you watched this unfold today with the sanctimonious comments from everyone from Chuck Schumer, of course to Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, what ran through your mind?
JUANITA BROADDRICK, ACCUSED BILL CLINTON OF RAPE: Oh, it makes me go back to 1999, when Dianne Feinstein, along with every other Democrat, refused to read my deposition to the independent counsel. They would have nothing to do with it. That shows you the difference in the double standard that existed back then and still does today. I think it's -- I think this is astonishing that they can do this to Mr. Kavanaugh.
INGRAHAM: Well, if your allegations should have been taken more seriously, why shouldn't this woman's allegations be taken seriously, as well? I mean, the process notwithstanding, should her word not be respect? Just because yours wasn't respected years ago, why not respect her word and at least give her a chance to be heard?
BROADDRICK: Oh, I think she should be heard, but I still have so many reservations about her comments. I can't imagine a young girl going through what Ms. Ford said she went through and not tell anyone. You know, what I went through was horrific, and of course the lady that found me was the first one that I told. But I told four other people. That's just something I can't imagine that you can keep to yourself and not share with one of your closest friends.
INGRAHAM: A lot of people have been victims of sexual abuse, or serious harassment, say every story is different. There were a number of women who called in to my radio show today, Juanita, who had actually been victims of rape and other sexual assaults. This is montage of what some of them said.
KIRSTY IN FLORIDA: When I was 19, I was sexually abused. I know I've never forgotten the situation, and I cannot believe that this woman suddenly remembered now.
SHERRY IN KANSAS: I was raped 40 years ago, and I'm absolutely furious. And I know that this is a last-minute ploy again, by the left.
CINDY IN VIRGINIA: Having background myself of being a rape victim, you do not go about this the way this is coming out. This is for attention. And that does a horrible service to people that have actually had everything taken from them. I used to be Democrat. I will never vote Democratic again.
INGRAHAM: Juanita, quick response.
BROADDRICK: Oh, yes, it's -- I still just can't imagine it. People say, why didn't you go to the police, Juanita? Why didn't you do something? Bill Clinton was the police. I had no one to go to. It's like when Schneiderman's victims came forward and said, when he was attorney general of New York, what do you do when your sexual abuser is the highest law enforcement officer in your state? What do you do?
INGRAHAM: Well, something that happens in high school is very, very difficult to get to the bottom of 36 years later, and obviously she's not accusing Brett Kavanaugh of raping her, but she said -- apparently she said she was concerned that might happen if someone wasn't in the room. But again, he said/she said is very difficult, no pattern of such behavior. Juanita Broaddrick, thank you for joining us tonight. We really appreciate it.
And President Trump is ordering the declassification of key documents from the Russia probe. Will it turn the whole investigation on its head? House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes joins us with his exclusive reaction next.
INGRAHAM: President Trump taking a bold step in the Russia investigation, ordering the declassification of the Carter Page FISA warrant and other critical documents in the probe. Joining us now exclusively with more is Republican Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intel Committee, who says the Democrats should be frightened about these documents declassification release.
Congressman Nunes, couple things viewers need to understand tonight. The documents are going to be released are regarding the Carter Page 2017 FISA application and the Bruce Ohr, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr written reports about the FISA application, correct?
REP. DEVIN NUNES, R-CALIF.: Yes, so it will be the 20 pages of the last FISA that was approved on Carter Page, which will have basically everything that was in it from number one, two, three, and four, of what we think the American people need to understand that this is actually the insurance policy that was talked about in the Strzok-Page check. So a lot of people think the insurance policy was getting the FISA warrant on Carter Page. We actually believe it was more explicit than that. We believe it was actually the insurance policy was specifically what they did that still is redacted that the president has said he is going to declassify, has ordered declassified.
There are about a dozen Bruce Ohr 302s. Those are significant not just because of the Carter Page FISA but also because it shows the interaction between Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, and many other rotten apples within the FBI that were up to no good.
Finally, there is exculpatory information that the president has ordered declassified that needs to happen. And then additionally, I think everybody knows there are text messages between the top leaders at the FBI at the time that the president ordered declassified. This is going to be a great day for the American people.
INGRAHAM: OK, so are you concerned that there will be a great lag in time, congressman, with the DNI, director of national intelligence has to review this first, correct? And then they will be released, no question about it?
NUNES: Well, no, the president of the United States was clear in a statement he put out today. So 20 pages with no redactions. So that is simply going to Department of Justice, making 20 copies, and sending it out to the press. It's very, very simple.
The only thing that could take a little bit of time would be the interviews that are in conjunction with the FISA, Carter Page FISA. That could be a little problematic. But I would think if the leader of the free world, the president of the United States, who has had to deal with this Russia nonsense for this long, if he orders it done, this shouldn't take more than a few days. But we're ready for it to take more than a few days because we're used to it.
INGRAHAM: Adam Schiff today, of course, the ranking member of House Intel, said "President Trump in a clear abuse of power has decided to intervene in a pending law enforcement investigation by ordering selective release of materials he believes are helpful to his defense team, and he will advance a false narrative," already attempting to set in stone what the documents say, congressman. To me, it looks very defensive on the part of Adam Schiff. Why so defensive? OK, it was the president's decision, and wouldn't the American people like to see this after all this time?
NUNES: Well, the mainstream media is also buying the Kool-Aid that this is going to endanger national security. I don't know how many times they're going to run that play call, but it's laughable that they are saying this is going to somehow endanger national security. You've heard me say this. This is really full transparency for the American people. This will be all the information really that I think the American people will need to see because for two years we've been force feeding this Russia Kool-Aid to the American people, so much so that you have the media involved in it, the mainstream media. The poor American people, I feel bad for some of these people who are part of this resistance movement who actually believe that the president is under control by the Russians and Republican in Congress are controlled by Russians. This is crazy talk, Laura.
INGRAHAM: Didn't Lisa Page, in one of the text messages, though, didn't she basically say they had no indication of Russian collusion? In 2016, they had to basically find something, or they tried to find something. That's why they needed the FISA.
NUNES: This was always an investigation in search of a crime. I supported Mueller when he was first appointed largely because I thought, great, we have a good guy that was there before. He'll come in quickly, see that there's no evidence of collusion, except maybe there might be collusion between the Democrats and the Russians, which there is, which the special counsel has done nothing about, nobody has investigated it. And now this thing has just gone on so long that it is scary to see the mainstream media, many Americans who have brought into this Russia Kool-Aid. It's really, really scary.
INGRAHAM: They've abdicated the whole role of calling balls and strikes at this point. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us tonight, we really appreciate it with an exclusive take on this declassification. This is what everybody has been asking for, and we await these documents.
And with the midterms just 50 days away, a new Republican ad campaign hopes to make a huge impression with voters. We have an exclusive preview. No one has seen this. You'll be the first to see it.
And Joe Biden is at it again. Isn't he on Amtrak somewhere. We'll show all of it to you next.
INGRAHAM: It's 50 days to go until the November midterms, and one of the most influential players in Republican politics is debuting a bold new ad campaign to win over voters. Joining us with an exclusive preview is Citizens United president and former Trump deputy campaign manager Dave Bossie. All right, Bossie, this is the big reveal.
INGRAHAM: I'm excited about this, because nobody has seen this. I've seen it because you sent it to me. But it's not aired.
DAVE BOSSIE, PRESIDENT CITIZENS UNITED: That's right. It goes up tomorrow morning.
INGRAHAM: Tomorrow morning.
BOSSIE: FOX News Channel and FOX Business nationally next week. And we're excited about because it talks about this president's accomplishments, and that's what the American people need to hear about.
INGRAHAM: Let's watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a new day in America. Everywhere you look, things are improving. Our president promised and he's keeping his word. Thanks to President Donald Trump, more people are going to work today, and millions of jobs have been created. Tax relief means more money in paychecks, retirement funds in the stock market unleashed and roaring back. The mainstream media, they won't admit it, but the leadership of President Donald Trump is making America's economy great again.
INGRAHAM: Corey Lewandowski did a great job with that voice over.
INGRAHAM: Who knew he was so talented. I didn't even hear the New Hampshire accent. That was good. That was good. Nice job.
BOSSIE: Thank you very much. Look, 3.9 percent unemployment, 4.2 percent GDP. The president has delivered on jobs, jobs, jobs. He's bringing back manufacturing, something that Barack Obama said could never happen. This president has done exactly what he promised during the campaign, and all we're saying is, look, here is the difference, and that is why November matters.
INGRAHAM: People have got to turn out. Look at what they're trying to do to Brett Kavanaugh, 11th hour accusation. It's pathetic. He's going to get confirmed.
BOSSIE: Of course he will. He is a good man, and this smear campaign is really despicable. And they are deranged. This is Trump derangement syndrome targeted at Brett Kavanaugh.
INGRAHAM: The Republicans always get weak-kneed. They come in and fight with a knife.
BOSSIE: But you know what, this president has his back. This president is strong, and he's had plenty of accusations against him.
INGRAHAM: He handled it very well, I thought, President Trump, and he even got kudos from some of our friends at the other cable networks, which made me a little nervous.
BOSSIE: But Bossie, you're coming on radio tomorrow. We're going to talk more about this. But cool ad. Did you design some of this, did you write the ad?
BOSSIE: You know what, one of our best guys in America wrote this ad.
INGRAHAM: Save it for the radio. We've got more tomorrow with Bossie. Joe Biden next delivering more comments about the deplorables. Don't go away, last bite.
INGRAHAM: It's time for the last bit.
When you can't win them over, degrade them. That's been the Democrats guiding motto against Trump supporters. And if you listen to new remarks from Joe Biden over the weekend, the left has no plans to abandon it.
JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: These forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made, and this time they, not you, have an ally in the White House. This time they have an ally. They're a small percentage of the American people, virulent people, some of them the dregs of society.
INGRAHAM: The dregs of society? Those are the consultants in Washington and pollsters. Oh, my God, have Democrats not learned anything from Hillary Clinton, the deplorables, the faceplant that she did? It killed her campaign. Please, Joe, please run in 2020.
That's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" team have all the latest. There's so much news.
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