
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 12, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Welcome to "Hannity." This is a Fox News Alert. We are following two major breaking news stories.

Mitch McConnell is threatening to stall President Trump's agenda until next year. Why won't Congress pass the legislation, and why can't he simply get the job done? We'll be holding Washington accountable.

Also tonight, Hillary Clinton releases her new book. It is full of endless excuses as to why she lost the 2016 election. We will set the record straight, and we will record as Donald Trump calls her crooked Hillary. This is something the destroy Trump media will never do, tell you the truth, and it is something you will only see right here on "Hannity." And that is tonight's "opening monologue."

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, he just continues to prove he's completely incompetent and incapable. Just last month, McConnell complained and whined that the president had excessive expectations. Really? Watch this.


SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL, R-KY., MAJORITY LEADER: Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before and I think had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process.


HANNITY: Now according to Roll Call, McConnell is actually saying that tax reform may have to wait until next year. I don't know about you watching at home, but I've literally had it up to here and beyond with Mitch McConnell. Now, the only thing this guy does is come up with excuse after excuse as to why he can't keep the simple promises that he and others made to you, the American people.

Now, he has said for over seven years he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare, and then when he gets the chance, he blows it. And now McConnell is saying tax reform will have to wait until 2018? It is beyond unacceptable, and it really shows you why he has the pathetic 18 percent approval record in his home state of Kentucky. Now McConnell is not leading, he's not getting the job done.

So senator, if you don't want to roll up your sleeves, if you don't want to get to work on passing the agenda you promised and the president promised, then maybe it's time to call it a career.

Get out of the way. Let someone else who actually cares about keeping their promises to the American people -- let them step up. Let them start passing legislation.

Now, also tonight, Hillary Clinton released her book. It's called "What Happened." And by the way, it was all smiles earlier today while kicking off the first part of her book tour, signing copies right here in New York City. But tonight, Clinton should be anything but happy because this book -- and the media won't tell you -- is full of nothing but excuses, lies, and to use a phrase, fake news.

Now, crooked Hillary, as the president calls her, is in complete denial about why she actually lost this election. Now, let's take a list (sic) at the long list of Clinton excuses that our colleague and friend, Gregg Jarrett has put together. Look at this. Clinton has up to now given 32 reasons for why she lost. And the list grows and grows and grows, and no person, no thing is spared! Now, Clinton has blamed everyone and everything but herself and her terrible campaign for this defeat.

Now, Gregg Jarrett -- he's going to join us, along with Jay Sekulow with reaction. But instead of writing a tell-all book, Clinton could have saved herself a lot of time and just take a long look in the mirror. But of course, this is Hillary Clinton we're talking about. She'll never pass up an opportunity, A, to make money, and B, cast blame on others.

It's exactly what Hillary Clinton did in an interview with CBS this weekend. Just take a look at this.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-FMR. PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Analysts who I have a great deal of respect for, like Nate Silver, burrowed into all the data and said but for that Comey letter, she would have won.

CLINTON: But even though that was the primary blow to my campaign at the very end, it has to be looked at in context with the Russians weaponizing information, negative stories about me, this whole WikiLeaks beginning to leak in early October of John Podesta's emails...

CLINTON: Facebook was taking money from Russian companies to run negative stories about me.

CLINTON: And then let's not forget sexism and misogyny, which are endemic to our society.


HANNITY: Misogyny, the last one. Now, these examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Clinton blaming others for why it is that she lost. Now, in this new book, Hillary actually criticizes the liberal mainstream media for all the scandals surrounding the Clinton Foundation. Now listen to this.


CLINTON: I knew from experience that if I ran for president again, everything Bill and I had ever touched would be subject to scrutiny and attack, including the foundation. That was a concern, but I never imagined that this widely respected global charity would be as savagely smeared and attacked as it was.

CLINTON: During the campaign, there was twice as much written about the Clinton Foundation as there was on any of the Trump scandals.


HANNITY: She's now painting herself as the victim! She's completely out of touch!

Let's set the record straight. Let's give you the truth. She's out of touch with the facts surrounding the Clinton Foundation.

Now, take a look at the side of the screen. The Clinton Foundation took millions and millions of dollars from countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE and others -- you know, countries that treat women, gays, lesbians, Christians and Jews horribly.

Saudi Arabia -- remember? Women can't drive. They need permission to work or to travel. Marital rape in these countries in many of them is not recognized. If you're gay or lesbian, many of those countries, the punishment is death. And by the way, you're not allowed to build a church or a temple in Saudi Arabia, for example. That would be illegal.

And that's just the one country of the many that the Clintons have taken money from, not to mention all the allegations of pay-to-play at the Clinton Foundation. You may remember back in August of last year when the AP published a story with the headline, quote, "Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State."

And the report details, quote, "More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money either personally or through companies or groups to the Clinton Foundation." Wow, you donate, and you get a meeting!

And then, of course, the Uranium One deal. As her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton -- she was one of nine people to approve the transfer of up to 20 percent of America's uranium -- you know, the foundational material for nuclear weapons. To who? Vladimir Putin, the Russians. Wow, there is a real conspiracy.

And then people involved in that deal ended up kicking back as much as $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. Oh, and Bill Clinton doubled his speaking fees in Moscow.

So sorry, Hillary Clinton. The media, Republicans, they're not to blame for all the corruption at the Clinton Foundation, and by the way, you and your husband are.

And next, of course, Hillary's excuse for her email server scandal. In her book, "What Happened," she actually attacks The New York Times -- The New York Times! -- over their coverage, blaming them. Listen to this.


CLINTON: The Times, as usual, played an outsized role in shaping the coverage of my emails throughout the election. To me, the paper's approach felt schizophrenic. It spent nearly two years beating me up about emails, but its glowing endorsement applied some sanity to the controversy. Then in the home stretch of the race, when it mattered most, the paper went right back to its old ways.


HANNITY: All right, again, let's tell the truth, and let's set the record straight. That's laughable because remember? WikiLeaks exposed The New York Times as only one of the many mainstream media outlets -- interestingly enough, except the Fox News Channel -- that was caught red-handed. They were colluding with the Clinton campaign.

Now, the reason her emails became such a big story is because Clinton broke several laws. Remember? She had secret, top secret, special access program and classified information on her server, you know, the server stored in the bathroom of a mom and pop shop.

The FBI also told us that it's likely that up to five foreign intelligence agencies gained access to every single classified email and every special access program email on that server.

And it even gets worse. Remember Clinton's team deleted 33,000 emails using BleachBit -- in other words, acid wash -- after being served with a congressional subpoena. Now, an aide also smashed those old mobile devices with a hammer. Can't get the emails from there.

And then to top it all off, members of the Clintons' legal team -- remember? They did give the FBI Blackberries, but those Blackberries didn't have SIM cards in them, rendering them meaningless.

Now, there's also the fact that Clinton changed her story and lied every step of the way when it came to her use of a private email server.

Now, this is all pathetic, and Clinton is delusional. The media won't tell you she can't come to grips with the reality she was a terrible candidate -- no message, no vision for the American people. And by the way, she didn't even bother to campaign in swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania. Unbelievable.

Joining us now with reaction, editor-in-chief, Lifezette, FOX News contributor, nationally syndicated radio host Laura Ingraham. You're laughing.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I listen to you, I'm, like, These are the golden oldies of the Clintons. I mean you didn't hit Webb Hubble (ph), or you know, Broaddrick. You could have...


HANNITY: No, it's just a -- but it's all a lie! She's now making money off a bunch of suckers that are buying a book that's full of lies and fake news.


HANNITY: I think she believes it.

INGRAHAM: Yes, bleach this book.



INGRAHAM: Take hammers to the book. I mean, that's what her staff should have done before they released it. I was thinking of the old quote from Teddy Roosevelt that if you could kick the person in the pants most responsible for your own troubles, you wouldn't sit for a month, and Hillary Clinton has to think about that. Even Eleanor Roosevelt, her -- her idol, talks about how we shape our own lives.

I mean, we make our own decisions. And ultimately, we're responsible until we die for those decisions and our own fate. And yet every turn, whether it's going back to, you know, 1998 and Monica Lewinsky all the way up through the Clinton scandals of the Clinton Foundation, it's never, ever, ever the Clintons' fault.

And I think that refusal to take really pretty much any personal responsibility of any note is part of the reason why Trump won because people are just kind of sick of that type of politics. You know, Trump is not a -- someone who's going to apologize a lot. That's not who he is. But he did expose the Clintons for what they do and who they are. And I think that second debate, Sean -- remember the second debate where he -- you know, he stood next to her and he had all those women who -- who...

HANNITY: It was creepy. He was within 10 feet of her.

INGRAHAM: Yes, and all the women who Bill Clinton had abused and -- and -- Broaddrick and Paula Jones and all the rest, and he said, You're talking about, you know, some locker room talk, you know, that I regret and I'm sorry for. Yes, that's bad, but what about what happened to these women?

And he called out the Clintons for what most Republicans in public office were afraid to do, which is their utter disregard for the norms of human behavior and how most public servants treat the oath of office, which is with great -- you know, with great respect and great reverence, not that revolving door of influence that we saw at the State Department. So you nailed it in your monologue.

HANNITY: All right, let me ask you this because Mitch McConnell said our expectations have been really, really high, that after, you know, begging for the House, the Senate and the White House...


HANNITY: ... that you know, after -- and after seven-and-a-half years expecting health care, that was really unfair of us to expect the job done. Now he's saying the tax bill may go into next year. Now, my first reaction is one of anger and feeling of betrayal.

INGRAHAM: Yes, that's rightful anger. The people expect action. If Mitch McConnell cannot get this done -- and I know they're meeting in the White House tonight. I think they're having dinner. But if he can't get this done with the House in Republican hands, obviously, the Senate and the presidency, then I think it's time for him and a lot of his colleagues to go into a different line of work. They're just not all that good, contrary to what we've heard, at politics.

So maybe Mitch McConnell either rides off into the sunset, does something in Kentucky, maybe he can run a bourbon company or something down there, and leave politics to people like Donald Trump who can actually cut deals when necessary and get results for the American people because so far, you know, they've -- they've -- they've given us a bunch of goose eggs here. We've gotten -- gotten almost nothing from the Republicans.

And Donald Trump's sick of it. So he's going to cut deals, if he has to, to move the ball down the field, and Republicans can -- Republicans could actually build out a movement that would sustain this party for decades, Sean, if they actually followed the America first, make America great again agenda.

HANNITY: Exactly.

INGRAHAM: They'll blow (ph) the party...


INGRAHAM: ... blow (ph) the party, you know, into new areas of the country. It'd be great.

HANNITY: You know, Kennedy did it and Reagan did it. When Reagan when from 70 to 28 percent top marginal tax rate in his years as president, revenues doubled and we created 20 million new jobs. If we go from the highest corporate tax cut -- corporate tax rate in the industrialized world to the lowest, if we go for a middle class cut, repatriation of multi- nationals, seven brackets to three, and then add energy jobs, we can have that success and more.

I don't think that's that hard, even if you have a Senate lunch, the Senate barber shop, the Senate dining room, and the Senate smoke room and brandy shop, you ought to be able to find an hour or two to get that done.

INGRAHAM: And look, they find money for all sorts of garbage on Capitol Hill. I mean, they -- they allocate billions of dollars that, frankly, we never see hide nor hair of again. And to what end? And in this point, we have a chance, it's the first time in 30 years, to revitalize the American economy for a new generation of Americans, long after Mitch McConnell is gone, long after we're gone. This could actually sustain the country as China continues to bear down on us, continues to outperform, continues to grow its military. We need an economy that works for the average person.

And we tried the other way. We've tried globalization on steroids. And that's made a lot of people rich, but it hasn't made the middle rich and the forgotten men and women who showed up to vote for Trump. And Donald Trump has to keep those people in mind as he does these negotiations.

HANNITY: Laura Ingraham, good to see you. Thank you.

When we come back -- is Hillary Clinton in legal jeopardy? Is James Comey in legal jeopardy? We'll check in with our own Gregg Jarrett, Jay Sekulow. They're next. And Ollie North and much more tonight on "Hannity."


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So in her new book, "What Happened," Hillary Clinton takes shots at all the people she blamed for her embarrassing 2016 presidential election loss, including the former FBI director, James Comey, who I argue had the fix in. Listen to this.


CLINTON: For months after the election, I tried to put it all out of my mind. It would do me no good to brood over my mistakes, and it wasn't healthy or productive to dwell on the ways I felt I'd been shivved by then FBI director Jim Comey three times over the final five months of the campaign.


HANNITY: Here with reaction from the American Center for Law and Justice, the chief counsel and also the president's attorney, Jay Sekulow, and Fox News anchor, attorney Gregg Jarrett.

All right, Jay, I'm going to start with you tonight. We had the issue of the Records Act. We also have the issue of 18 USC I believe 793. Correct me if I'm wrong. What about the Hatch Act? Because I'm getting all these rumblings that Comey's in real legal trouble now. Any truth to that?

JAY SEKULOW, TRUMP LEGAL TEAM: So here's what we're hearing on the Hatch Act. So that's an internal -- if you're a government employee, there are prohibitions on engaging in political campaigns.

So what happened was there was a report from the Office of Special Counsel -- not to be confused with Robert Mueller, this is the Office of Special Counsel inside the Department of Justice -- that was investigating or is investigating James Comey's activity for exactly what you just said just moments ago, this kind of intervention in the campaign last year. And that could include being barred for up to five years from federal service, including fines and penalties.

But it points to something deeper. There's also an inspector general's investigation going on right now as to James Comey, as well. In addition to that, you've got Senator Graham saying last week he smelled a rat in the fact that the declination letter, and that's what it was, regarding the whole Hillary Clinton e-mail situation was written at least two, maybe three months before they interviewed 16 witnesses, including the target. So he had already been transferring (ph) around this declination letter.

So all of this together, to me, points to the fact that there must be, there has to be, an investigation of James Comey going on, and it should be at multiple levels.

HANNITY: And I've got to believe now this is going to happen. And I also think, Gregg, that the door has been opened in a lot of ways because the fix was in. That means the attorney general now can begin his own investigation anew. We know she violated the law! You know, we also know the leakers are violating laws. We know -- hear Jay saying Comey potentially violated laws. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is in trouble. Uranium One is a big issue.

And what's frustrating is there's no evidence on Russia, but none of these things get investigated. And if we're going to have equal justice under the law in this country, doesn't that have to happen?

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: It absolutely has to happen, and look, it has to begin by looking closely at James Comey, who appears to have testified falsely under oath when he was asked by the House Judiciary Committee, Did you determine not to prosecute Hillary Clinton before or after you interviewed her, and he said afterwards.

Well, it's now emerged that he wrote a statement of exoneration of Clinton two months before he interviewed her and top aides, so that would appear to be false testimony by Comey. And it would also appear that his entire investigation of Hillary Clinton was nothing more than a charade.

HANNITY: It's a charade and it's a sham, and in light -- you know, I honestly think, Jay, we're the only ones that point out the specific laws that she broke. We know mishandling of classified information happened. We know obstruction. Nobody gets to delete e-mails. Bleach -- use BleachBit and acid wash and then destroy Blackberries and iPhones. If any of us did that, we'd be in trouble. I would be asking both of you to come to jail and visit me!

JARRETT: We would.

SEKULOW: Well, we would do more than that. We'd represent you. But in addition to that, let me say something else here. You know, When James Comey got on his -- made a statement about how he was, you know, just shocked and appalled at what had happened with former president Clinton and then the attorney general Loretta Lynch on that tarmac and he had to take action, he bypassed the entire internal operation procedures within the Department of Justice. He himself took on the role as attorney general.

Now, granted, Loretta Lynch was severely compromised in this, without question. But there was still a deputy attorney general and there was a process to go forward with.

Here's what you have. James Comey thinks he is above the law. He thinks he's above the rules and regulation. And in a sense, James Comey is creating his own really constitutional crisis here because you've got this idea that there are policies, procedures, rules and guidelines, and he ignores them!

HANNITY: All right, last question...

SEKULOW: And he can get away with -- with impunity? That's not the way it's supposed to be!

HANNITY: So what I want to know is where is the scope as it relates to the Trump-Russia collusion, no evidence story? Dana Rohrabacher meets with Julian Assange, Gregg, Julian Assange, the one guy that knows where the information came from, the DNC e-mails, et cetera.


HANNITY: He doesn't want to talk to them, and they keep expanding out the investigation. And in that sense, this is -- there's something radically wrong. And then they had Comey getting his best friend on purpose by leaking to The New York Times.

JARRETT: Right. And the other point you made earlier, Sean, is what about the 30,000 destroyed e-mails? Congress had issued a subpoena...


JARRETT: ... to preserve -- 33,000 destroyed e-mails. Congress had issued a subpoena, lawful subpoena, to preserve and produce all of her e-mails. Instead, she destroyed 30,000 of them, and there's no way to prove the content of them because she cleaned the server, destroying any incriminating evidence.

But destruction of evidence by itself, regardless of whether those documents exist -- she admits she destroyed 30,000 -- that by itself is obstruction of justice. It is beyond me how she has not as yet been held for an indictment on that count alone!

SEKULOW: Well, let me just add one thing really quick, Sean. I'm holding in my hand three Freedom of Information requests that we just sent out on this whole matter of the declination letter, about being written three months, two to three months before the interviews took place.

Look, there is no justification for prejudging this case or any other case before the main witnesses are interviewed, by the way, including people on her staff that were also allowed to be serving as her lawyer. I mean, this is unprecedented, what Cheryl Mills was allowed to do!

JARRETT: What prosecutor has ever absolved a suspect...

HANNITY: All right...

JARRETT: ... long before the witnesses are even interviewed? No prosecutor.

SEKULOW: Impossible. Outrageous.

HANNITY: It's unbelievable. All right, guys, thank you both for being with us.

When we come back, somebody who does know the Clintons really well, former Arkansas governor, presidential candidate Mike Huckabee as we continue tonight right here on "Hannity."

JACKIE IBANEZ, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: -- in New York. We're learning more about the destruction left behind by hurricane Irma's trek through Florida. The Florida Keys suffered the brunt of the storm. A majority of homes on the islands are destroyed or suffered major damage. Hurricane Irma is also blamed for at least 19 deaths here in the U.S.

A Supreme Court victory for President Trump. The high court ruling Tuesday to allow the Trump administration to maintain its restrictive policy on refugees. The decision blocks the lower court ruling that would have eased the ban.

And two security contractors telling Fox News tonight that Hillary Clinton's State Department silenced them about Benghazi security lapses. They say compound security was so dire another contractor was brought in just two weeks before the 2012 attack that killed four Americans including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

I'm Jackie Ibanez. Now back to "Hannity." For all of your headlines, log on to FoxNews.com.

HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So Hillary Clinton has a lot of excuses for why she lost in 2016 in the presidential election. In a brand new book "What Happened" Clinton details some of those excuses, including the controversy over her private server which, according to Clinton, was just a dumb scandal driven by partisan politics like she told Ed Henry. Did I clean it with like a cloth? Watch this.


CLINTON: I never meant to mislead anyone, never kept my email use secret, and always took classified information seriously. During the campaign I tried endlessly to explain that I'd acted in good faith. I tried to apologize, though I knew the attacks being lobbed at me were untrue or wildly overstated and motivated by partisan politics.

Sometimes I dove deep into the tedious details. Other times I tried to rise above it all. Once I even told a bad joke. No matter what, I never found the right words. So let me try again. It was a dumb mistake, but an even dumber scandal.


HANNITY: Joining us now Fox News contributor, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. One of the things we're talking about tonight, governor, is equal justice under the law. All right, so if you have equal justice under the law, you don't get to have a private server. That was wrong. Mishandling is a crime. Deleting classified top secret special access program information, that's a crime. BleachBit, acid wash, banging out with hammers, phones, and BlackBerries, that would seem like obstruction. You know the Clintons well. It doesn't seem like something to be sorry for, and five foreign intelligence agencies got the information.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FORMER ARKANSAS GOVERNOR: Sean, forgive me for laughing during the whole segment, but what I'm sitting here thinking is the only thing worse than reading the 512 pages would be to listen to that entire book on audio. And I just cannot imagine that, and part of it is that she has this cafeteria full of excuses was to why she didn't win.

But in a serious note, one thing I want people to remember -- she was an appointed federal official at the time that these things were happening. She was not just a candidate. She was the secretary of state when she had a private server. She had access to classified information. She was a federal employee. She was under all of the restrictions and all of the confines of what that means. And the press has spent so much time talking about some meeting that one of Donald Trump's sons had when he was not a federal employee. He was simply the son of the candidate, and it's just bizarre to me that anybody could with a straight face think that this was not a serious issue of what Hillary Clinton did.

HANNITY: Governor, I want to move on to another issue. We've been talking about this a lot. I want to move on to the agenda of the president. And I'm arguing republics don't have an identity anymore. And Mitch McConnell says, well, there's been excessive expectations when people thought that if they got the House and they got the Senate and they got the White House and they got a president that wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare that after eight months they might have the job done, but he says our expectations were out of whack. Now he's actually saying that the tax bill might slip into next year.

You know, besides raising my blood pressure and wanting to go apoplectic over this, I'm thinking if you can't get the job done, go get out of the way. Let's let somebody who can get the job done. Do I have excessive expectations?

HUCKABEE: No, I think you have the expectations that were given to you by Senator McConnell who kept saying give us the Senate. We need the Senate. We can't just do it with the House alone. And then we need the White House. You have got all three. You've got the House, you've got the Senate, you've got the White House. You've had seven-and-a-half years to prepare.

And this is not about excessive expectations. This is about minimal expectations. You were sent there to cut taxes, sent there to repeal and replace Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, stop the Iranian deal, make America strong, build the wall. For heaven's sakes, these are the things you got the votes to do, so just do it. I mean, why don't we give them all a pair of Nikes and tell them --

HANNITY: Governor, it's not that hard --

HUCKABEE: -- just do it.

HANNITY: I agree with you. So seven brackets to three, middle class tax cuts, corporate tax cut, and repatriation and energy independence, I'm not asking for too much. I'm just asking for what Reagan did that created 20 million new jobs. I don't think that's that hard.

HUCKABEE: It's not that hard. And the thing is it would have an incredible impact upon exploding the economy with extraordinary growth. Growth is far more important than anything else we do because that's how we pay for the entitlements. That's also how we bring down the debt. We'll never be able to tax people enough. The only way to get our economy under control, our debt under control, have the defense budget we need, get people back to work and getting paychecks instead of welfare checks, it's real simple -- grow the economy. And a tax plan like Donald Trump has suggested will do that.

HANNITY: And when Mitch McConnell interjects himself in a primary of Alabama, and the people in Alabama, the latest poll shows 52 percent Roy Moore, and Luther Strange is at 35 or 36 percent, that says a lot, doesn't it. And he's at 18 percent approval rating in the state of Kentucky.

HUCKABEE: I think it does. And one of the reasons I supported Roy Moore in the Senate Race -- I don't have anything against Luther Strange. He may be a great guy. But Sean, it's real simple. I want someone who will go and challenge the establishment, not be a part of it. And I'm convinces Roy Moore will at least challenge it and he won't join the club. I don't want any more members of their club.

HANNITY: I don't want any more members of the club, the Senate dining room, the Senate barber shop, the Senate workout room. How about the Senate work for the people room. Let's have one of those rooms. All right, good to see you, governor. Thank you.

When we come back, the U.N. approves tough new sanctions against North Korea. Colonel Oliver North is here to discuss. There's no good options there, straight ahead.



PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We had a vote yesterday on sanctions. We think it's just another very small step, not a big deal. Rex and I were just discussing, not big -- I don't know if it has any impact, but certainly it was nice to get a 15 to nothing vote. But those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen.


HANNITY: That was the president earlier today saying the unanimous decision by the U.N. Security Council yesterday to place new sanctions on North Korea, they're only the beginning. The new sanctions, they did stop short of the Trump administration's tougher stance which was to ban all oil imports and freeze the international assets of leader Kim Jong-un.

Here with reaction, the host of "War Stories," Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North. I think now Kim Jong-un has sufficiently garnered the attention of the entire world. Bannon was on "60 Minutes" on Sunday, and I think, yes, I think the biggest key besides incinerating this place, which it could come to, would be for China to step up considering that's their region of the world. Is China capable of finally cutting the cord there?

LT. COL. OLIVER NORTH, HOST, "WAR STORIES": Great question, Sean, but before I go to that I want to, first of all, go on air and thank you for helping Griff Jenkins and his FOX camera team in Florida last Saturday. You responded like a U.S. marine, quick reaction force, and thank you, my friend.


NORTH: That's all I need to say about that.

HANNITY: Nobody knows what you're talking about.

NORTH: I know.

HANNITY: Nobody knows. He was homeless in a hurricane, though. I'll put it that way.


NORTH: There you go, buddy. Well done. It was terrific.

HANNITY: No problem.

NORTH: Back to the answer of your question. The president, first of all, must continue to make the point that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea nuclear weapons and ICBMs are an existential threat and a clear and present danger to the American people. He needs to keep saying that. That U.N. resolution, as he said, 16th anniversary of 9/11/01, probably the best we could hope for given the veto threats from Moscow and Beijing.

But the asset freezes are wholly inadequate. None of those clowns has a checking account at Wells Fargo or Bank of America. Banning $725 million in North Korean textile sales, do you have North Korean jeans? I don't. It's a drop in this bucket. If the U.N. wants to shut off funding from North Korea and their nukes and their ICBMs, call the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei in Tehran. That's where the bankroll is coming for this thing.

But you also said it correctly. The only way to pressure the chubby dwarf in Pyongyang is to continue to press President Xi in Beijing and his politburo that the U.S. is deadly serious about our last option, and our last option ought to be military action. And that's going to take more than words. It's going to take action. So here's what I suggest that the president -- go ahead.

HANNITY: Go ahead. Well, if he's going to put -- you go first, colonel. Yes, sir.

NORTH: I suggest what President Trump needs to do right now to send a clear signal to Beijing that we really are deadly serious. We keep saying it but we've got to show them. First, deliver biological and chemical protection equipment to the Republic of Korea -- clear signal. Ask Israel publicly to provide iron dome, iron beam, and David Sling systems to the Republican of Korea to deal with the North Korean artillery on the DMZ and protect Seoul. Number three, return the tactical nukes to the Republic of Korea that we withdrew in the 1990s. Number four, deploy another carrier strike group to the region, and more long range aircraft and air tankers to Guam and Okinawa, and get this, deploy search and rescue assets and ask to see if we can base some of our assets to China to recover air crews because there are going to be crews shot down. It's unlikely he'll agree, but it's a very clear signal. It may wake him up and the politburo.

HANNITY: Look, he's had little fear firing over Japan, and he's threatening Guam. I would argue the next time he fires a missile or even puts one on a launch pad we really don't have a choice. Don't we have to take it out to send the loudest message?

NORTH: Look, unfortunately I know a little bit too much about this to be able to talk about it on TV. I have to be very careful. It's important to understand that we learn a lot about their systems by getting the telemetry that comes back from them. So it's a very important part of the information that we have without using another "I" word, the information we have about what goes on.

So for example, if we shoot one down coming off the pad, it's in the air, it's not going to hurt anybody on the ground, maybe OK, maybe not. Remember what the Chinese said. What the Chinese have to be convinced, Sean, is that we will take very serious military action if this doesn't stop. It's not just a matter of shooting down one or two, because he's got mobile missiles he can deploy relatively quickly, and if he has got the warheads we think he has he can deliver one on the United States in the space of about 45 minutes. That's all the warning we're going to get.

So for example if we deploy the hospital ships to Pusan and to Okinawa, that would be a very clear signal the United States is deadly serious, Mr. Xi. Pay attention, you and your politburo, because you can stop this. And that's what we need to do before we pull the trigger, because I think once you pull the trigger, Sean, you're going to have a war. And it will be a very quick war. It will be unbelievable.

But, quite frankly, the politburo and Xi can stop this. If we have to launch a military operation, we're going to have to use surface and undersea, air launch cruise missiles, U.S. Air Force and Navy strike aircraft. We have to decapitate the leadership, take down all their air defenses and their CQ coms, cyber-attacks, special weapons we haven't used elsewhere, and they're going to have to use carrier pigeons to communicate afterwards.

HANNITY: They'll be incinerated.

NORTH: Yes, they will.

HANNITY: All right, Colonel, safe home, sir. Thank you.

Quick programming note. You can watch Colonel Oliver North, "War Stories," on the FOX Business Network, our sister station.

When we come back, a new study reveals how bias the liberal media coverage of President Trump is. It is so over the top. Monica Crowley will join us. And Tomi Lahren gets the final word later tonight, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." A new study from the Media Research Center proves what we've been saying all along. The mainstream establishment liberal media, they are out to take down President Trump. The study tracked the broadcast evening newscast from this summer, three major networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, and they found a staggering 91 percent of their coverage of the president was negative. Wow. Joining us now with reaction, conservative commentator Monica Crowley is back with us. Ninety- one percent, I don't think it can get worse.

MONICA CROWLEY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it can, Sean. So don't temp the mainstream media to actually make it worse. If you spend five minutes watching any of the major coverage of President Trump, this study doesn't come as a surprise. And what we do know, Sean, is that over decades the mainstream media has demonstrated a really pronounced leftist bias, but what we're seeing now is so different is the level of intensity and the level of activism.

The press hates and fears Donald Trump. They hate him personally. They don't like him personally. But they also hate what he represents, which is the forgotten man, economic nationalism, patriotism, enforcing laws, particularly on immigration, his personal wealth. And when you marry that, Sean, with the idea that they also fear him because they know if he succeeds then their level of influence and power is going to be diluted to a level that they cannot stand.

So because they cannot tolerate him or his policies, because they fear him so much, they've got to pull out all of the stops to try to destroy him.

HANNITY: Have you ever watched or read in The New York Times, The Washington Post, or any of these other cable channels or the networks, you know, we try to talk about solutions on this program. We give very special examples on the economy. We go over on a regular basis the economic plan to help the people you're talking about, forgotten men and women in poverty, food stamps, out of work, can't but a house. We talk about solutions for the budget, we talk about solutions to grow the economy, create jobs, energy, secure the border, national defense, identifying enemies. When do they ever, because I don't see it, talk about how to help people or offering ideas that help people?

CROWLEY: They don't because they're not interested in that. They're interested in attacking this president and his agenda, again, Sean, because he represents something totally different. They've never had to deal with a president like this who comes out of the business world and who is, as you say, focused on those agenda items that actually are going to deliver tangible results to the American people, particularly on the economy, also on national security in terms of giving them a better life, increasing their wages, and keeping them and their families safe. That's what the president is focused on, actual, tangible, practical results.

And neither party, the establishment on either side, as well as the mainstream media, they're not interested in that at all because if he actually gets this government working and gets the economy humming, then they know that their influence, again, is going to be much reduced. Therefore because he's an existential threat to them, the pile-on continues. And it's going to go through the length of his term, all eight years, Sean.

HANNITY: And they had no criticism over the hurricanes in Texas or Florida. Monica Crowley, thank you for being with us.

CROWLEY: Thanks, Sean.

HANNITY: When we come back, Tomi Lahren, our newest arrival here at the Fox News Channel, gets the final word on Hillary Clinton's new book, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Social media sensation, Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren has the final word tonight. Tomi?

TOMI LAHREN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Sean, I have the final word for Hillary. Let's go. What happened, Hillary? You happened. You blame and continue to blame literally everyone. The funny thing is you had a whole lot of help from, well, Obama, Michelle, Joe Biden, Donna Brazile, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC, the FBI, 90 percent of mainstream media, every late-night TV show and the entire population of Hollywood loudmouths, and you still lost. You lost because you are as relatable as cardboard and allergic to accountability.

And no, it's not because the country wasn't ready for a woman. It's because the country isn't ready for a liar or an entitled political princess. And don't start with the sexism charade again. See, she knows this book tour is bad for her own party, but she doesn't care. The most important thing to Hillary is, as always, Hillary.

Sean, that's the final word.

HANNITY: All right, Tomi, as always, thank you.

And that is all the time we have left this evening. We hope you'll set your DVR so you never miss an episode. Remember, we will never be the establishment, destroy-Trump media. We're fair, we're balanced, we're glad you're with us, and we'll see you back here tomorrow night.

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