This is a rush transcript from "Your World," June 20, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
KIRSTJEN NIELSEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: What I'm here to do today is work with Congress to get the fix.
NIELSEN: Very excited for the vote tomorrow. We're going to get this fixed.
Thank you all.
QUESTION: What changed after you said the administration couldn't issue an executive...
NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: All right, the homeland security secretary, Nielsen, on Capitol Hill trying to implement, saying she will implement what the president wants to do, that Congress, working with the administration, will fix this problem.
That's the hope anyway. But it's not going away easily.
As I told you, the president even signing this executive order today that will stop this treatment of separating kids from their parents along the border.
The ACLU is complaining. Some prominent Democrats are complaining, even though the president has done exactly what they wanted him to do, wield the power of his pen, in this case a felt tip pen, and end this process. It's not good enough.
The read from the House Ways and Means Chair Kevin Brady.
Congressman, he can't win for love or money, but maybe the feeling seems to be that he's got to do more. And the pressure is on Republicans to do just that, more, and have a comprehensive deal complete, and soon.
What do you think?
So, I think, look, what the president said was temporary fix. We need a permanent solution. And, tomorrow, if Democrats are really interested in keep families together and finding a good solution for the dreamers, tomorrow, about this time, they will have a chance to join Republicans to do this.
I think, look, this a very, I think, strong bill. It shuts the back door of illegal immigration, starts to fix the front door of legal immigration, which needs it, keeps the families together, and finds a path to legal status for dreamers who earn it, who work, get an education or serve in the military.
I think this is a very strong bill. And I'm challenging Democrats to join us in making this the law.
CAVUTO: Chairman, a lot of this has taken attention away from the six months sort of look-back at the tax cuts that went into effect. You and Speaker Ryan and others were promoting the growth that has happened since.
Did this rob you of that?
BRADY: Well, look, the attention is here. There's no doubt about it.
But, back home, the attention is all on the economy. Look, six months, it's hard to find an economic measure that isn't better significantly now than it was before tax reform.
And the big news, I think, today was our manufacturers. In America, they used to be the most pessimistic about the future. Now they have the highest optimism as of today in their 20-year history. And more than seven out of 10 are either hiring, raising wages for their workers, or planning to invest more.
So, clearly, America's back for our manufacturers. The tax codes and more balanced regulation, that's the reason for it.
CAVUTO: Chairman, are you surprised? A lot of people look at the tax cuts for corporation made permanent, not so for individuals. I know you want to address that down the road.
CAVUTO: But there's been some frustration. A lot of those companies mostly used that money to buy back stock. There is nothing wrong with that, obviously, but that there was -- well, there's some companies that shared the loot with their workers, $1,000 bonuses and the like.
Some expanded their plant and equipment. Capital spending did in fact go up. But was it to the degree you hoped for?
Every one of those actions, whether it's vesting in the work force, buying the new equipment to make their workers more productive, to raise their wages, bringing dollars back from overseas, announcing new investments here in America.
And, going forward, I think the reason I say the best is yet to come, because so much of this was designed to bring jobs and investment and research back to America. Those are a little longer term, but across the country, we're talking to businesses who are locating those facilities now in America, putting the patents not in Ireland, but in the U.S., doing the research here as well.
So, every one of those actions at the end of the day helps that worker and that family.
CAVUTO: So you trace a lot of that, Chairman, to the tax cut, without which it wouldn't have happened, or have happened to the degree it did?
BRADY: That's -- and I think balanced regulation, which President Trump deserves credit it for as well, because now, look, the old -- for eight years, our economy was driving like it was in a school zone.
And every signpost, higher taxes, uncompetitive code, more and more regulation, just said slow down. Now it feels like we're back on the highway, where America used to be, and because we're hitting on all cylinders.
And so I really credit President Trump's policies and a Congress working closely with him.
CAVUTO: Chairman, thank you very, very much. Always good seeing you.
BRADY: Thank you, sir.
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