FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before uranium deal
Circa: Russian nuclear firm under FBI investigation was allowed to purchase uranium supply; Sara Carter and John Solomon have more on 'Hannity.'
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 17, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And thanks, Tucker. Welcome to "Hannity." This is a Fox News alert. Welcome to "Hannity."
And tonight, explosive new evidence on what is becoming the biggest scandal -- or at least one of them -- in American history. Now it is something we have been saying would be exposed for months. According to news reports tonight from The Hill's John Solomon and Circa News' Sara Carter, there brand-new FBI documents that show the Russian nuclear industry officials kicked back millions and millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation all while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state and helped approve the uranium one deal which gave Moscow, Russia, Vladimir Putin control of 20 percent of American uranium, the foundational materials for nuclear weapons.
And tonight, they are also reporting the FBI now has evidence that Russia for years has been doing this and they are reporting the FBI has evidence that literally they used bribery to gain control over America's uranium industry all while the Obama administration did nothing. And the Clintons benefited to the tune of nearly $145 million. You want a real Russia collusion story? We've got it.
Also, is Congress now going to do its job? Will they investigate these explosive reports immediately? Will the Special Counsel Robert Mueller start looking into this Russian plot to control American uranium? And is the left-wing mainstream media, are they going to stop pushing their lies and conspiracy theories to you, the American people? Will they ever tell us the truth?
And that's not all we have tonight. The FBI has confirmed that in fact, the disgraced former Director James Comey drafted a letter exonerating Hillary Clinton months before interviewing any key witnesses in the email server scandal. We will going to cover all of this in tonight's breaking news opening monologue.
All right. So, The Hill's John Solomon, his colleague over there Alison Spann, are once again out with an explosive new report. Take a look at this headline from today: FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved a controversial nuclear deal with Moscow.
Now, here is the headline from Sara Carter: Russia nuclear firm under FBI investigation was allowed to purchase U.S. uranium supply.
According to these breaking news reports, back in 2009, the FBI, they started gathering evidence, including recordings and emails and witnesses that they talked to showing that the Russian nuclear industry officials used bribes, kickbacks, money laundering and other illegal tactics to expand Russia's influence over America's uranium market.
Now, in The Hill report, they explained that despite all of the evidence that they had of wrongdoing against Russia, the Obama Justice Department, for some unknown reason chose not to act and pursue charges. What did they do instead? The Obama administration then went on to approve business deals that benefited Russia, Putin, Moscow greatly while these threats to our national security were actually going on. These include the 2010 -- we've talked about in a lot, now we have more details -- that Uranium One deal. Hillary Clinton, she signed off on it. She helped approve it. That gave Vladimir Putin control, over 20 percent of America's uranium. Uranium is the foundational materials so you can build nuclear weapons. We'll have a lot more on that in just a second.
And the 2011 deal, that made it easier for the Russian nuclear subsidiary to sell uranium to U.S. nuclear power plants. Now the FBI officials told Sara Carter at Circa News that the bureau's bribery investigation could have actually been stopped.
However, this part is inexcusable. Both reports highlight how the Obama administration kept all of this evidence that they had of Russian bribery secret from Congress and the American people until five years after the approval of that uranium one deal. And when the DOJ finally did go public -- this was 2015 -- it was only to announce a single charge against the Russian at the center of the bribery scheme and they played it on the down low.
Now keep in mind, after President Trump won in November, President Obama and his administration, they were telling anyone who would listen, "Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia interfered with our election. Russia was creating a direct threat to American democracy." Well, if that's the case, why when they had mountains of evidence -- that we will reveal tonight -- of Russian bribery going back to 2009? Why then did the Obama administration and Hillary in particular sign off on the sale of 20 percent of America's uranium to Vladimir Putin and the Russians?
And speaking of uranium one, according to the new report from The Hill, the FBI has evidence including eyewitness accounts that, quote, "Russian nuclear officials routed" -- pay attention -- "routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton," former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's, "charitable foundation during the exact time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow." Uranium one, sounds familiar? And by the way, we can't forget Peter Schweizer, he originally exposed this uranium one deal and his best-selling book, "Clinton Cash."
Now, all of that is why for months. On this program, I have been telling you uranium one will be one of the biggest scandals this country has ever seen. Just in case you forgot, let's remind you.
HANNITY: Then there's a real Russia collision story, the uranium one deal which I predict will be the biggest news to come out in the next year or two where the secretary of state, remember? She approved handing over up to 20 percent of America's uranium, the foundational material of nuclear weapons to Vladimir Putin and the Russians. All while people involved in the deal in Canada, they kicked back over $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton doubled his speaking fees in Moscow.
HANNITY: Tonight, with this new evidence where we have discovered is the evidence against the Clintons is overwhelming, it is incontrovertible. Hillary Clinton and her husband sold out America to the Russians while millions of dollars flowed to their family foundation. And in the process, Clinton helped create a massive national security risk for every man, woman, and child, giving Vladimir Putin control over American uranium, that material, as I said, you use it to make nuclear warheads.
Now, if the liberal ideological mainstream media and the Democrats in this country that have been screaming, "Russia, Russia, Russia," for all these months, if they want real Russia collusion, we've got it for them. The evidence is right here. It doesn't even need to be investigated, just corroborated.
So, it's time tonight -- and I'm calling on Congress. I'm calling on Robert Mueller, the special counsel. Stop wasting our time and our money trying to find evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. You've been on this for a year. So far you have not presented one shred of evidence except now you can actually follow facts and evidence that we do have on the record.
I'm also calling out the Attorney General Jeff Sessions tonight. He recused himself from the Russia probe. He needs to now do the same. The evidence now shows that Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration put this country in danger handing Russia America's uranium. even though, as The Hill reported, there was crimes, bribery and worse and blackmail being committed.
And where was the liberal mainstream media during all of this? The media that is been running wild with all kinds of conspiracy theories about President Trump and Russia for months and months with no evidence? Well, here are some of the more unhinged examples of the left. Listen to their language. It applies to them tonight. It applies to the Clintons tonight. It applies to Obama tonight. Watch this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE, MSNBC: At first, we want to start with this week in Russia gate.
KEITH OLBERMANN, "THE RISTANCE"/GQ, MARCH 14: It is as if there are no shoes on the Trump human centipede that are not about Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia.
NICOLE WALLACE, "TODAY"/NBC, JULY 6: This cloud about collusion with Russia will hang over him no matter where he stands.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE, MSNBC, MAY 24: It certainly feels like we are in the opening stages of a devastating political chapter in American history. Evidence is mounting for the president's meddling in the Russia probe.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, MSNBC, FEB. 15: Tom Friedman said the election hacking is at the caliber of a Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Do you agree with that?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I completely agree with that.
LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC, MAY 16: Donald Trump now sits at the threshold of impeachment.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC, MAY 11: I personally think it's over. I don't think there's anything that can be done that can stop this at this point, this cacophony. This gushing of lies, problems, questions, chaos that will stop this presidency in his tracks.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, MSNBC, MARCH 28: You tell the Washington Post last week that quote, "There's a smell of treason in the air when it comes to this investigation."
UNIDENTIFIED MALE, MSNBC, MARCH 28: A lot of people are afraid to use the T-word, treason. But in the end, that's what people are investigating.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE, CNN, JULY 11: It does look like collusion, it does look like he is listening to Putin more than he is American intelligence. And frankly, I've never seen that before.
HANNITY: The media has been breathless and hysterical over the Russia coverage. Yet have you heard any of them even mentioned Hillary Clinton colluding with Vladimir Putin on Uranium One? Has the media that is supposed to be trusted ever reported on the millions of dollars that were poured into the Clinton Foundation as a result of this deal? Will the press even now bother to look at John Solomon and Sara Carter's reporting and do their own digging?
And while we're at it, did anyone in the media aside from this show, did they ever asked Julian Assange about who gave him -- he's the one that has the information -- who gave him Hillary Clinton the DNC's emails? We actually asked him and Julian Assange told us repeatedly, five times that I interviewed him, it was not the Russians.
There is also the fake news Christopher Steele dossier that was funded in part by the Democratic donors. Guess what? That dossier relied heavily on Russian sources, a false smear to then candidate Donald Trump. Now, some in the media and some Democrats even repeated these boldest claims. Remember, the Ritz, hookers urinating on the bed, they paid for those lies.
By the way, is that not spreading Russia propaganda? Is that not fake news? Is that not trying -- Russia trying to influence America's election with fake news? Catherine Herridge is reporting tonight that two members of the firm behind that fake news dossier have been subpoenaed to appear before Congress as it turns out tomorrow. Now the lawyer for Fusion GPS is saying tonight, his client has been advised to plead the fifth if they are forced to show up.
You know what? If members of Fusion GPS, if they don't want to appear before Congress, they're refusing to talk, let's hold them in contempt of Congress, maybe they will go to jail. Let's see.
But back to the media. They continue in this country to be exposed as a bunch of rigid, radical left wing ideologues. They do not care about the truth, and as I've been saying for years, journalism in America is dead. It's buried. We have an informational crisis in this country, and that's why you, the American people, no longer trust the press, nor should you.
Look at this PBS-Marist Poll from over the summer. A combined 68 percent said they have not had very much or no trust at all in the media. And for good reason. The media is completely abusively biased in this country. They are a bunch of overpaid, rigid, left-wing radical ideologues and they no longer care about truth.
For example, the network evening newscasts tonight, even though these massive new stories are out about Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, colluding with the Russians, giving them uranium, kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation. They did not even report on it because it does not fit their narrative, their talking points.
There's also the fact that those stories are proof positive that Russia collusion hysteria is now starting to boomerang back on the Democrats. It's something by the way I predicted would happen back in June. Take a look.
HANNITY: I've been saying that this is all going to boomerang back. No evidence by anybody of any Russia collusion. Eleven months of media lying and conspiracy theories. But it did open up the doors that OK, now we've got a look at Loretta, now we've got to look at Hillary. And I would argue Hillary is going to be right behind Loretta Lynch in terms of investigation issues.
HANNITY: What I said back in June is exactly what's happening now and it's only going to get worse for Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Democrats, the media and all in the left.
Also tonight, the FBI, they released proof that the former Director of the FBI James Comey had been drafting a letter to exonerate Hillary Clinton and her email server scandal months before interviewing key witnesses including the former secretary of state herself. Does this not prove what I've been saying?
We don't have equal justice under the law. We have a two-tiered justice system in this country. One for the Clintons and one for the rest of us. And it also proves James Comey acted inappropriately. He deserved to be fired. Now Comey played politics, he let Clinton off the hook, even though she had secret, top-secret, special access programs, classified information stored, let's see, in a mom, pop shop bathroom closet. Which by the way, mishandling of classified information, that is a crime it. Destroying classified information, that is a crime. Deleting 33,000 subpoenaed emails, oh, that is called obstruction of justice.
And unlike the mainstream media, we care about the truth here. We care about facts. It's why we continue to expose all of these scandals. And tonight, a new level. Breaking news and this will now come back. Bribery, kickbacks, quid pro quo, America's national security at stake?
Joining us exclusively, John Solomon, he is with The Hill. Sara Carter, Circa News.
Sara, let me start with you. We are talking about bribery, we are talking about blackmail. We are talking about what else that was going on that the Obama Justice Department new and still gave Putin, Moscow, Russia 20 percent of our uranium and the money goes to the Clinton Foundation. Let's talk about it.
SARA CARTER, CIRCA NEWS: Well, back in 2009, the FBI was actually approached by a businessman. By an American businessman who said, look, I have information on the Russians. And I am going to give this to you and they said, would you work with us? They came to an agreement. He went inside. For 15 months, Sean, for 15 months, the FBI was investigating the Russian nuclear industry and agency. They knew that there were kickbacks.
They knew that there were bribes and they knew how dangerous this was to national security. And 15 months had passed in the investigation and then CFIUS, 13 members of the governing board approved the Uranium One deal to the Russians. I mean, this was something that I contacted FBI officials tonight. FBI sources that were there during that time. And they said the FBI would have had all of this information.
It would have been their duty on the board, on the CFIUS board to report that information. And so, now what I'm thinking is, if they did report that information, it's got to be out there. We have got to be able to see these documents. And know what was going on and why the United States government decided to approve a deal that would give 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets to Vladimir Putin. There is the connection with Russia.
HANNITY: Let me go to you, John, and you're a reporter of The Hill. So, the FBI basically has evidence and the former documents' e-mails financial records and eyewitnesses proving the Russian's bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering to secure their Uranium One deal -- and about $145 million kicked back to the Clinton Foundation and they knew it in 2009? They knew it before they even approved the deal?
JOHN SOLOMON, THE HILL: Yes. You said it in the opening monologue that the Democrats are concerned. That Russians tampered with our election results in 2016 while six years before that, they tampered with our nuclear security. They case proved that the nuclear Russia, Russia's nuclear industry had bribe their way and compromised an American truck company that moved all of Russia's uranium in the United States.
That is a national security threat. And for two years, the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton and everybody who has been quoted that said, the Obama administration had no knowledge of a national security threat and that's why they did not have any problem approving the Uranium One deal. Well, guess what? Tonight, we have a real National Security threat that was proven in real time in 2009 and it's going to be interesting to see what Congress does tomorrow morning. Chuck Grassley has a hearing with Jeff Sessions on the seat. And I think you might see some interesting questions.
HANNITY: All right. And Sara, this is stunning. That the Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder hid the information? He knew about the bribery, the kickbacks, the extortion, the money? And he also knew as well as Hillary and had to sign off along with Hillary Clinton on the deal even though that we know they are trying to influence every aspect of our security and get control over America's uranium. They are still allowed the deal to go through?
CARTER: Well, and these are many of the same players. Right? You had Rod Rosenstein. Rod Rosenstein then was head of this investigation when he was in Maryland looking at the trucking company. And remember this, you have a trucking company that is moving American uranium that is involved in bribery, kickbacks, all kinds of issues. And they are moving and national security asset, uranium. And you have Andrew McCabe, who is the deputy director of the FBI now who was also charged with that investigation. So, there is a lot of questions here.
HANNITY: Is Mueller involved in this?
CARTER: Yes, and Mueller who was charged then --
HANNITY: How does he investigated himself? So, we've got Mueller having to investigate his boss now Rod Rosenstein, who is also an Andrew McCabe of the FBI and probably James Comey. They all knew about this.
CARTER: That is exactly what we are looking at. These are people who actually knew about this. Now, it's up to Congress to ask those questions, to find out why did you decide to allow the CFIUS deal to go through with Uranium One? Why did you vote yes on this? What was the FBI actually looking at?
HANNITY: And they knew the Russians were trying to influence all of our uranium in this country.
CARTER: Absolutely.
HANNITY: All right. Here's the question. I have a final exit question and we will have more on this tonight. Did the DOJ, did they deliberately jeopardize America's national security knowing all of this was going on, in other words the kickbacks, bribery, extortion, money laundering? Allowing the steel to go through without presenting the evidence. And how did Hillary sign off on it and get all this money to the foundation? John, did they risk national security?
SOLOMON: I think there are some things we don't know yet. It is possible the Justice Department tell the CFIUS and they still voted to approve this deal and it's possible --
HANNITY: Wait! You mean, they've told them about bribery, extortion and money laundering and they still allowed the deal to go through by the Russians in our own country?
SOLOMON: We don't know the answer to that yet. That is the question and I can confirm tonight, reporting this out tonight. Senator Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee began an investigation last week specifically asking all the CFIUS members, did you know there was a criminal investigation. This is going to become one of the most important investigations that are going to evolve this fall.
HANNITY: Sara, I'll gave you the last word. What's coming up?
HANNITY: How far will this story going to go? Can you give us a hint where we're headed?
CARTER: Yes. I think the story is going to go far. I know as well that Senator Grassley had started this investigation last week and that he had asked very detailed questions to the current CFIUS board members. And those board members will now seek the information that he's asking for because they are going to be looking at and this is a whole new board that is going to be answering these questions.
So, it is going to be up to them to tell the truth and to deliver the answers to the American people. And it's going to be up to us to keep pushing this so that answers are delivered. Because I do believe National Security was at risk. I mean, according to every source I've spoken to --
HANNITY: They knew about it. This is proof. There really was a Russia conspiracy but it's not what the media reported. Great work both of you. It's amazing the work you guys do in the rest of the media is ignorant.
Now, Peter Schweizer, also Gregg Jarrett. We'll talk more about this. We have a lot more to come on this. Also, President Trump makes a big push tonight for a key part of his agenda. Newt Gingrich is here and so much more, straight ahead.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We believe that our great American flag should be treated with reverence and respect. And that young Americans should be taught to love our country, honor our anthem and proudly recite the pledge of allegiance.
HANNITY: All right. That was the President earlier tonight during a speech in front of the Heritage Foundation again taking aim at NFL players who kneel during our National Anthem. He also made a major push for a key part of his agenda. Tax reform, which every American needs. Watch this.
TRUMP: We need the help of the Heritage Foundation and everyone here tonight to get our tax cuts through the House, through the Senate and to my desk for signature. So, let's give our country the best Christmas present of all. Massive tax relief.
HANNITY: We need it. And the President got a boost today on this front. Washington Post reporting, quote, "McCain endorses budget bill and win for GOP tax reform effort."
Joining us now, author of the soon-to-be best-selling book "Vengeance," just out last week, former Speaker of the House, Fox News contributor, Newt Gingrich. I know you are aware of this Uranium One deal. And now we've got documents. We've got e-mails. We've got financial records. We've got eyewitnesses. That show they knew.
The Obama administration knew, in 2009 about Russia, top officials. Bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering. And they still signed off on the Uranium One deal, 20 percent of our uranium in the hands of Russia. And keep in mind, the same Russia that they had been screaming about for a year. Your thoughts on this development?
NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, first of all, the best news I heard tonight, was your report to Senator Grassley is beginning to ask very serious questions and I hope that the Senate Judiciary Committee is going to open a full-blown investigation. I also hope that Chairman Goodlatte and the House Judiciary Committee will do the same. These are unbelievable charges.
You know, if this is true, and there are two good fronts here. The Russian front which is unbelievable. And the Comey drafting and exoneration of Hillary two months before he interviewed her. Now both of those indicate levels of corruption and dishonesty on a scale that can't remember in American history. I mean, this whole thing coming together right now and the way it's coming together, the people who were involved, I mean, I think the average American is going to demand that the House and Senate hold full-blown clear public hearings, put this stuff on the record. I want to see the draft versions of what Comey was writing two months before --
HANNITY: Oh, we have it.
GINGRICH: It's no wonder. Yes. It's unbelievable.
HANNITY: Signed, sealed, delivered, exoneration. Does it matter you mishandled classified information, destroyed classified information and you destroyed subpoenaed emails. Why do I think I would be in jail and you would be calling me on the phone on Saturday night?
GINGRICH: Well, I mean, if you're Senator Bob Menendez and you are being tried for something and you suddenly learn that with the Clinton's dead maybe 50 to 100 times bigger and involve national security with Russia and nothing happening to them? I mean, if I was Menendez, I would say, wow, talk about justice not being fair. And then you look at Comey who is this great virtuous person in the Washington press corps start saying, wait a second, he is writing and exoneration two months before an interview? No wonder they did not put her under oath. It was rigged.
HANNITY: Never mind the dossier. The media, the Democratic politicians, they quoted the dossier. That they used Russian sources for. This is where the media in this country hurts the American people because they don't do their job. Their agenda driven. They've made more mistakes in the last year than I've ever seen. And I thought that it was bad when you were speaker. I've got a transition. I've got to ask you about how important this tax deal is.
Thad Cochran who is not feeling well flew back for this thing. McCain, you'll never knew what the hell he's going to do. I mean, he's just flighty as all can be lately.
GINGRICH: This is look, I think the President is exactly right tonight. I think Speaker Paul Ryan has sent out a note saying, for the average working Americans, it's going to be a $4,000 increase in take-home pay, work with Kevin Hassett, the chairman and council of economic advisor has put together $4,000 for family. I would not be at all surprised to see some Democrats decide that they will vote for this thing.
HANNITY: Really?
GINGRICH: This is the key to the year for the Congress and for the President.
HANNITY: And it has to be done this year.
GINGRICH: I love the President's way of putting it.
HANNITY: Yes. Go ahead.
GINGRICH: I love the way the President put it tonight. It ought to be a Christmas gift for every Americans. It can really get the economy rolling. And nothing can be more important for the Republicans than to focus on getting this done and getting it signed. I would prefer before thanksgiving, and certainly in early December.
HANNITY: By the way, it is personal with John McCain. When he came back after his surgery, he did say, stop listening to radio and cable host like me and people like me can go straight to hell. But I didn't take it personally at all. This is important, the end of the year because the timeline is now tough because the House is on vacation this week.
HANNITY: The Senate was on vacation last week. Who takes this much vacation, which is a side note? Are you confident that at the end of the day, the McCains, the Susan Collins, the people voted for this bill, are they going to be there, are they going to be Republicans for once? Are they going to get their identity somewhat back or are they going to bail and screw it up like health care?
NEWT GINGRICH, R-FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I think, you know, you're first real test this week. If they can pass the budget resolution this week, that is a huge step in the right direction. They might also have a little bit of luck in that I do think three or four Democrats -- if we can drive home the small business and what a huge tax break it is for working middle-class Americans, what a huge tax break it is. You got to North Dakota, Montana, Missouri, and Indiana. All Democratic seats. West Virginia. You're talking about a $4,000 increase per middle-class family? I think it's going to be pretty tough for the Democrats to go home and vote no.
HANNITY: I saw your comments about Steve Bannon. Yeah, I don't want to see the Democrats take over the house or senate. But I am with Steve Bannon in this sense, if Mitch McConnell cannot get the job done, Mitch McConnell needs to go. He is not getting the job done. For him saying oh, we have excessive expectations, our expectations were raised, because I see you laughing - were raised because people like him were promising to repeal and replace ObamaCare for seven years and they cannot get their act together. Go ahead, straighten me out.
GINGRICH: I'm not going to straighten you out. What I responded to with Bannon was he said he was going to run against every Republican except Ted Cruz. Up for reelection this year. We go down the list, everyone he is talking about voted to repeal ObamaCare. Voting to cut taxes. Everyone he is talking about voted for every single Trump Judge. Show me the principal case. I don't mind if he wants to complain about Mitch. Mitch is a big boy. He will take care of himself. That is not the argument. Bannon is suggesting and he said to himself -- he is going to wage war, against who? Against Republicans. When we fought Nazi Germany, we didn't start trying to fight Britain.
HANNITY: He is not talking about a real war. The art of political war.
GINGRICH: Wait a second, Sean. We are good friends. Hold on.
HANNITY: Here it comes.
GINGRICH: Bannon set against every Republican Senator except Ted Cruz. I think that is an absurdity.
HANNITY: Ok, here's what I want. I wish I could say what I am thinking to get there bleep together and do their job and I think Bannon is saying the same thing.
GINGRICH: No, he is not.
HANNITY: They really screwed up in the last nine months of this year. Seven and a half year promises, pretty disappointing.
GINGRICH: You are too good at this to say that. A specific thing. You and I both know well, I am assuming Bannon meant what he said. He is going to run against every Senator except Ted Cruz. I think it's absurd. My column on Fridays going to be about this. Check their records, they voted for every Trump judge. To repeal ObamaCare.
HANNITY: Politicians seem to respond to one thing, fear of losing their power. I think Alabama was a shot across the bow. The canary in the coal mine. They don't organize and get together and get in the room and shut the door and turn off the air conditioning like our framers and founders. I even send them free pizza, which did not exist for them, to get on the same page insert the American people. The forgotten men and women. Fear seems to be a god motivator, I think Bannon is saying get your act together. I agree with that sentiment.
GINGRICH: Get your act together is fine, trying to beat all the Republicans is just dumb.
HANNITY: All right.
GINGRICH: Invite Steve on. I will come on with Steve.
HANNITY: I would do an hour with you and Steve any day. I think it's important.
GINGRICH: That would be fun. That would be quite an evening.
HANNITY: All right I will set it up. I will call him right after the show. Good to see you. Congratulations on the new book. When we come back Peter Schweitzer more first about the uranium one deal. Gregg Jarrett is here with a reaction on the Hill. So good news and big bombshell. We have more information, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. We have more on the explosive report from The Hill John Solomon and Sara Carter that said the FBI now has proof Russian nuclear officials kicked back millions of dollars that benefited the Clinton foundation prior to the Obama administration's approval of the uranium one deal. They knew about bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering. We also understood tonight, Judicial watches found that 2800 government documents from Huma Aberdeen were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop and they might have been classified.
Here with reaction, someone who wrote extensively about corruption, surrounding the Clintons. The president of the government accountability institute, author of "Clinton Cash," he first discovered the uranium one story. And also, he is also written extensively about it, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.
All right. We've got to start with you, Mr. Peter Schweizer. If you broke this thing. What do you make of the new development tonight? They all knew and they still approved the deal.
PETER SCHWEIZER, CLINTON CASH, AUTHOR: It is huge, Sean. Kudos go out to these reporters for doggedly going at this story. By the way we also need to tip our hat to you, because you've been talking about this for a couple of years when a lot of other people have forgotten about it. This is a massive scandal and it's still shocking to me there has not been a congressional hearing. There's been no investigation when it is warranted and my hope is that this new reporting will not only get Senator Grassley to raise these very serious questions with the Attorney General but we will actually get an investigation of this for people whether it's a grand jury or congressional committee that has subpoena power, it warns that kind of activity.
HANNITY: Gregg, you wrote about this story about a year ago.
GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEAGL ANALYST: I did. I accused her of potential racketeering. It's using any business as a corrupt criminal enterprise. In this case, her business was a charity, but it was a dual purpose, it appears. This FBI documents gathered beginning in 2009. It seemed to show that the Russians were funneling tens of millions of dollars to that charity. Illegal money which makes it a criminal enterprise.
HANNITY: We had Russian operatives in this country. Eric Holder knew about it.
HANNITY: They know about bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering. Here's something -- I wonder if all the money that was donated was washed through Latvia as they had one of the reports. I wonder if the money came from Russia.
JARRETT: It could have been. It apparently came from more than half a dozen sources.
HANNITY: But it did benefit Bill and Hillary Clinton.
JARRETT: And Bill Clinton personally was receiving money from the Russian nuclear industry connected to this uranium one deal. What really I think is making congress angry is that Eric Holder who sits on the committee that approved this deal with Hillary -- Hillary presides over it. He knew about this when it took place. Guess who else knew about it and he was supervising in all of this? Robert Mueller was FBI Director and Rod Rosenstein, then U.S. Attorney. Supervisors on this investigation.
HANNITY: Wait a minute, if they knew what real Russian influence collusion is happening and they did nothing, how can they sit in judgment the way they are in this case? It seems to me they've all got to be cleared.
JARRETT: They've all got to be fired or they have to resign.
HANNITY: Immediately.
JARRETT: It totally compromises their integrity. I don't see any other way out.
HANNITY: When you wrote about this, Peter, I remember we did a lot of this, on "Clinton cash," were you not able to put all the pieces together and does this make more sense to you based on your early reporting?
SCHWEIZER: It does. On the book, we focused on Hillary's role. We knew in 2009 -- they knew because there is a's WikiLeaks cables that proved that she was told in those top-secret memos that the Russians were trying to corner the world's uranium market. She knew about that. And apparently didn't care. We also pointed out that a lot of these donations remember that came to the Clinton foundation, their signed agreement with President Obama was that they would disclose those donations and as of course we revealed, they were not disclosed. They were hidden. Why were they hidden? These new revelations indicate part of the reason. Why they didn't want this stuff to come to life.
HANNITY: Up to $145 million?
SCHWEIZER: $145 million. Think about this Sean, nine shareholders in uranium one. Nine all decided spontaneously to donate to the Clinton foundation. A lot of this money was flowing months, just months before that crucial vote to approve the deal. It's really shocking.
HANNITY: Last word. Go ahead go ahead.
SCHWEIZER: Last word, keep in mind, "The New York Times" is reported uranium one is actually exporting yellow cake from the United States, part of the agreement from the Russian --
HANNITY: Unbelievable.
SCHWEIZER: It's being exported out of the United States. We don't know where it is ending up.
HANNITY: Who should be investigating this as of tonight based on what we learned?
JARRETT: It cannot be Jeff Sessions, because if you remember, he recused himself. It cannot now be Rosenstein because he had this information when he knew it.
HANNITY: Who is next? Whoever's third and the Justice Department.
JARRETT: Or fourth, who can be appointed by either Sessions or Rosenstein.
HANNITY: You think Rosenstein and Mueller has to go?
JARRETT: I do. Hiding this information, not disclosing to congress when they had a legal obligation to do so seems to be unconscionable and they have no more integrity associated now with Trump collusion.
HANNITY: Now we know there's bribery kickbacks, extortion, money laundering, I want to know where the money really came from, that went to the Clinton foundation. I want to know where that money came from. What is it funneled through Latvia or any of these groups? Who gave the money? $145 million is a lot of money. Who benefited? It was Putin and Russia. That is the question.
JARRETT: A WikiLeaks document shows she was peddling access and now today we learned she was peddling influence.
HANNITY: At the risk of American security.
JARRETT: Absolutely.
HANNITY: All right. Thank you both. We will continue all week on this. When we come back. Huge developments today at the Harvey Weinstein scandal gets worse. You won't believe which Hollywood executive is now being accused of harassment and which actors. Straight ahead.
HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Every day we are learning more and more about just how disturbing that casting couch culture is in Hollywood. The disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein officially resigned from the board of the Weinstein Company today. Deadline Hollywood reporting tonight that the Los Angeles City attorney will prosecute Weinstein's victims come forward. We will have the reporter who broke that story on tomorrow. In a shocking turn of events, Bob Weinstein, Harvey's brother, he too is now accused of sexual harassment. According to reports, he is denying any allegation.
And also tonight, the former chairman of DreamWorks Jeffrey Katzenberg says there's no way Harvey Weinstein acted alone saying men around Weinstein protected him and described him as a pack of wolves. Tonight more Hollywood topline actresses are coming forward about harassments that they received. Actress Reese Witherspoon said she experienced sexual harassment and assault including a Director that assaulted her when she was 16 years old. Actress Jennifer Lawrence she also detailed how a female producer made her stand naked in a lineup next to other girls, enticing her to lose weight. Oh, my gosh.
Joining us now with reaction, Fox News correspondent at large Geraldo Rivera, conservative columnist Monica Crowley. It's the music industry, TV industry. Movie industry. Young people have dreams, aspirations, and desires. What happens?
MONICA CROWLEY, AMERICAN COLUMNIST AND POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: The music industry, television, news, anything that involves a camera or the way you look, these kinds of judgments come into play. And it has an incredibly corrosive effect, it generates moral degradation and it generates this kind of culture.
HANNITY: NBC knew and spiked it. The New York Times knew inspected. Everyone in Hollywood knew and they joke about it.
CROWLEY: That is a different part of the corruption. I'm talking about mass corruption, Sean. It's true. We've got money, greed and power and influence all coming in to play. Then you have the corruption of sexual abuse and harassment. Jennifer Lawrence was talking about being judged at 15 and sexually harassed.
HANNITY: Reese Witherspoon.
CROWLEY: Not only do we have rape, on the table. Rape allegations but we have charges of child predatory behavior.
HANNITY: We were warned about this years ago and on your own TV show, you did these stories. You've known about this. You talked about how screwed up these child actors lives become.
GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEW ROAMING CORRESPONDENT: We have been talking about this scandal in ideological terms, political terms but essentially, they are criminal. The problem with prosecuting people like Harvey Weinstein or Roman Polanski or Woody Allen, you name them -- generally speaking, the complaint come years later. The statute of limitations -- these women, Jennifer Lawrence, Reese Witherspoon that you mention were all at a gathering in Southern California over the last couple of days and they come up with "well, I think it's a great idea. Because the criminal prosecution will not happen in the majority of these cases. The very rare -- very risky and shaky cases. Why not have a commission? Where you have actors or actresses, producers where they can tell these stories, name names and make recommendations. I believe if you had this commission, not only would you hear these hair-raising stories but you would also expose a corrupt industry. It's so corrupt that there are agents that work as pimps. And stage moms that know exactly what they are doing when they push their 15 or 16-year-old daughter into this meeting with a big belly gold chain wearing producer. I think that is the way to get meaningful reform and it is the only way Sean.
HANNITY: All right. Last word, Monica. We got a break.
CROWLEY: Yes. I think this is obviously breaking Hollywood wide open. I think it's going to break other industries wide open.
HANNITY: Tip of the iceberg.
CROWLEY: I think it is the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of enablers involved across the board with Harvey Weinstein. I just hope it leads to some reform and a much better culture. In all of these industries.
HANNITY: More "Hannity" after the break.
HANNITY: let's talk about Hollywood. For the past few years I've been working on a very special project, I'm a proud executive producer and I wanted to do this because I'm tired of formulaic films that frankly, go against conservative sensibilities and values. The award-winning movie, it is an award winning already, it is called "Let There Be Light," it's in theaters October 27th. You can find locations on Hannity.com. Here's a sneak peek. Ten days away. Go see it.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can't stop thinking about Davey.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, look. I know how it felt.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wait, what? What did he say?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He looked at me. And he said "Daddy, let there be light." I just wanted to put my arms around him. He said it again. He said let there be light, Daddy.
HANNITY: Here is a hint. Bring the whole family and bring issues. That is all I say. That is all the time we have left this evening. Always fair and balanced. Stay tuned, Steve Hilton is next.
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