Gingrich on anthem protests, Rep. Maxine Waters, tax reform
Former House speaker sounds off on 'Hannity.'
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 23, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right. Thanks, Tucker. And welcome to "Hannity."
And this is a Fox News alert. And tonight, we are following four, four major breaking news stories involving what is the biggest Russian scandal in the history of this country. The evidence is now incontrovertible. It is overwhelming that the Clintons sold out our National Security to the Russians and the Obama administration did nothing to stop them and then they covered it up.
Democrats and the media, they have been lying to for over a year about what is really going on. Tonight, we have brand-new details as we continue to expose the truth that they won't even talk about.
Also tonight, Ivanka Trump will join us for an exclusive interview. Also Newt Gingrich, that is coming up later.
But first, NBC News reporting tonight the brother of former Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta is now under investigation by the special counsel Robert Mueller. We will also check in with John Sullivan from The Hill, a new explosive report about a Russian spy trying to gain access to Hillary and Bill back in 2009.
Also, Congressman Ron DeSantis says, the House is now probing. Thanks to of course, Sara, John Solomon and this program, the Uranium One deal and the FBI informant who helped to expose this scandal can prove it and can show was a quid pro quo.
Also, Hillary Clinton is lashing out at the President, Fox News and yours truly over the new revelations about Uranium One and her potentially criminal conduct. We are going to cover all of this. We have an important breaking news opening monologue.
When it comes to Russia, we have been telling you for over a year that Democrats, their allies in the mainstream media, have been flat out lying to you, the American people, about what is really happening. Now, we've also been predicting that it would only be a matter of time before they manufactured hysteria, conspiracy theories when Russia blew up in their faces and that this entire thing is going to boomerang back on the Democrats and of course the media.
Tonight, that continues to happen. And let me tell you why. NBC News is out with a bombshell report. Here's their own headline. Mueller is now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta -- name sound familiar? Now he happens to be the brother of Hillary Clinton's former campaign Chairman John Podesta. And according to NBC News, the special counsel Robert Mueller has launched a criminal inquiry into Tony Podesta and his lobbying firm, the Podesta group.
As NBC is reporting, Mueller's investigation began by looking into the finances of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort but has since now expanded to include Tony Podesta over whether his firm violated what is known as FARA, the Foreign Agent Registration Act. Now under the law, lobbyists in the United States who worked for foreign entities, they must register with the Department of Justice and disclose what they are doing. And according to NBC, well, the Podesta group lobbied for a Ukrainian nonprofit called the European Center for a modern Ukraine that has ties to pro-Russia political parties in that country.
Now, this is where it gets interesting. As NBC News reports, the Podesta group updated that registration and -- about his work with the Ukrainian group only in June, only after media reports, only after Congress started asking questions.
This hypocrisy from the Democrats is beyond stunning. Now, we have heard from over a year now, Russia is a hostile country, Putin is a such a bad character. And now it's the Democrats? What do you hear from the media, the corrupt media? Crickets. Nothing. Hillary Clinton, members of her campaign, they've been attacking President Trump and claiming there's a Trump Russia conspiracy collusion despite zero evidence for over a year while John Podesta's brother -- that's right -- John Podesta's brother, the guy that ran Hillary's campaign, may have broken the law.
Also tonight, John Solomon is out with another explosive report about Hillary Clinton. Take a look at this headline. FBI watched, and then acted as Russian spy moved closer to Hillary Clinton. Remember the media's reaction to Paul Manafort and Don, Jr.?
Now according to The Hill, the FBI has evidence that when Hillary Clinton first became the secretary of state, this is in 2009, Vladimir Putin in the Russians, they launched a campaign to try to gain access to Hillary, her top aides, her husband, Bill Clinton.
And according to The Hill, one attempt included a female Russian pretending to be an American accountant. Now, that spy used a false identity to secure a job with the major Democratic donor in the hopes that she would be able to collect intelligence on Hillary Clinton and the State Department. Well, guess what, that Russian agent was eventually arrested and deported as part of the FBI's massive 2010 spy ring bust.
Now, according to an email that The Hill obtained, the Democratic donor who may have been compromised actually contacted the State Department to alert Hillary Clinton about what was happening. Now, we did reach out to that donor for comment and we did not hear back. Shocking.
Now, a Hillary Clinton spokesperson significantly tries as always to downplay this story, responding to The Hill this weekend, claiming, oh, it's all part of a partisan distraction. In other words, the vast right-wing conspiracy. Not surprising. But think about this for a second. At the exact same time, Vladimir Putin and Russia are trying to infiltrate Clinton's inner circle, Hillary is using a private server that had top-secret special access programs, classified national security information on it. The mom and pop shop bathroom. The same server that was less secure than your average Gmail account.
Clinton knew what was happening because her office commented on the Russia spy ring bust back in 2010. Yet, she continued to use the personal server. Now that's beyond reckless. And it's a direct threat to national security.
But that's only part of it. If that's not shocking enough, we have John Solomon and Sara Carter's reporting from last week. Here are the highlights from last week: Bill Clinton, he tried to get the State Department to give him permission to meet with Russian nuclear officials while the Uranium One deal was being approved by the Obama administration and his own wife. An American lobbying firm took millions of dollars from a Russian state run nuclear energy corporation while at the same time providing pro bono services -free services -- to the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Foundation.
Now back in 2009 -- now, the FBI was doing their job. They discovered evidence including documents and emails and financial records. They had eyewitness accounts that the Russian nuclear officials working on behalf of Vladimir Putin and Russia and Moscow, they were engaging in bribery. Kickbacks, money laundering, extortion and various other types of racketeering. And by the way, other criminal conduct.
Now, just before the deal -- Bill gets $500,000 when speaking in Moscow. That's twice his normal speaking fee. He got it from a bank that had an interest in the Uranium One deal. Well, Bill, he tried to meet while he was in Russia with nuclear leaders. He had to ask his own wife's State Department for permission, but instead he did not meet with them, he met directly with Vladimir Putin and the Russian government that has ties to the bank, that is paying Bill Clinton and has an interest in Uranium One. Why?
Because Vladimir Putin, he wanted control over America's uranium market. And what is so inexcusable is that the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, so many others, they let this happen.
And in 2010, the Uranium One deal, it was approved. It gave Vladimir Putin what he wanted. Control of 20 percent of America's uranium supply. The foundational material for nuclear weapons. Who would ever do this?
And we also learned from The Hill and, the FBI has evidence including testimony -- they have an informant -- that Russia nuclear officials funneled millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was serving as secretary of state and personally signing off on the Uranium One deal in the first place, that gave the uranium to Putin. And it turns out, the informant was blocked by the Obama administration from exposing to Congress what was happening.
Now The New York Times also reported back in 2015 that the Russian nuclear company Uranium One was actually even exporting yellowcake uranium outside of our country to Canada. Now, even though they did not have a license. So, we have no idea what Putin has done with it, where it's ended up. Did he go to North Korea? Did he go to Iran?
There is also several key officials that need to testify about what they knew and when they knew it. For example, the former Attorney General Eric Holder, he oversaw the FBI. The FBI had all of this information about bribery and kickbacks and money laundering in 2009. That was his job. He was also a member -- Eric Holder was -- of the committee that approved Uranium One along with Hillary. So, he had to know what was going on.
And then you've heard the name Rod Rosenstein, he appointed Mueller's the special counsel looking into Trump-Russia collusion, he is the deputy attorney general now. He actually helped lead the FBI investigation into the Russian bribery scandal.
And we have the special counsel himself, Robert Mueller. Well, back in 2009, he was the FBI director during this entire scandal. And now we are supposed to trust Mueller is going to investigate Russian interference fairly, objectively and honestly when he didn't tell Congress about the Russian bribery plot and crimes that the FBI said they knew were being committed?
This is inexcusable. There is also another reason Mueller needs to go and he needs to go immediately. There is also the fact that Robert Mueller has a troubling track record as a federal prosecutor. Take a look at this headline from Quote, "Mueller team criticized by fellow attorneys for history of questionable tactics."
Now a criminal defense attorney is saying that Mueller tried to entrap him while the now special counsel was working as a prosecutor in Boston. The same attorney also warned of Mueller's Russian probe, well, should be met with skepticism.
And tonight, Congressman Ron DeSantis says the House Oversight Committee is now investigating this Uranium One deal. Congressman DeSantis also revealed some stunning information about the FBI informant.
Let's take a look at this.
REP. RON DESANTIS, R-FLA.: I've been able to speak with the confidential informant that helped the FBI uncovered this bribery scheme. I've spoken with his attorney. And this informant wants to tell his story but he's currently under a nondisclosure agreement that was signed with the Eric Holder Justice Department. He came forward in 2016, was threatened with reprisal from the Loretta Lynch Justice Department.
We have the money that went to Bill Clinton for the speech, the half a million dollars, millions of dollars to the foundation from sources connected with Uranium One. And then you have the approval of the deal on the CFIUS board which Hillary Clinton was a member of in 2010. So, we do have the quid, we have the quo. This informant I believe would be able to link those two together because he was right at the heart of a lot of what was going on at the time.
HANNITY: You see what is happening? Since we've been covering this -- because John Solomon, Sara Carter have done amazing investigative work. Maybe -- and we've been covering it on this show. Now Congress is getting it. Now, think about this: maybe what Ron DeSantis was saying, maybe that's the reason why the Obama administration blocked this FBI informant from talking. Because he might be able to expose the criminal conduct from the Clintons and others within the Obama administration.
Now whatever nondisclosure agreement this informant apparently signed with the Obama Department of Justice, it needs to be ripped up and it can be ripped up by the Trump administration, by the Justice Department. You, the American people, deserve to know the truth about the Clintons and how they sold out your national security.
And finally tonight, in just a pathetic display, and despite mountains of evidence and two Congressional investigations, Hillary Clinton is saying, oh, she did nothing wrong during the Uranium One deal. And Clinton is also attacking President Trump, Fox News and yes, even yours truly. Because we are telling you the truth. Watch this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sean Hannity on his program has been very critical of the Uranium One deal, the president saying with regard to Russia, that is the real story in all of this. What would you say to those critics?
HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: I would say, it's the same baloney they've been peddling for years. And there is been no credible evidence by anyone.
Trump and his allies including Fox News are really expert at distraction and diversion. So, the closer the investigation about real Russian ties between Trump associates and real Russians, as we heard Jeff Sessions finally admit to in his testimony the other day, the more they want to just throw mud on the wall and I am their favorite target, me and, you know, President Obama, we're the ones that they always like to put into the cross hairs.
HANNITY: The vast right wing conspiracy is back. Hillary, I have a few questions for you. Why would you ever give Vladimir Putin, the man you've been telling us is so horrible and Russia -- of course our biggest enemy -- why would you give them 20 percent of America's uranium? The foundational material for nuclear weapons? Why would you ever do that? Why did your husband get twice the amount of money that he usually gets from a speech in Moscow and at the time of the deal, he meets with Vladimir?
And by the way, I have another question: Hillary Clinton, why did you take 145 plus million dollars from all the people associated with this deal? And will you go under oath and answer questions? I doubt it. You don't want to, do you?
All right. Joining us now with reaction, President Trump's attorney from The American Center for Law and Justice, their chief counsel, Jay Sekulow. From The Hill, John Solomon, he's been breaking a lot of these stories. And from Circa News, Sara Carter. John, we'll start with you.
Let's start with Hillary's comments first. What do you thought? She is now packed to the vast right wing conspiracy.
JOHN SOLOMON, THE HILL: Well, it was a non-denial at the end of the day. Right? And we've seen this many times before. We've seen denials that Hillary Clinton made that turned out not to be true. I didn't send classified information about my email. She did, didn't she? Back in 2010, her staff said that she hadn't been the target of this Russian spy ring. We now know from the counterintelligence chief of the FBI she was the target and she got an email from the donor warning her that this story was coming out. So, I think we have to take everything she says with a grain of salt, follow the evidence, follow the money and we will get the real truth at some point.
HANNITY: If we follow the evidence, follow the money, Jay Sekulow, from a legal perspective, put your ACLJ hat on. Not your counsel to the President hat on.
SOLOMON: Yes. What vulnerabilities are here? I see many.
JAY SEKULOW, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S ATTORNEY: Well, there's a lot. But one of the questions you've got to ask is, there was an agency that was charged with determining whether the sale could take place. That is the committee on foreign investments in the United States. Did they know about this investigation going on by the FBI? Did they know about this firing before they have proved this?
Because at the end of the day, the real question here, is why in the world we're selling or allowing to be sold 20 percent of our uranium reserves in the United States to a company that was going to ultimately be controlled by the Russian or Russian government? So, that's the question you ask yourself. Where was these agencies that had to sign off on all this?
HANNITY: Wait a minute, Eric Holder, wait a minute, Jay, Eric Holder had to know.
HANNITY: The head of the FBI. Robert Mueller had to know. Because they are saying the FBI knew of crimes, bribery, kickbacks, extortion, money laundering, these are not small things that they had evidence on.
SEKULOW: Right. So, what happens in a situation like this, the Department of Justice represented which was Eric Holder, the attorney general, should have known -- had to have known about the investigation. Now, the FBI head was not on this committee. What I want to know, what I think the American people has the right to know is, what was this committee told before they authorized the sale to the Russian company? That is the critical aspect of this, legally.
HANNITY: Sara, they had to know. Now, we have a Senate investigation. We have a House investigation. Jeff Sessions wouldn't say directly because of the policy, the Department of Justice but I assume he is investigating this. And now we also have the whole issue of this -- we have a witness. We have a source. We have somebody that wants to tell the whole story with documents, with evidence, with facts. And I'm told even recordings but he signed this NDA. Who makes a guy that worked for the FBI signed the NDA?
SARA CARTER, CIRCA NEWS: The FBI and the Justice Department. So, when he first began to work for him, they asked him to sign this nondisclosure agreement. Remember Sean, this case started out as counterintelligence case. So, it evolved into a criminal case according to my sources. So, there are a lot of issues here both classified and some that are unclassified. The classified issues he will have to speak to the Senate or an Intelligence Committee behind closed doors in order to reveal what he knows.
HANNITY: Wait a minute. Who can lift the nondisclosure agreement that the guy that has the evidence, that knew the laws were broken, at the time, they knew this in 2009 and 2010. That was John's report today. That's what you've been telling us.
SEKULOW: The attorney general. The attorney general had that authority.
SOLOMON: That is right.
HANNITY: Well, then Jay, let me go back to your legal hat for a second. So, the attorney general has an obligation now. If you look at the entire year that we have heard Russia, Russia, Russia and that Putin is such a bad character and this is an enemy country of the United States -- if you had people, nine of them signing off at a time they know that Vladimir Putin is trying to corner the market in this country on uranium, money doubled up speaking fees that Clinton gets.
HANNITY: And then the Clinton Foundation money gets $145 million after. They are signing off, Bill Clinton is meeting Vladimir, he wants to meet with nuclear officials in Russia. And I'm sorry, it seems that a lot of crimes are committed here. So, go ahead.
SEKULOW: Well, you can act about the fact that the spies that were deported from the United States were not charged until four years later. So, again, it goes back to that fundamental issue of what did this committee know and again if you are the head of the Department of Justice, the attorney general of the United States, you had to know what was going on here. But the Attorney General Jeff Sessions had the legal authority to remove the NDA and --
HANNITY: He needs to do this tomorrow.
SEKULOW: Yes. But the classified information would of course be behind, you know, in protection and behind closed doors. But the other information, look, I think the American people have not only the right to know, I think the government has the obligation to let the American people know how 20 percent of the uranium in the United States was sold to the Russians. That's a Russian scandal. You want to Russian scandal? There is one.
HANNITY: Well, wait a minute because I have now compromised our national security. And isn't Vladimir Putin friends with the Iranian mullahs? Is he friends with Kim Jong Un? Who is he giving the yellowcake that he is illegally exporting to Canada in that particular point? All right. I want to ask this, what about the conflicts of interest Mueller? What about the conflicts of interest Rosenstein? What about the conflict of interest -- and others? John, we will start with you.
SOLOMON: You know, I don't see a direct conflict of interest with any of those guys, their job is to go find the truth and if they do their job correctly, we're going to get the truth on this as we're going to get on all the different things on Russia. If they don't do their job, then people are going to say, where are they conflicted?
Right now, I think there is an important question that has not been discussed. Things started in the counterintelligence world, they tend to go to the President and PDB (ph) and the briefing, to the intelligence chiefs long before they ever get to the criminal side. I think one of the questions we have to start asking is, what did the President know? Did any of this get brief to the President in the form on intelligence? He's meeting with Medvedev, with Putin. You think they would be telling these things?
SOLOMON: That's one of the things I think we're going to learn a lot about the next few weeks.
HANNITY: We've got to know an answer to that.
SOLOMON: Yes, we do.
HANNITY: And that would mean that former President Obama needs to be deposed. All right. Let me ask Sara and then I will ask John. You want to answer the conflict of interest question, Sara, but also I want to ask you this. How much more do you know is coming on this? Because, go ahead.
CARTER: Oh, I certainly think that the informant has a lot to share with both Congress and the American people and I know that he felt it was his patriotic duty to come forward with this and to share this information.
HANNITY: Have you and John spoke to the informant?
CARTER: Yes, I have spoken to the informant through his attorney. Yes, I have.
HANNITY: And John?
SOLOMON: I can't say.
HANNITY: You can't say.
SEKULOW: They are protected by the First Amendment to not.
SOLOMON: For me to be evasive but I just answered it.
HANNITY: All right. You be quiet for a minute. I don't need that attorney stuff. You're ruining my show here.
CARTER: Sean --
HANNITY: All right. How much more is coming? Because to me, it sounds like, look, I've heard they have not only documents but emails, financial records, eyewitnesses, infiltration, are there tapes here?
SOLOMON: There are. There are definitely.
SOLOMON: Yes. At least one videotape into audio recordings that potentially will be available to the public at some point.
HANNITY: Jay, if they come out, if people don't get indicted here, we don't have equal justice under the law, do we?
SEKULOW: No, you are right. And I'll tell you what John said, I would sure like to know what President Obama was briefed on with regards to this whole transaction as well. Because again, this was the sale of a U.S. reserve of uranium. I mean, it was Canadian company first and then we authorize the sale to the Russians. It does not pass the smell test. And I'll tell you what, legally, very questionable. Potentially illegal. I think it would question the illegality here. But I'll tell you something else, Sean, the American people have a right to know what happened.
HANNITY: And all of you, and John, and Sara, you guys made this happen. And we are going to get to the truth. And all of you in the media, you are awful.
When we comeback, Newt Gingrich, Ivanka Trump, all here, busy news night tonight.
HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Here with reaction to our opening monologue and the new developments in this massive corruption, Uranium One scandal. The author of, now the bestselling book, "Vengeance." Former speaker of the House, Fox News contributor, Newt Gingrich. Mr. Speaker, you know, I know the Clintons have gotten away with an awful lot in their career.
Twenty percent of the foundational material for nuclear weapons. The media has ignored this.
Meanwhile, they've had no evidence, Russia, Russia, Russia. The danger of Vladimir Putin, the danger of Russia. What do you make of all of this?
NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think we are on the edge of the greatest corruption scandal in American history. Bigger than the scandal in the 1920s, about the Teapot Dome, bigger than Grant's presidency in the 1870s. I don't know of any occasion that had the scale of scandal this day. And you see it building. You watch Mueller who I've been very critical of.
But to his credit, he is now following the Podesta family into their relation with foreigners. He is beginning to follow other cases that are very different. I mean, you know, the great irony here, Sean maybe, that the one person who comes out of this totally exonerated as Donald J. Trump and that the people who did all the attacking, you have to ask yourself, think back to this, you are Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. It's election night. You lost. You are john Podesta.
You know that Podesta associates had been doing work for the Russians and the Ukrainians. How do you have the chutzpah to decide that it's the Russians who elected Trump? I mean, why did they have no sense of vulnerability that once they open this, it was just going to get sicker and sicker. And I'll tell you, just mark this for tonight, the breaking point will come when the Congress has the courage to demand that every donation to the Clinton Foundation be published and we learn how tremendous the level of foreign influence buying was and how unbelievable it was and what a threat that is to the American democracy.
HANNITY: It seems that there could be no longer -- now, finally the House and finally the Senate and I'm kind of assuming and interpreting from the Attorney General's comments that an investigation is here. But I think you are right in this sense, I think this is way beyond Trump-Russia collusion. And I don't like investigative creep, I've been very clear about it. I know that now it's about Paul Manafort's financial dealings from long before he was with Trump and the Podesta group. But I can think of a single circumstance ever -- ever -- to give 20 percent of uranium.
Now that we follow the money and now that we see Bill gets double his speaking fee and he wanted to meet with nuclear officials and he met with Putin and in his speech supported the Uranium One deal and his wife had to sign off on this. And then all the Canadians that were involved in the deal kicked back $145 million to the foundation. I'm sorry, Mr. Speaker, this is a sellout, of American national security.
GINGRICH: Oh, yes.
HANNITY: At the highest level.
GINGRICH: Yes. Look, everything the average American is believed about corruption in Washington is about to be validated. Allen Guelzo who was a great historian at Gettysburg College wrote me recently that by the time this is all out, every other presidential scandal in American history will look trivial, that this is the most corrupt, the most unbelievably unlawful administration in American. The Clintons are only a part of this.
Wait until you get to Attorney General Lynch. Wait until you get to her predecessor. Wait until you get to Samantha Powers at the U.N. This is going to keep on rolling and I think we will look back a year or two from now. We are going to be stunned at the dishonesty and bankruptcy of the Obama administration. Of which the, if you will that the apex is the Clinton team and I have a very simple challenge for the Congress. Get all of their donations on the record. When you go to the Canadian Clinton foundation, which did not have to report, very clever legal gimmick, but wrong. You start taking these apart. It's horrendous.
HANNITY: Follow that and also lift the NDA. Apparently there are tapes. There are emails. Let me go through the mountain of evidence they have. The FBI had in 2009 documents, emails, they had the financial records. They have eyewitnesses and they had someone infiltrate. And they knew crimes are being committed. They knew then. That raises questions about Mueller too. I've got a break. Stay right there. We will stay with you. When we come back, we have the other issues in Washington. More NFL players just continuing to disrespect the flag. Guess what happened? The crowds are getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Ivanka Trump joins a straight ahead on the dizzy breaking news night.
HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, he soundly alarm of the impact player protesting having in the NFL said quote, there is no question the league is suffering negative effects from this protest. Jerry Jones is right. Take a look. This is only two stadiums this weekend. One from Miami and I think the other is from Cleveland. Look at all the empty seats. Post kickoff. Look at this. It's empty. Here's what it looked like in Cleveland, Ohio, for the Browns yesterday. We will continue now Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, do they want to keep doing this? This is the result of Roger Goodell does not want to take a stand. This is the results. I am not watching NFL games. I'm watching college football now. And I think most Americans are waiting for the NFL to stand up for those that fought, bled, and died under that flag. It's that simple.
GINGRICH: I think you are exactly right. I think what multimillionaire players who are out there posturing don't understand is that most of us watch the game to watch football. We don't watch it watch political protest, to watch their personal idiosyncrasies and frankly, they ain't that big a deal in the long run. I think this has been devastatingly negative for the NFL. I think the absences of leadership of Roger Goodell is astonishing. I think the owners are about to decide their pocketbook as being hurt and then they will talk to Goodell, but it's really sad. Why should it be so, just take the last few weeks? Four young Americans die in Niger, hunting down and killing Islamic terrorists. Why should it be so hard to recognize and acknowledge their sacrifice by standing up during the national anthem? I mean, what is this sickness which is permeating our culture, which leads people to believe that they have the right to disrespect their flag, their pledge, their anthem, the veterans, and the people who keep them free and safe. There's something sick about what's happening in part of our culture. We need to have the guts to confront it head on.
HANNITY: I want to play for you Maxine Waters. When I play this comment, I want you to think about it through the prism. Why are you looking at me? Why are you laughing? You know how to laugh my questions. I have known you for 30 years.
GINGRICH: I'm not mocking you, Sean. I'm thinking about Maxine Waters.
HANNITY: By the way. Regaining my time or whatever you said, reclaiming my time. This is her saying she is going to take out the President. If somebody said this about President Obama, think about this.
REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CALIF.: I am sitting here listening, watching, absorbing, and thinking about Ali, even though I never met him. With this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight.
HANNITY: What's your reaction?
GINGRICH: First of all, I am guessing her reference to Muhammad Ali is a reference to boxing. She meant it in the sense of hitting in the ring. He'd never get it to happen, but the idea of a round between her and Donald Trump is pretty interesting. I think he would probably win in the opening half minute. What you have on the left --
HANNITY: He is not going to hit a girl. A woman. He is not going to do that.
GINGRICH: If he was confronted with her, she would be very pleasant until she hit him in to back and the second she had him coming she would be knocked down. Let us be honest here. This is crazy.
HANNITY: Newt Gingrich encourages Trump to hit congresswoman. I can see the headlines now. That is not what you're saying.
GINGRICH: My point is this, the left, I did this interview with the reporter the other day. I cut him off and I said you have a pathology. I can't answer your question because you are pathological. He was totally stunned and said what you mean? I said, you are so anti-Trump, you are not in touch with the real world so how can I interview with you? I think Maxine Waters is the same group. So crazy. Certified play out of touch with reality.
HANNITY: Are you confident that the senate now will get this tax reform bill done? Because if they don't, they will.
GINGRICH: I've got to tell you, I am waiting with baited breath for our good friend Mark Meadows and the freedom caucus and others to come together, because he indicated they will. If the house passes this budget this week and President Trump had it exactly right, if they pass this budget this week and we can move onto, first of all, the ways and means committee marking up with bill, spending it to the senate, which I think they will do. I think we've got a real shot of doing this. You know, you and I had been on this the whole time for nine months. This is a big deal, I think, I'm a little more optimistic tonight.
HANNITY: They better get it done. Mr. Speaker, congrats on the success of the book. When we come back, speaking of that, we will talk to Ivanka Trump, next. Straight ahead.
HAYES: Welcome back to "Hannity." Earlier today, the first daughter and advisor to the President, Ivanka Trump, she host today a town hall on tax reform on Pennsylvania. We need money back. I sat down with Ivanka Trump to discuss how the administration plans to move the tax proposal forward and pass it. Take a look.
HANNITY: Joining us now, Ivanka Trump. Good to see you. How are you?
HANNITY: I walk in the door and you start making fun of me. That is a great way to start an interview.
I. TRUMP: You know somebody's got to do it.
HANNITY: Somebody's got to do it. You have an assistant or somebody that works for you in P.R., you can tell everybody. It's fine.
I. TRUMP: You tried to set her up. And almost successful. What really excited me about this story was when I found out there was an actual web site where you're making matches. This is Jared and my secret talent. People don't realize it's our hidden skill. We are matchmakers.
HANNITY: You like to put people together.
I. TRUMP: Seven marriages, zero divorces. God willing that continues. Seven matches. I was feeling really good about myself. I was excited to tell you that statistic. You literally have hundreds. With babies are being born.
HANNITY: I don't know why. I used to do these long book signings. They would go on for hours. A cute couple would come up and they would say they've been dating for three years and I would say what are you waiting for? And next thing you know, the girls going like this and the guys going like this. And I said do it right now. And I get the crowd to say, and a lot of guys would do it so.
I. TRUMP: Oh, my god. You and Jared. Jared always pushing people. You have all the facts to continue to know. Make the move, make the move.
HANNITY: a lot of people appreciate it and they did get married. I even have a child named after me. And dogs. More dogs and children named after me. Probably a better name for a dog.
I. TRUMP: That is very funny.
HANNITY: It is almost a year since your dad won and you've got involved on a lot of issues, but what you really focus in now is what I think this election is about and that is the forgotten men and women and that is why this tax reform bill is probably his biggest and most important piece of legislation to bring about the economic success that he was running on.
I. TRUMP: Look. I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to serve our country. Nothing about my life was designed to pick up and move to Washington, but I feel really blessed that he entrusted in me and empowered me to do this. Ultimately, it's about the amazing people of this country that I met. Over two years of campaigning. The hardships I have witnessed. The opportunity to remove barriers so that more people can experience some of the privileges that my family and I were so lucky to have. This country give us everything. It afforded us so many incredible opportunities. And my mission now, through job creation and economic growth, it's to empower as many Americans as I possibly can. To realize the same opportunities. And this administration is doing it. We're doing it legislatively.
Tax reform is so critical. We are doing it administratively deregulation. It really fueling entrepreneurship in this country. We see it in terms of optimism and the stock market. We see it in terms of the conversations you have. I'm here today. In Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I will hear it and every conversation I had with the people through the course of the day. That is what fuels us and that is what we are fighting for.
HANNITY: You did a very good job of getting rid of burdens with regulations. That something as a conservative talk about all the time. I put so much pressure on businesses. They can't just go out and do their job. After work with the EPA and then this other agency. Not that we should not take care of the environment. Of course we have to be good stewards of the environment.
I. TRUMP: There's some good regulation, but it's gotten out of control.
HANNITY: Way out of control.
I. TRUMP: And things that somebody in Washington thought on principle would be a good idea. It would have unintended consequences for millions of people. There's a lot of bad regulation that didn't fulfill the stated goal even if the intent was pure. I think rolling back years, decades, of layer upon layer of regulation is freeing up business owners to invest in businesses. Invest on the people who work in their businesses. You see wage growth for the first time. I think tax reform is so core to our goal of fueling the economic growth in this country.
We need to be contented of. We need the tax code that is reflective with the modern reality of what our workforce looks like. Supporting our working families, the majority of which are now al income. Which is why I am really excited about the realization of a large part of the administration working family agenda through tax reform, expansion of the time child tax credit. Eliminating the marriage penalty. There's so many critical elements that support our dual values of work and the family. We need to be competitive and ultimately, we need growth. This is the country that everyone wants to grow their business.
HANNITY: It's amazing. Your dad rightly said with one percent GDP growth that is worth $2.5 trillion to the treasury. That is a lot of money. The last administration was the first one never to reach three percent GDP growth in a year. I want to go back to the issue you brought up. Very middle- class in America, dishwasher at 12. A busboy, waiter, bartender. House painter. Wallpaper hanger, tile layer, framer, roofer, I did it all.
I. TRUMP: Amazing.
HANNITY: Yes I know. It's a pretty good list. I look at the economic plan and I'm like ok, the manufacturing centers build here, because corporations and lower taxes, because we have less regulation, it is a better environment. The repatriation of trillions from multinationals that more than not bring a fact here because they will lose 40 or $0.50 on every dollar, and you make a 10 cents, dint spend a lot of money here.
I. TRUMP: And that is a bipartisan issue. Everyone's been talking for years about all this money parked off our shores that wants to come back into this country and nobody's been able to do anything about it. This tax plan fixes that. And enables businesses to bring that money home to invest in their infrastructure and business right here and invest in their workers. To you point about being competitive, the reality is, it's a global market place now. We have to compete against other countries. We are not competitive. We have the highest corporate taxes of any country in the developed world. That is something that very much gets factored into our pricing, pretty much gets factored into wages. That is why they are stagnated over the past several decades. We just now are starting to see them rise. I think a big part of that is that the regulation we are talking about before.
I believe with my heart and soul and my father does and this administration does, that no one can best the American worker. There is no group of people more innovative, more motivated, and more capable. There's got to be a level playing field. There's not a level playing field. We've got to level the playing field for the corporation, the small business who is spending $16 billion a year to comply with a cumbersome tax code. To the individual. I mean, the reality is the simplification of our tax code Democratize is it.
HANNITY: It does.
I. TRUMP: If you have a tax code the average person can't understand, I know I can't, you know 94 percent of Americans require professional help to fil their taxes, it will benefit the person with an army of accountants and army of lawyers who can help them find the loopholes and nuances.
HANNITY: You can give the same factual information to three of the best accounting houses in America and they will come up with different tax liabilities. That is how complicated it is. They aren't cheating.
I. TRUMP: It's become thorough decades of lobbyists and special interest groups who added a nuance here, a page or idea here, part of the promise of this tax reform is cutting all of that out. Simplifying it. Democratizing it. Making it work for all Americans with a particular focus on middle income America. That is so important and what we are all fighting for.
HANNITY: Tomorrow, part two with my interview with Ivanka Trump. She answers this question.
HANNITY: It was interesting, Jimmy Carter even said he never witnessed any president taking as much heat as your dad. Also, the family. I mean you had been attack. Melania has been attack. Our little brother have been attacked. Don and Eric, I don't care about them.
They kind of deserve it.
They can handle themselves. Certain unfairness.
HANNITY: We give it out as well.
HANNITY: Part of it is personally and mean. How do you deal with that? Is that hard?
HANNITY: The answer to that question tomorrow night. More "Hannity" after this.
HANNITY: All right. Quick announcement before we go. My movie, "Let There Be Light." It is an award-winning, I am the executive producer in theaters Friday about one man's journey to fate. Something the entire family will enjoy. Bring tissues. You will cry. And to check out the listing just go to We will have more later on this week.
Unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. Let not your heart be troubled. We will never be the left Trump hating media, we will be fair and balance. Now I have good news, you know your friend Bill Hemmer? He is on tonight, live next. I saw him in his office. He's been studying all night. Hemmer is up next. We will be seeing you tomorrow night.
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