Can Tillerson convince Russia to rethink support for Assad?
'The Five' look ahead to the secretary of state's meeting with Moscow
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 10, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello everyone, I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."
There's been a lot of suspicion about whether Russia helped Syria carry out last week's chemical attack on civilians. Today the AP is reporting Russia did know in advance about the attack citing a senior U.S. official as its source, but Fox News has not been able to confirm.
Meanwhile, Russia and Iran issued a joint statement today to threaten U.S -- not the U.S. if we strike again. They say, "The United States crossed red lines by attacking Syria, from now on we will respond to anyone, including America, if it attacks Syria and crosses the red lines without taking into consideration any reaction and consequences."
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson heads to Moscow tomorrow amid these escalating tensions. Can he convince Russia to rethink its support for Bashar al-Assad?
REX TILLERSON, SECRETARY OF STATE: I think the Russians have played now for some time the role of providing cover for Bashar al-Assad's behavior. The alternative explanation that the Russians put forth is simply not plausible. Not only is it not plausible, we know from our own information and open-source information that their alternative explanation is simply not credible so there is little question as to who is responsible for these attacks. It was Bashar al-Assad.
PERINO: Defense secretary James Mattis issued his own strong warning today to Syria saying its government would be ill-advised to use chemical weapons ever again.
Oh, we have a discussion. I thought we had -- we don't have Jennifer.
PERINO: I thought we're going to have Jennifer Griffin. I'm sorry. That is my fault. Too much television in one day.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: What's going with the producer?
PERINO: That's what will happen. No, actually that was my fault, not the producer's fault.
GUILFOYLE: For once.
PERINO: OK, so a lot of activity over the weekend and then we had this today from Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, when the press was trying to figure out, what is the threshold for further action. Watch.
SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think the president has been very clear there are a number of lines that were crossed last week. He's not going to sit down. We saw that in the last administration. They drew these red lines and then the red lines were run over. I don't think you're going to see the same play. I think not just Syria but the world saw last week is a president that is going to act decisively and proportionally and with justification when it comes to actions like that.
And I will tell you, the answer is that if you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb into innocent people, I think you will see a response from this president. That is unacceptable.
PERINO: OK, so that line caused some kerfuffle afterwards, Eric, because it was a question of -- OK, well, barrel bombs are used every day. That's not using chemical weapons necessarily so where is that line? A White House spokesperson on background just watched that back and saying that the chemical -- the use of chemical weapons was the target because that was in America's national interest in order to stop those. What do you think?
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: When I heard that and I was watching the press conference live, I stopped and took a second look at it. I was trying to figure out what was going on. I thought I heard that incorrectly but I didn't. This is one of those cases where I think Sean Spicer just made a mistake.
I think the press was wanting to find out define where the red lines were, was it going to be along chemical weapons, was it going to be hospitals and schools? Was it going to be barrel bombs? And I think Sean went to the lowest of all the denominators accidentally.
PERINO: Right.
BOLLING: And I think the White House came out quickly and said hold on, hold on, not barrel bombs. That's not going to be our red line because as we know, literally thousands of barrel bombs had been used against citizens in Syria, in fact, I think just last year alone. So, thank god that's not the red line. I would hope that the red line would continue to be chemical weapons and again, I would hope that it wouldn't go beyond that because this is getting a little scary, guys.
And by the way, for all the political on the left, people on the left and the anti-Trump people who said Trump is in bed with Putin in Russia. I mean, he bombed an airspace with Russians in the airspace. I guess he gave them a heads up, the airbase, yes, he gave them the heads up but this is against everything that they wanted, the Russians, and they've come back with very, very stern warnings, don't do it again. So, you can eliminate this Trump in bed with Putin type thing. But I like what he did. He was decisive and firm. I just hope it ends right there, no more.
PERINO: Not unreasonable though, Greg, to ask the question of what is the line because the question -- if you look at President Obama and there's criticism for him for allowing the red line to be crossed, the line that he drew when it was crossed and he didn't do anything. So I can understand why people are asking what is the actual red line? But it's a hard question to answer when President Trump has said I'm not going to telegraph all of my moves.
GUTFELD: Yes, well, there are two ways to explain the Syrian strike. There's the literal way, missiles hit a facility. And then there's its actual meaning which is this is exactly the perfunctory bare minimum that we will exercise to maintain a persona of toughness without actually igniting an actual conflict because the fact is, Russia and America, it's not a blind date.
We've known these people forever. They've known us forever. It's not like Rex Tillerson doesn't know these people. He ran an oil company, Exxon. Putin runs an oil company, Russia. So they share the common ground, which is underground. This is something where you have an adult conversation when you go to Russia, if you still go to Russia, which I think they will, and you have a conversation like two members of a gang organization in which there is somebody in your gang that is making it worse for everybody else.
So you sit down with Russia and you go, Assad is your problem but is becoming our problem and we have to react in a moral way which is what we do in this perfunctory bare minimum manner, which is what that very specific strike was. So the answer is the Russians and the Americans will meet and they will talk about certain things and they will go on their merry way.
PERINO: Well, although it might not be all that merry given, Kimberly, the other entity here we haven't talked about and it hasn't gotten much attention is that of Iran because they actually have an interest as well so how do you think that fits in this?
GUILFOYLE: Well, they certainly do and it just makes it more, you know, complex in terms of the level of interest and intentions in that geopolitical area. When you think about it, you know, Iran and Russia, this war and maintaining this, you know, presence in Syria and trying to help Assad is costing them millions of dollars every month. There is one thing for sure that Russia cares about and it's the Black Sea. Its access -- all of that. That is something that they are going to for sure -- that's their red line.
So they have to find a way where they can (INAUDIBLE) Putin in terms of elections coming up. He needs to have a I think a face-saving way to kind of exit somewhat some of that support out of that area because it is getting very tricky and McMaster said it very clearly, rethink, you know, your support of this murderous regime, backing this guy that is literally committing mass murder of his own people. To what extent and to what length are you going to come up against the United States that clearly with this administration is prepared to act.
PERINO: What about, Bob, how you had over the weekend, I think maybe too much is being made out of this that Ambassador Haley said that regime change was necessary, and Tillerson said no, we have to do ISIS first and then we can deal with Assad. Both of those things can be true, right? I mean it's obviously a complex problem.
BECKEL: You know, both can be done at the same time, but let's keep a couple of pieces in mind. The Russians are not about to get out of Syria. They needed Syria. Geopolitically they need it. They need to have a buffer with Iran. Did you notice the two people who came out, two countries that came out and support Syria were Russia and Iran and the Syrian allies, (INAUDIBLE). I don't know who they did next in them.
And I think the idea that Tillerson is going to convince the Russians of anything is just a fool's game. The Russians have a lot more at stake here, which is the expansion of Russia into the old parts of Russia that used to be the USSR, and I think they see Bashir as a perfect -- exactly -- geographically perfectly positioned to help them. So they're not -- they could care less what the United States thinks.
PERINO: But Russia said, Eric, that their support -- its support of Assad was not unconditional. And so this AP report today that Fox cannot confirm that we were mentioning that whether Russia knew about and then therefore I guess would be complicit in the chemical attacks. But if they said it's not unconditional, maybe that is an opening for Tillerson.
BOLLING: I hope so. So Russia is going to go into this thing, look, we're going to hold tough on this. Don't forget, over the weekend, Russia decided to send some destroyers to the area, to the region in case we did go ahead and drop another bomb or two on Syria, for whatever reason. That other AP report that you cited, it goes on to -- I believe it was the same report.
There's another report about the same time, maybe the same one that said that the Russian air force actually bombed the hospital where some of the victims were being treated just to cover up some of the chemical weaponry that was being used. I mean, here's the -- and this is what I've been saying for a long time. When you start peeling away this onion and there is more and more going on and there's more foreign policy, more people are willing maybe to heighten the rhetoric, you're jumping into scary places.
That's why Sean Spicer's comment today about a barrel bomb had to be walked back very quickly, just very quickly. No, no, that's not where we're going because you're basically telling the world there is more coming because Syrians aren't going to stop -- Assad is not going to stop bombing his own people.
GUILFOYLE: But they should be unmatched (ph) for that.
BOLLING: But here's the question though. Is the Geneva Convention your red line? Because the Geneva Convention clearly states you can't bomb hospitals and you can't schools and that's been going on for a really long time.
BECKEL: There are a number of treaties and conventions that say you're not supposed to use chemical weapons as well.
BOLLING: Yes, but if you keep chemical weapons as your, OK, this is the one that's going to push us over the red line, then you're kind of carving out an area where it's not really our fault that were going to have to do this in retribution of what you're doing. If you start taking, you know, these lower levels of red lines that have been drawn internationally, you are opening us to a --
PERINO: Let me ask the last question to Greg.
BECKEL: When Mattis said that they'll think about using chemical weapons again, is that really was the bottom line?
PERINO: Well, I think that this just sort of -- I think it jumps the cue so to speak and that they are still trying to figure things out and that you don't have to have an established doctrine on the 81st day of your presidency. That usually comes later and so they're trying to figure out. Greg, it's like the last question to you about the conflicting public signals.
So, on the one hand you had about 57 percent of Americans approving of the strikes and the strong stance that President Trump took and yet you have a strong disapproval for any additional further action and followup.
GUTFELD: People appreciate things that already happened that turned out OK, but they are uncertain about things in the future that might turn out wrong. But I want to give some advice to Rex Tillerson before he goes to Russia. Before you get comfortable in that hotel room, check for cameras. In Russia, the TV watches you.
PERINO: Oh, then don't put on a good show.
PERINO: Alright, ahead, a new attack on Christians in Egypt on one of the holiest days of the year -- that was yesterday, Palm Sunday. ISIS has taken responsibility. The world must also not look away from this crisis, next.
GUTFELD: ISIS claimed responsibility for bomb attacks on Christian churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday, killing at least 45. The attacks grimly remind us of the top global concern must always be Islamic terror, for it is the only threat aside from non-thinking pandemics that seeks to destroy our existence. It's not global warming or globalism.
So as we work out disputes with Russia or China, there will never be a way to work out anything with these fiends. That's why even the heinous actions of Assad somehow seems less heinous even though hundreds of thousands died under him. ISIS just makes everyone look worse, raising the bar for all evil. Radical Islam cannot be reasoned with, only obliterated.
But it's harder than hitting an airfield. That's the advantage of sending out cultists to blow people up. Retaliation is messy, but at least we are trying and will continue to hunt this garbage down.
But know that such garbage will never truly end as long as there are newer methods of technology and communications, the threat will always mutate. It's up to us to never look away from the carnage lest we forget that it's also meant for us.
And last, someone needs to reclaim the concept of heaven from these primitives. Their view is that life is just a delay, that one can speed up if you kill a lot of people. The pope heads to Egypt later this month. Maybe he can address that instead of climate change.
So Kimberly, another ultimate soft target -- this is what they do. I mean, it's sad that it's not surprising.
GUILFOYLE: Right and you just think there would be more outrage on behalf of Christians that are being murdered and slaughtered and some sold into slavery and raped. And when they have to flee their homes and try to come back to them, they have found their homes have been in fact sold or title to their property given away.
I mean, this is really atrocious and a horrible genocide essentially happening against Christians and worldwide they have been suffering tremendous persecution. So, this is just another example of it and further evidence that ISIS needs to be put down.
GUTFELD: Dana, they declared a state of emergency in Egypt which I always feel like the world should just have a state of emergency in general with ISIS, like always on guard and always kill them.
PERINO: Remember when after 9/11, we had the terror alert and it was always yellow to red. That is really the state of the world. President Trump met with the president of Egypt last week, el-Sisi, on Monday after a very busy foreign policy week. He was then able to have a call with him and establish a relationship and he said that he believes that he will be able to address it.
But with a lot of these soft targets, and you also saw the attack in Sweden on Friday I guess it was.
PERINO: That we can't protect ourselves. The only way to help protect ourselves is if we go after them.
PERINO: We have to be on offense.
GUTFELD: Yes. Eric, there was a second attack partially foiled by three police officers who died. Cops died. Again, the police are always the people that run into danger as others run away.
BOLLING: It's scary. You know, this church or one of the churches is where the Coptic pope calls his home. He actually goes there quite often. I fear for Pope Francis when he goes to visit there. I hope they have that locked down, especially when el-Sisi says we're making progress against ISIS.
GUILFOYLE: Where is he getting that from?
BOLLING: I don't know. You are 100 percent right. You've been saying this a long time. There is basically no hard targets. Everything is a soft target when a suicide bomber walks up to a place with a group of people and blows himself up. Unfortunately, that's the world we're living in now.
GUTFELD: Bob, you've been outspoken on this topic.
BECKEL: I just get more outraged by the minute. You know, cops and Christians have been around a lot longer than Muslims have, number one. They've been in that area of the world well before there were any Muslims there. The idea that they would do this and it's been going on for a long time. The Coptic Christians have been under attack. We talked about these five years ago.
BECKEL: And by the way, the pope was there, he was in the church. He got out, just barely got out there probably. And I wonder whether the Egyptians are doing everything they possibly can, but what really upsets me is not a single Muslim head of state, a single Muslim cleric or CAIR, that (INAUDIBLE) operation down the West Coast, has said a single thing about this. And I think the idea that we ought to say, isn't this terrible? People getting killed.
These are Coptic Christians on one of the highest holy days of the year and yet these guys get in there and blow them up. Say something. Don't be such cowards when you say something.
GUTFELD: Exactly. Quickly, this is just a montage of the administration on the priorities. I think we even touched on it earlier between ISIS or Assad, who do you defeat? Both.
CHUCK TODD, "MEET THE PRESS" HOST, NBC: What is now the priority in Syria, Assad's removal or defeating ISIS?
NIKKI HALEY, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: We can have multiple priorities. So, you know, of course it's to defeat ISIS. I mean that we've got to do that for peace and stability in the area.
TILLERSON: Our priority in Syria, John, really hasn't changed. I think the president has been quite clear. First and foremost, we must defeat ISIS.
H.R. MCMASTER, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: I think as you saw with the strike, that there has to be a degree of simultaneous activity as well as sequencing of the defeat of ISIS first.
GUTFELD: I think that there is no choice. We don't have to make the choice.
PERINO: No, it all has to be done.
GUTFELD: It all has to be done.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's not mutually exclusive.
GUTFELD: Right. I mean you can do both, and you need to, in fact.
BOLLING: Who takes over? I mean it really comes down to, you know, listen, there are people who disagree with this but ISIS and the rebels seem to have a very intertwined relationship, and that's against Assad. So, at some point, who wants to be the country that steps in and says, OK, we got this because if you're going to get rid of Assad, you're going to get rid of ISIS, you're left with a rebel group that may or may not be for the western (INAUDIBLE).
BECKEL: Several rebel groups, that's the problem. We don't know who is our friends and who's our enemies in all this, but we do in one thing, Bashir is our enemy and he needs to be gone one way or the other.
GUTFELD: Alright, on that note, we turn to the North Korean threat ahead. Oh, happy show. Alright, the Pentagon now has an armada sailing to their waters. Are we going to take military action soon? What the Trump administration says, next.
BOLLING: Welcome back to "The Five." We now turn to another hot spot of activity on the world stage. North Korea where an unhinged socialist communist dictator Kim Jong-Un is taunting the region and the U.S. with threats of going nuclear. The U.S. responding with a show of force. The Pentagon has just rerouted a aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson. The Vinson now on its way to the Korean Peninsula. Here are national security adviser McMaster and Secretary of State Tillerson on the rationale behind sending the strike group.
MCMASTER: Well it's prudent to do it, isn't it? I mean, North Korea has been engaged in a pattern of provocative behavior. This is a rogue regime that is now a nuclear capable regime, and President Xi and President Trump agreed that that is unacceptable. What must happen is the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
TILLERSON: President Xi clearly understands and I think agrees that the situation has intensified and has reached a certain level of threat that action has to be taken.
BOLLING: Nothing like 100,000 tons of diplomacy headed to the Korean Peninsula, but KG, will it work with an unstable Kim Jong-un?
GUILFOYLE: No, this guy is even crazier than his father, and that's really unbelievable that he could exceed that. So, you know, he had sent female assassins after the step-brother. He fed an uncle to ravenous dogs. So this is who you're dealing with.
So there's going to have to be some serious action here to try to get this guy to stop what he's doing, but specifically China has to play a huge role in reining him in, and that's what we need. And so hopefully some of that discussion took place this past weekend when they were visiting.
BOLLING: Yes, but Tillerson said that the Chinese president and Trump agreed that something needs to happen. He is a little unstable, Kim Jong- Un, Robert.
BECKEL: Yes, I mean I'd say, the thing that worries me about this is I'm not so sure, as I said before, the Chinese have as much control over the North Koreans as we think they do. The North Koreans have had for three years major artillery pointing to China all on the border. China's biggest fear is that they're going to have to be inundated with millions of refugees. But here's the problem. Let's assume we go in there and bomb the 20 or 30 sites we know that are responsible for developing their nuclear weapons. Who is to keep this madman from launching 75,000 artillery shells that are not nuclear at South Korea?
BOLLING: I don't know.
GUILFOYLE: Well that's the problem.
BOLLING: That's what they sent the carrier group. Can we pull up that map please? We're asking a question here. So the map shows North Korea, South Korea, but also shows the proximity to China. China is putting 150,000 troops along that border so they don't get what Bob just talked about, the mass exodus of refugees coming from North Korea.
PERINO: Well already there is a humanitarian disaster in North Korea and you know, to the extent that we can help that situation, I think that we should try but it is very difficult because you can't -- As I understand it, we have very little intelligence inside the country.
China has a lot more and hopefully that can be shared. President Obama's team, as they were leaving and doing their interviews in the transition with the Trump administration, said that this is the worst problem that we are handing to you. That was not something that they could solve. It's even worse than Syria.
The other thing I would mention is Steve Hayes of The Weekly Standard has a really good piece out today. It's a reminder of what happened several years ago that could've made the serious situation even worse. And that is that Israel took action to bomb a nuclear facility in Syria, and they traced it back -- the North Koreans are the ones that had built that. So there is coordination amongst these evil regimes.
BOLLING: Greg, what do you think about Kim Jong-Un? I mean think about, it's almost having as crazy of a dictator as Assad is in Syria but this guy has got nukes.
GUTFELD: Yes, every country has some weird little brother they're protecting. In this case, like a said before, Kim is China's dog. That's what it is. It's a dog that's not on a leash that's roaming the town and you can't just shoot the guy's dog, because everybody's seen "John Wick." You've got to make shooting that dog China's idea. And that's when diplomacy comes in, when you sit down and you go, "OK, he's -- this guy is a freak. He's your freak. We need to figure this out, because your freak is pissing in my yard."
You know, again, the globe is a...
GUILFOYLE: A little weird.
GUTFELD: ... is a selection of ruthless organizations that rely on face- saving customs, respect for order. You can do something about this if you follow the channels.
BOLLING: Final thoughts, anybody? You good?
BECKEL: Just -- but one thing is we've got 50,000 troops in South Korea, U.S. troops.
BOLLING: Thirty thousand.
BECKEL: Thirty thousand, right. Thirty thousand, that's right.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, we're going to have to protect that area, as well. But also, we're going to have...
BOLLING: Japan, I mean, it's one of our strongest allies. You have to watch over them.
By the way, one of these nukes, they say, could reach our West Coast.
GUILFOYLE: Could reach our West Coast. And then he says he's going to conduct a nuclear test that's ten times stronger, more powerful than the last one he did. And they've got to keep an eye on this. And I think President Obama had warned President Trump that this was one of the key things that he needed to face with this administration.
BECKEL: How embarrassing was it that they -- that he shot these things off while the president of China was here?
BOLLING: Not only that, there's a holiday coming up, right? North Korean holiday, which they tend to show off their capabilities. So the theory is, is he going to test another missile on this holiday, with the Vinson right in the area?
GUTFELD: This is a guy that they should actually take out, assassinate. Because you do not have a fear -- I'm not talking about us. I'm talking about China.
PERINO: No, they have no...
GUTFELD: Because -- because...
BOLLING: You're opening up a very, very interesting debate. Now, there are people...
GUILFOYLE: Bolling likes his idea.
BOLLING: ... who say go ahead and take this guy out. And Dana, we talked about last week...
PERINO: And then who becomes the leader?
GUTFELD: This is an easier decision than anything in the Middle East, because you're always worried about the sectarian violence, the different - - Shia and the Sunnis and all that -- Shia and the Sunnis and all that stuff.
BOLLING: You know what the difference is on that one, though? Bob points out: 30,000 U.S. troops on that border and two -- at least two very strong allies.
GUILFOYLE: Well, we have to protect South Korea.
BOLLING: All right, leave it right there. Next, we have a new Supreme Court justice. Neil Gorsuch took two oaths of office today after a drawn- out and contentious confirmation process. His promise to the American people just ahead.
GUILFOYLE: There has been a vacant seat on the Supreme Court for 14 months, but today it was finally filled. Justice Neil Gorsuch was sworn in today in two separate ceremonies. He took the Constitutional oath at the high court in a private ceremony this morning and the judicial oath at the White House a couple of hours later. He was President Trump's selection, and the president was very proud today.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I've always heard that the most important thing that a president of the United States does is appoint people, hopefully great people like this appointment, to the United States Supreme Court. And I can say this is a great honor.
Justice Gorsuch, I again congratulate you and your entire family, and I wish God's blessings on your amazing journey ahead. I have no doubt you will go down as one of the truly great justices in the history of the United States Supreme Court.
GUILFOYLE: Justice Gorsuch was very humbled.
JUSTICE NEIL GORSUCH, SUPREME COURT JUSTICE: I want to thank the president for nominating me. And for the great confidence and trust he's reposed in me.
To the American people, I am humbled by the trust placed in me today. I will never forget that to whom much is given, much will be expected. And I promise you that I will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the Constitution and laws of this great nation. Thank you.
GUILFOYLE: All right. Very nice ceremony. Today, for me as a lawyer, it was very nice to watch, and wonderful family. The president seemed very happy. And a really great accomplishment, Eric, for the president, in his first 100 days to be able to get his choice, an outstanding pick in Neil Gorsuch, sworn in today in that ceremony.
BOLLING: One of the main reasons why I've loved Donald Trump from the very beginning. He did exactly what he promised he was going to do. He was going to nominate conservative Supreme Court justices, and he did.
And hopefully, Neil Gorsuch comes through and stays true to his conservative history. I mean, he reads -- he's a constitutionalist; he's an originalist. And I think that's why he was top pick, and I hope he stays to that, and I think he will. And conservative America thanks you, Donald Trump, for that.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, and a lot of people, one of the reasons, like we discussed so many times on this program, a decision as to whether or not to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump was to make sure that you had conservative picks put on the court.
BOLLING: One of the main reasons, if you -- I said for months, even if you can't get over some of the things that you don't like about Donald Trump, at least this moment today right there should alleviate a lot.
GUILFOYLE: And there could be more coming, Dana.
PERINO: Well, possibly. I guess that the Republicans would certainly like that; and the Democrats are going to say, "Please," to the justices that they like, to hold on strong, because of course, Mitch McConnell last week, when pressed by the Democrats, went ahead and flipped that switch on the nuclear option. And so now you only need a simple majority in order to confirm on Supreme Court justices.
Really important cases coming up in the next several months on religious liberty...
PERINO: ... on immigration, on counsel for people on death row, as well as security issues when it comes to the pensions. So all of those cases will finally get decided this year.
GUILFOYLE: All right. Excellent. Greg, your thoughts?
GUTFELD: I think you guys are missing the whole -- the biggest story here. They finally have a full nine, which means softball. They've been waiting to fill out the softball team. That's why they had Kagan. They needed a decent shortstop who could hit, and Gorsuch fulfilled that. That's the entire criteria for the nomination for the Supreme Court, is who can play softball. A lot of people aren't talking about it, but it's true.
And for liberals, if you're worried about Gorsuch, I've got two words for you: John Roberts. All right? We thought, "Hey, we've got Dirty Harry." He ended up being Stuart Smalley. So don't worry about it. And also, you know what's interesting?
GUILFOYLE: They're still upset about ObamaCare.
GUTFELD: And also, you know what else is interesting? Is how the frenzy, the media frenzy just disappears. We won't do another story on Gorsuch. It was just like with Sotomayor. We did like -- everybody did a story on Sotomayor, and then once she gets in, it's over. We don't talk about it again, because it's dead boring.
GUILFOYLE: OK. Softball, hmm? That means I'm qualified.
GUTFELD: You are.
GUILFOYLE: Captain of my team.
GUTFELD: You were the captain of your team.
GUILFOYLE: Absolutely. Winners.
All right. So Bob, what do you think today? At least you appreciate the ceremony of it.
BECKEL: Well, yes, I mean, I think it's true. It's a nice ceremony. The guy is good. He could use a better tailor. But the...
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.
BECKEL: The...
GUTFELD: He's going to wear a robe, Bob. It's not going to matter.
BECKEL: It's not going to matter.
GUTFELD: It's like you with your parka.
GUILFOYLE: Coming from Bob who, like, pulls ties out of random closets.
GUTFELD: And he'll keep his robe closed.
BOLLING: Can you guys help me with his collar? It ended up here.
BECKEL: But here's the fact. The fact is this doesn't change the Supreme Court from what it was before...
BOLLING: Scalia.
BECKEL: ... Scalia died. And so I'm still -- Kennedy still becomes the swing vote on the Supreme Court. Gorsuch does -- no doubt in my mind he's a conservative. Anybody who's going to support Hobby Lobby is bound to be a conservative. The problem is, he forgets the separation of church and state in that particular case. And I think he's probably going to forget it as he moves along.
PERINO: I think he's probably got it just right.
PERINO: That case on Hobby Lobby.
BECKEL: Hobby Lobby?
BECKEL: Oh, I see. You can tell -- the company can tell somebody on their -- that they have to...
PERINO: How about the government can't tell the company what they can and can't provide?
BECKEL: Sure they can. Whether they're providing bad...
BOLLING: Actually, Roberts fixed that for you guys. You're right. The government did tell us we have to have health insurance.
GUILFOYLE: All right.
BOLLING: For some reason.
GUILFOYLE: Good times.
Ahead, a turbulent scene on on board a United Airlines jet before takeoff. A passenger dragged off his overbooked flight, stunning everyone around him and many others who watched this video. The dramatic tape next.
BECKEL: A lot of us have witnessed intense scenes when flights are overbooked but have never seen this. Last night, United Airlines had a computer randomly decide which passengers had to get off a Louisville-bound jet, because no one took up a cash offer and left the aircraft.
One passenger refused and -- to depart, and he had -- he said he had to get home. He's a doctor. Then this happened.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, my God. No, no, this is wrong. Oh, my God. Look at what you're doing to him. Oh, my God.
GUTFELD: That's the worst.
BECKEL: Yes, that was a pleasant flight. The airline has apologized, is investigating the incident. And one of the police officers who dragged the man has been placed on leave.
One thing we should also note here is United offered $800 a seat to get off, and nobody took them up on that. That had to be a pretty ritzy crowd of people on that plane.
What do you think of what happened?
BOLLING: Let me -- the United statement -- here's from the CEO -- said, "This is an unsettling event to all of us here at United. I" -- listen to this -- "I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers."
You dragged the guy, the doctor down the aisle. And that's what you call re-accommodation? OK, here's what you need to do. First of all, it's atrocious. It's horrible. United, you really screwed up. The cops really screwed up on this one, too.
Here's what you need to do. You just stop the 800 bucks, right?
GUILFOYLE: Yes, cheap.
BOLLING: Go up to $8,000. I guarantee you at some point between $800 and $8,000, you are going to get one person to get up off that flight and go spend the night in Chicago.
PERINO: It would have been cheaper than this.
BOLLING: It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than this, because you're looking at literally, probably, millions of dollars in lost revenue, because people are going, "Unh-uh."
GUILFOYLE: They needed the seats, apparently, for United employees that had to get to the next destination to be able to work that flight. But so OK, great. That's the problem that you have, United. So find an economic solution to it, not a public relations fiasco.
BECKEL: To say the least.
Dana, they -- apparently, this guy was dragged off the plane. He got cut. He was bleeding. And then he was back on the plane, and then he was off the plane.
GUILFOYLE: Explain that, Dana.
BECKEL: Do you have any idea what happened?
PERINO: I do not understand what happened.
BECKEL: Come on. You've got to be able to answer this question. Come on.
PERINO: But this might be the only time that you hear me say that I think that the government needs to get involved and do some regulations about overbooking.
PERINO: Because this is -- it's like one of the only industries that is allowed to do this. And I understand they have some economic reason for it. But every flight you get on is packed, and people want to get home. And I think that United should have ponied up another plane to get those -- that crew to Louisville so that they could work in the morning, or else they have this cascading effect.
The other thing is I just think it's so ironic that P.R. Week announced this morning that they were so honored to -- this evening to be honoring the CEO of United as its Communicator of the Year Award.
BECKEL: There you go.
GUILFOYLE: How hilarious.
BECKEL: Greg, you're the only one, I think, around this table who has been dragged off a plane, too, at times.
GUTFELD: Yes. I get dragged onto planes, because I'm so lovable.
GUILFOYLE: Well, they almost took Bolling off.
PERINO: Because you don't want to get on.
BECKEL: When did they almost...
GUILFOYLE: Can we tell the Bolling story, too?
BOLLING: I was never on the plane. It was -- it was the agent who was giving me, like, an insanely hard time. And whatever. It was a long story.
BOLLING: I'm sorry.
BECKEL: Greg, your experience of being pulled off a plane.
GUTFELD: Well, I agree with Dana. It's not the consequences as much as what creates the consequences. And it's always unbending laws that do not see the humanity in front of you. Like regulatory laws, like stupid, senseless arrests. The guy would be alive right now if you could sell single cigarettes. But unbending laws, unbending rules, which you cannot see the humanity in front of you, force you to do things that are illogical, insane. Like, for example, that.
But you know what, to me, that bothers me as much as what United did, which was an error due to a rule that they should change? Is the fact that we have to keep showing the video of this guy's humiliating, probably the most humiliating part of his life. And you have -- we have to see him with his shirt up, you know, his belly. I mean, he's got -- come on.
BOLLING: Do you know what that's going to get him?
GUTFELD: A lot of money.
BOLLING: A lot of money.
GUTFELD: Exactly.
BOLLING: And by the way, United, you want to make it right to this guy? Give him, like, free first-class travel for the rest of his life, because...
GUILFOYLE: You know what I'd do?
BOLLING: And you still didn't do enough for him.
GUILFOYLE: Delta will pick him up. Make him, like, a premium flyer for them, platinum medallion. I love flying Delta.
BOLLING: That's a good point. Have Delta. You're right.
PERINO: Take your business...
BOLLING: The airlines are making more money than they've ever made in their entire existence right now, and you're right, Dana. I don't know -- I don't think government should get involved. But you certainly have to start offering people in this situation a lot.
PERINO: That's why every flight I've recently taken out of Newark on a Friday night has been delayed, and it's not due to weather. It's because they're waiting for crew from another plane, because everything is tight.
BECKEL: Did you notice, by the way, there was nobody from United around, just those cops. Apparently, the man said, "We're going to call the cops." Split, and the cops came.
All right. "One More Thing" is up next, and we have a special guest today. Stay tuned.
PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." The special guest is here. This is Jasper, his fifth birthday for "The Five." He's been coming every day on -- every year on his birthday, and time has flown. He's 5 years old yesterday. And in honor of that, we're going to have this.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my...
PERINO: Dana's Corny Joke of the Day.
PERINO: Is that better, Greg? I worked on that today just for you.
GUTFELD: Barely.
PERINO: All right, three corny jokes. Are you ready?
What do you call a dog that licks an electrical socket?
PERINO: What do you call a dog that licks...
GUTFELD: A hot dog.
PERINO: ... an electrical socket? Sparky.
BOLLING: I was going to say Sparky, but that's...
PERINO: Oh, you're good at this. You're good at this, actually.
GUILFOYLE: He is good. He gets it.
PERINO: What type of dog doesn't bark?
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness.
PERINO: What type of dog doesn't bark?
BOLLING: We've got you. We've got you.
PERINO: Jasper.
GUTFELD: A hot dog.
PERINO: No, a hushpuppy. Hey, babe.
I have the last one. Did you hear about the dog who had puppies on the sidewalk? She was ticketed for littering.
All right. Greg, you're next.
GUILFOYLE: Why don't you save Jasper?
GUTFELD: It's time for...
GUTFELD: I love these people.
GUTFELD: All right. Ferrari Land -- that's in Spain somewhere -- they've got a roller coaster. It's the fastest, tallest one in Europe. Let's roll this tape. This is amazing.
So anyway, see the guy having a good time. Oop, what just happened? That looks like he swallowed a bird.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.
GUTFELD: But get this. Get this. He's, like, "What's going on? What's going on? I had a great time anyway," and he keeps going. He's having a blast. There we go again, just if you haven't seen it. Something to remember when you're on a roller coaster. Keep your mouth shut, or else you're going to swallow a pigeon.
PERINO: How did that happen? I don't understand how that happened.
GUTFELD: What do you mean? Birds are in the sky, you're in the sky. They meet.
PERINO: Like it can go all the way down your throat?
GUTFELD: No, if you were watching, it hit him on the side.
GUILFOYLE: I don't like roller coasters at all.
GUTFELD: Anyway.
PERINO: All right. Bob, you're next.
BECKEL: OK. Sergio Garcia is a professional golfer who has, for 20 years, tried to win a major. He's a great golfer. And he went 0 for 72 on the majors, and because he always used to choke on the back nine. Well, not yesterday. Sergio became the Masters champion of 2017. Congratulations, Sergio. You waited a long time, but you got it.
PERINO: That was so great.
BOLLING: That was amazing. Seventy-two starts, not one major.
BECKEL: That's right.
BOLLING: And it was -- and he had it. He had a short putt to win it. And he had to win it in over -- sudden death.
BOLLING: Sudden death, that's right.
PERINO: Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much. OK, so how cool is this? I really love it. President Trump personally called the commanding officers of the two U.S. destroyers that fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles against Syria last week. He called Commander Russell Caldwell of the USS Ross and Commander Andrea Schlow (ph) of the USS Porter on Sunday -- no relation -- to think them and their crew for their professionalism and quick response to the strike order. I think it's just fantastic. And look at this.
PERINO: Must be cool for them when they get that call.
GUILFOYLE: For women and for girls to see that, female commanders.
PERINO: Very cool. Very cool.
Eric, you're next.
BOLLING: OK, very quickly, yesterday was Palm Sunday, kicking off the high holiday for Catholics, culminating this Sunday, Easter Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
But today let's wish a happy -- I'm not sure if it's happy, or celebrate Passover, if that's correct. April 10, started today. And for the next eight days, you'll have a Passover. High holiday for both religions.
PERINO: We have a little bit of time. Too bad Juan is not here, because we could have him do his "One More Thing." It's his birthday today.
GUTFELD: Guess what? It's his birthday today.
GUILFOYLE: Happy birthday, Juan!
GUTFELD: We celebrate the dog's birthday.
BOLLING: Guess what?
GUTFELD: Not his.
BOLLING: At this table...
PERINO: It's his birthday. Kimberly, did you have a good weekend? You were in the park.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, I was in the park. Had a nice -- with my puppies.
GUTFELD: I was in the park right behind you.
GUILFOYLE: it's so creepy, that you always happen to show up where I am.
GUILFOYLE: Outside my window.
PERINO: Bob, what did you do over the weekend?
BECKEL: What I did, believe it or not, I went to Italy. I went to Staten Island for the weekend.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.
BECKEL: And the...
GUILFOYLE: This is how you're going to use our time.
BECKEL: I went to see one of my oldest friends in the world, who's a doctor there. And I took the Staten Island ferry which I haven't done since I went to college at Wagner on Staten Island. That was a lot of fun.
But my real question is, Greg, or Eric, when are you going to open up your beach house where we can all get invited?
BOLLING: Soon, soon.
PERINO: OK, good.
GUILFOYLE: We've been waiting for that for five years. Almost six years.
BOLLING: You know who likes it the most? Jasper likes it the most.
PERINO: Jasper would love it. He went to the beach yesterday.
What did you do this weekend?
GUTFELD: I changed my computer password.
PERINO: Did it take all weekend?
GUTFELD: It took two hours. I had to get help. It was horrible. It's at least 14 characters.
PERINO: It is one of the worst jobs. It is.
All right. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five," or download our podcast at "Special Report," without Jasper, is next.
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