Chris Christie hits Rand Paul, defends record as NJ governor
Republican presidential candidate sits down with 'The Five'
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 22, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Greg Gutfeld. Its 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
Tonight, we are joined by a special guest. He is the governor of New Jersey and hopes to be the next president of the United States. Chris Christie is here for his very first appearance on "The Five." Welcome, governor.
PERINO: We're glad you made it.
CHRISTIE: I'm happy to be here.
PERINO: You know traffic. You know we'll blame the mayor.
CHRISTIE: No traffic.
PERINO: A little bit later in the show.
PERINO: So you -- I'm going to kick it off and we'll go around the table a couple of times. You've been a declared candidate for a little over a month. I was curious, what sort of anxieties do you hear from the campaign trail from potential voters? What's their biggest problem and how would you try to solve it?
CHRISTIE: You know the biggest anxiety, lately, that I've heard on the trail is just about America's role in the world. People are feeling very unsafe. They really are. The shootings in Chattanooga have exasperated that. The Iran deal and the president lying about the Iran deal have exacerbated that. They're just wondering whether, you know, anything can be done to try to stabilize the world a little bit. In the beginning, when I was out and traveling, let's say (inaudible) terminal last fall, it was more economic anxiety, but now in the last month or two.
PERINO: You know its difference.
CHRISTIE: Yeah, different, more national security anxiety.
PERINO: And so then, what would you try to do to try -- earn their vote if that's their biggest concern?
CHRISTIE: Well, first, what I tell them is that I'm the only person in the race who's actually prosecuted terrorists, investigated terrorists, used the Patriot Act, understands what it takes to do this, and so I try to tell them first off, you need a president who understands how to give those tools to our intelligence community and our military. And I think I'm the best person to do that because I'm the only one who has done it.
PERINO: All right. Kimberly, let's go with you.
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah, I wanted just to follow up on that, your experience, you know, as a prosecutor. I've had the opportunity, recently, to hear you speak and you seem to be right on point with the issues that conservatives are looking at in terms of national security, foreign policy. You also have your experience, you know, as a prosecutor. Speak a little bit more to the role of the United States globally, and what you think this administration should be doing differently in terms of making us more safe at home.
CHRISTIE: Well, first off, the president should keep his word. And I think the biggest thing that's -- and I've heard this from allies of ours that, you know, when the president said he was going to throw a red line in Syria.
CHRISTIE: If Assad used chemical weapons, he would take him out and then did not. Forget whether you think that was the right policy or not. When the president of the United States says he's going to do something, he needs to do it. That makes not only our adversaries more emboldened. It makes our allies more nervous. I think the president has to start to keep his word, if that's even available to him as an option with only 18 months left.
GUILFOYLE: All right.
PERINO: Gutfeld.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Stance on ISIS because we're talking about terror. They've altered their communications based on acquired NSA documents that were taken by Snowden, so now they're using couriers. If you were president, would you get the SEALs to go into Russia? Nab Snowden? Bring him back to here for trial and execution?
CHRISTIE: No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I wouldn't send the SEALs in to pick up that piece of garbage.
GUTFELD: What would.
CHRISTIE: OK, I wouldn't put any SEAL's life at risk to pick up a traitor and a piece of garbage which what is Snowden is. And by the way, empowered by people like Rand Paul who believe that somehow what the NSA doing -- was doing was illegal and unconstitutional, which is ridiculous. And what he's done and led in congress has made us more vulnerable and weaker as a country.
PERINO: There's -- Holder said that there could be a deal for Snowden, all right. Would you be for that?
CHRISTIE: I don't trust any deal.
PERINO: They're getting back?
CHRISTIE: I don't trust any deal this administration makes.
PERINO: Right.
CHRISTIE: Our four hostages are still sitting in Iran, yet we lifted the arms embargo in five years and the ballistic missile technology embargo in eight years. He said this was all about nuclear. The president doesn't tell the truth about this stuff. And I wouldn't trust anybody, the Justice Department or this administration to negotiate a deal.
GUTFELD: Speaking of hostages, I just want to ask you quickly about Cuba. They're harboring a New Jersey cop killer.
CHRISTIE: Yes, they are.
GUTFELD: Joanne Chesimard. How do you feel about that deal that's left that cop killer there?
CHRISTIE: It's awful. And I said the day the president announced it, I sent him a letter saying, how -- what would you say to the wife and the children of this day-tripper who was killed in cold blood by woman who was tried, convicted and sent to jail and broken out of jail. And now has been paid by the Cuban government for the last 40 plus years. And how do you take them off the terrorist watch list, when she's in the top domestic terrorist.
PERINO: In America.
CHRISTIE: By your own FBI?
PERINO: Bolling.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: All right, governor. You're my governor.
CHRISTIE: Yes, I am.
BOLLING: It brings back home. I'll bring back home very close to home. Governor, we've had a tough time in New Jersey last fewer years. There have been nine credit downgrades under your watch, four in the last year. My concern is in growth. New Jersey ranks 46th out of 50 states in growth going forward -- in 2014, I'm sorry. How do you change then -- by the way, with that kind of record over the last few years, how do you change it on the debate stage when people are going to ask you that question?
CHRISTIE: Well, I tell them that the whole story, which you know if you lived there for a long enough time. In the eight years before I became governor, we had zero net private sector job growth and we were 50th in America. Zero net private sector jobs in eight years. In the 5 1/2 years I've been governor, we've gained 198,000 new private sector jobs. And when you have a democratic legislature like I do that doesn't want to reduce taxes, it also is very difficult to make yourselves more competitive, but we've done it through regulatory relief. We got rid of a third of the course any regulations in our first year, and we cut business taxes $2.3 billion.
BOLLING: But we were still lagging New York and Pennsylvania. They've actually created.
CHRISTIE: Of course.
BOLLING: All the jobs that they lost and going forward. New Jersey still -- I think with 36 percent below where we originally that the high water mark.
CHRISTIE: I'm sure that when I get done with this answer, I'm going to have your endorsement. So here it is.
CHRISTIE: And why New York is -- you know why New York has moved ahead? New York's moved ahead because Andrew Cuomo actually cut taxes and cut income taxes below what the rates are in New Jersey right now. Pennsylvania's always had lower taxes than us. And so, there's just so much you can do as governor, you're an emperor. And so what the democratic legislature got business taxes cut $2.3 billion, there are 198,000 new private sector jobs. And our unemployment rate is the lowest it's been since October 2008. So is it perfect, absolutely, not. But with a democratic legislature, it's pretty darn good.
PERINO: All right, Juan Williams.
JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, governor, I just can't believe you're here. I mean, it's unbelievable to me because The Five is always such an interesting group, and now we're a sixth.
WILLIAMS: And you recently said -- this is what knocks me out. You never dated a democrat?
CHRISTIE: Not that I know of.
WILLIAMS: What are you asking women what their political affiliation?
CHRISTIE: No. They asked you. I -- you know if I ever dated a democrat and I said I dated.
PERINO: Oh, you know.
CHRISTIE: One other woman in college. And I got to tell you, she was fairly a political.
WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah.
CHRISTIE: She maybe a democrat now.
WILLIAMS: No, she's probably a socialist. I bet it was Bernie Sanders in drag. That's what it was.
CHRISTIE: Oh, that's awful.
CHRISTIE: Wait until I tell this young woman, you think she looks like Bernie Sanders in drag.
CHRISTIE: Very terrible, Juan.
WILLIAMS: Don't worry about it.
WILLIAMS: By the way, on this Rand Paul thing. So Rand Paul's guy is now saying, oh, you know what? Governor Christie is up to tricks and stunts. And he's saying that when the Chattanooga incident happened, how can that be somehow related to the fact that the National Security Network is so intrusive and violating our rights by intruding on our phone calls, our e- mails, et cetera, and saying you're just doing this as a matter of political expediency.
CHRISTIE: See that's the difference between being a senator who doesn't have to do anything, who sits and marks up bills in subcommittee and actually being someone who's been responsible for doing things, like a U.S. attorney for seven years and like a governor for the last six. I know that these things work. I know they can be done constitutionally, you know why? Because they did them and Senator Paul doesn't have the first idea unless, they taught him that in ophthalmologist school.
CHRISTIE: I don't know whether he would know anything about that or not.
WILLIAMS: Why are you taking on Rand Paul?
CHRISTIE: Was because he was wrong on this issue, and he.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, but you're.
CHRISTIE: And he's making our country weaker and more vulnerable at a time, when it is a very, very dangerous time. And what he did was, after he gave those speeches and before the senate, his staff couldn't cut him fast enough, put him on the internet to try to raise money off them. That's not what we should be doing on national security. That should end at the water's edge of politics. We should be talking about how to keep this country safe. That's not what he's doing.
PERINO: OK. Here's my question. I've been planning this in all day.
CHRISTIE: All right.
PERINO: What is -- what kind of advice do you get from your wife about your presidential run?
CHRISTIE: Work hard. I mean, you know, what Mary Pat says to me all the time is, when people meet you and get to talk to you and know you do very well. And so work as hard as you can possibly work. Get as many people to know you as you can and you're going to be just fine.
PERINO: And she's your best adviser?
CHRISTIE: She's my best adviser and my best friend.
GUTFELD: That's the opposite of what they tell Hillary.
GUTFELD: Don't talk to people. The more they hear from you, the less they like you. It's true.
GUTFELD: No, it's true.
BOLLING: Can I go at New Jersey?
BOLLING: Mind if I go to New Jersey?
CHRISTIE: Of course.
CHRISTIE: That's where I'm going after this.
CHRISTIE: So you can go back there.
BOLLING: New Jersey has an Atlantic City problem. Do we -- can we agree on that?
CHRISTIE: Oh, yeah. Has it for some time.
BOLLING: All right, 50 percent unemployment, four of the 12 casinos there have closed up shop, they've left. One of them was Donald Trump. Now you hit Donald Trump in the aftermath of Donald Trump's comments on senator McCain. You said he shouldn't have said that. If Donald Trump wanted to come back to New Jersey and bring a casino back to the Atlantic City boardwalk which you desperately need, would you take him back?
CHRISTIE: I don't think we need more casinos in Atlantic City. You see, it's a misunderstanding on some people's part what happened in Atlantic City. Atlantic City built 12 casinos at a time where we were a monopoly, east of the Mississippi. And the years since then, we've had 38 other states get casino gaming. Well, of course you're gonna need less casinos in Atlantic City. Now, I hate that any of them had to close because people lost their jobs. The fact, this is a natural downsizing. What's happening in Atlantic City is non-gaming revenue is going up. Gaming revenue is now staying flat. Atlantic City is going to be fine over time.
BOLLING: Governor, I spent a lot of time on New Jersey shore and I would tell you, that's one area I would not go to for any other reason than to go to a casino. That place is -- needs a lot of cleaning up, a lot of cleaning up.
GUTFELD: Is this gonna be about living in New Jersey? Because we have a whole audience of Americans.
BOLLING: No, no. But I think.
BOLLING: If you haven't looked on a bigger scale, it said.
CHRISTIE: Of course.
BOLLING: Unemployment going on.
BOLLING: In Atlantic City, specifically in New Jersey.
CHRISTIE: The unemployment -- first of all, the unemployment in New Jersey is lowest than it has been since October 2008, even with the awful things that have happened in Atlantic City which were naturally what were going to happen. What we've done is the state has taken over with a special district, the policing in the boardwalk and in the marine area. Crime has gone dawn significantly in those areas. And what we now need to do is to move from a gaming-based system, to a resort-based system. And that's what we are moving towards and we're making progress. The last bit is the municipal government there has borrowed much too much money over the course of the last 30 years and they're in huge debt. And so, all of things contributed to have put in the end, if you go down and you look at it, the last three months in those eight casinos that remain, gaming revenue has gone up.
WILLIAMS: Let me just jump in here because I --
PERINO: And then can we get Kimberly in?
GUILFOYLE: Yes, (inaudible).
WILLIAMS: Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: Excellent question about. Well, I wanted to raise the issue of immigration and sanctuary cities. I come from San Francisco, I was a prosecutor there. And you know we've had some troubles in San Francisco especially with the death.
GUILFOYLE: Of that young woman, Steinle. And now you see this has become a national debate issue in terms of whether or not the federal government should take a larger, more specific role. They are giving money to these states and these cities that are essentially not following the law. What's your position on that?
CHRISTIE: They should follow the law.
CHRISTIE: I mean, but listen. This administration has set a tone that you're allowed to follow the laws you like. So we have laws against marijuana in this country. But if you don't like that in your particular state, you don't have to follow the federal law.
CHRISTIE: And the government looks the other way. Why should people in sanctuary cities feel any differently? There are laws against this, but you know, if you don't like it look the other way. If our president of the United States -- if there's a law on the federal books, it will be enforced and it's exactly what it should be with sanctuary cities. I support the effort they're making in the congress right now.
BOLLING: Marijuana too?
CHRISTIE: Oh, absolutely. Listen, in Colorado and all these other states that have believed it, the two other states that have legalized it, the federal government once again start enforcing the marijuana laws when I'm a president.
PERINO: Right.
CHRISTIE: Unless congress wants to change those laws.
PERINO: Correct.
CHRISTIE: And have the discussion, but don't pick and choose. When we take an oath, we don't say we'll support and defend the laws we like.
GUILFOYLE: Absolutely.
BOLLING: Correct.
CHRISTIE: All right?
PERINO: There should be.
PERINO: We only have a couple of minutes left and we're going to keep him, though, for one more block, so Juan and then Greg.
WILLIAMS: OK. So one of the things that disappointed me on your part is, I thought you were doing great work on education in New Jersey, school choice, vouchers, right?
WILLIAMS: Reining in, you know performance pay for teachers and Common Core. But then here comes the political season and Chris Christie does a flip flop on Common Core.
CHRISTIE: No. You know what Chris Christie did? He listened to the teachers and the parents in New Jersey. We tried Common Core for four years, Juan.
WILLIAMS: And you weren't having success.
CHRISTIE: Well, we were not having success. You know why? We weren't success.
WILLIAMS: You tell me.
CHRISTIE: Teachers weren't buying into it and neither were parents.
WILLIAMS: No, but in terms of.
WILLIAMS: Actual results, you could sit here right now on this set and say, here's how New Jersey has done better in terms of educational performance over my tenure.
CHRISTIE: We've always done better, Juan.
CHRISTIE: And we've always done better. It hasn't had anything to do with Common Core. In fact, Common Core was setting us back. It was setting us back because teachers and parents were fighting in their school districts every day because they didn't agree with the direction that it was going in. And so, I gave it a try for four years. Unlike a lot of other people who just knee jerked reflexively got rid of it. I said, no. Let's give it a try.
WILLIAMS: I don't -- I think.
CHRISTIE: We gave it a try for four years.
WILLIAMS: The results were there. And I think, particularly for low income minority students who are being ignored in terms of test results and otherwise, it was a winner.
CHRISTIE: That's not why we were doing better in our districts that you're talking about -- in our challenge districts. The reason we were doing better in those challenge districts was because we opened up more charter schools. More renaissance schools, more choice for parents and they were raising what was going on.
WILLIAMS: I think.
CHRISTIE: And that had nothing to do with Common Core. That had to do with longer school day, longer school year, fundamental things that we should be doing on the basis that had nothing to do with Common Core. And that's why we're doing better in places like Camden and Newark in particular.
GUILFOYLE: And why wouldn't you want someone that would evaluate the evidence and facts. And look at the performance, and listen to the parents and listen to the teachers and be courageous to make a choice and make a change that's positive for the people versus sticking with something so someone doesn't say you're a flip-flopper.
PERINO: Yeah, Juan.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, Juan
PERINO: Gutfeld, last question in this next block.
GUTFELD: It's a four-point question.
GUTFELD: I see a problem in -- when you look at ISIS and immigration, there's a failure in articulating our values. And if you look for example, ISIS presents its values, but we offer nothing in return. We've replaced exceptionalism with ambivalence. You look at immigration, immigration is incredibly important. But how do we persuade why immigration needs reform without creating disgust?
CHRISTIE: Well, I think the way you do it, if you talk about the legal ways that immigration has worked in the past. I talk about my grandfather who was born on the boat from Sicily to the United States. My grand -- great, great parents -- my great-grandparents so wanted to come to the United States legally. When they got their ticket, my great-grandmother was nine months pregnant.
CHRISTIE: She got on that boat. And my mother used to tease my grandfather all the time. Her father says you're nothing. You're not Sicilian, you're not American. You were born in the middle of the ocean. And he used to say to me, I came here, they made me an American on Ellis Island, but he was incredibly proud of it when he was a newborn. And we need to get back to that ethic and talking about why it's so important. I think immigration is important for our country. It's what helped build our country, but people need to know we're going to enforce the laws.
PERINO: Right.
BOLLING: Are you in favor of a pathway to citizenship.
CHRISTIE: I am not.
BOLLING: For the millions that are here?
CHRISTIE: I am not. And the reason I'm not is the -- for the adults who came here knowingly, there has to be a penalty for having knowingly you broke the law.
WILLIAMS: But you used to be for it.
CHRISTIE: Well because over time, Juan. Over the last 5 1/2 years, as I've gotten to see the effects of this and spoken to undocumented people in my state, my position has changed on it over that course of time because I've become more informed about it and because I've spoken to them.
WILLIAMS: And it's not -- not because of politics?
CHRISTIE: Well, no. Of course it's not because of politics, Juan.
WILLIAMS: OK, all right.
CHRISTIE: How dare you.
WILLIAMS: I know. I know. I know.
PERINO: OK. Oh yeah, but you can now -- Governor, you get to fight with Juan on the break like we do.
CHRISTIE: That's great.
PERINO: You're not leaving because -- don't go away, Governor Christie is gonna stay with us and we're going to ask him how he plans to win over GOP voters and get the nomination, that's it.
GUILFOYLE: We're back now with presidential candidate Chris Christie. At moment, the governor is trailing behind his GOP competitors in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. And according to Quinnipiac, he has a big (inaudible) battle in some key swing states, Iowa, Colorado and Virginia. How does he plan to win over republican voters to win the nomination? That is the question of the hour. And I know you plan on doing a lot of outreach to people that you've gone to in towns, when they come and listen to you, they come and listen to you. Again, at another event, they say you're consistent, on point. You've been getting a lot of positive feedback and response in the field when you're out there meeting with people like Mary Pat says you should do.
CHRISTIE: You know, exactly. Listen, campaigns matter. If they didn't matter we'd just have the election now. You know, I have the polls now said, well, if the election were held tomorrow, everyone would be shocked because it's not gonna be held tomorrow, and this campaigns matter, OK? So we're gonna go out there, we're gonna work really hard. I'm sure that you know, at this point in 2007, you know John McCain had fired his entire staff and had nobody working for him, and Rudy Giuliani, my friend who was going to be president of the United States.
PERINO: All right.
CHRISTIE: Or Hillary Clinton. Neither one of them wound up getting anywhere nears the nomination, so that's why campaigns matter. We've proven it over and over in America. We're gonna out there and work hard. Bring my message, that's really strong and consistent and we'll see what the voters say.
GUILFOYLE: One more thing. You've also talked about the importance of having someone with executive level experience, a governor like yourself versus a senator.
CHRISTIE: No, there's no doubt about that. I don't think anybody wants to have another one-term United States senator as president of the United States who's only run a senate staff of 30 or 40 people. That's not the appropriate experience. You've got to be in the trenches, knowing how to make these decisions and knowing how to make things work. And governors know how to do that.
BOLLING: There are three guys right now going, what did he just say?
BOLLING: Rubio, Paul and --
BOLLING: Governor, may I jump in? Right, OK.
BOLLING: So you've moved on abortion. You've moved on immigration. You've moved on Common Core. But you've moved into the area that I, as a conservative, am happy you've arrived at. There are others who think that Donald Trump has moved on some of them as well, and they're holding his feet to the fire. I'm glad that if you're on the right side, you're here. Talk to me about Bridgegate. Is that in your rear view mirror or is that still pending?
BOLLING: No, I'm making a point.
CHRISTIE: After three investigations that have all concluded, exactly what I said on January 9th was exactly the truth. And I think it's finally in my rear-view mirror, probably every place but MSNBC has probably my rear view.
BOLLING: All right.
GUILFOYLE: Well, the polling shows that no conservatives and republicans care remotely about that issue. It's not even the bleep on the radar.
CHRISTIE: Yeah, (inaudible) in most Americans. I will tell you, as I travelled around to different states, whether it's New Hampshire, Iowa or South Carolina or other states that I've travelled in. Even in 2014, people don't ask me about it. The only people who ask me about it are the press.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, but what about the, you know, the U.S. attorney? They were asking you about what about the state legislature? They're asking because they -- their probes are going on and.
CHRISTIE: That's (inaudible) over.
WILLIAMS: No, no. Some of them could come out next year.
CHRISTIE: No. The legislature has closed down and done. The U.S. attorney has brought the charges against the people he's going to bring the charges against. Those folks will go to trial whenever it is, they go to trial. But the fact of the matter is, the U.S. attorney spent 15 months.
CHRISTIE: Investigating something. He came to the same conclusion. I came to after 15 minutes.
CHRISTIE: And that was that there were certain people who were responsible for doing something as he's alleged. I fired them and he's now indicted them, and we'll go from there.
WILLIAMS: So that could -- the problem with this is that it's really drained you in terms of fundraising. That when I look at the fundraising numbers, Jeb Bush is like wow, and then a lot of people who were backing you in the establishment republican side, like the Jets owner, Woody Johnson. Now they're with Bush, not with you.
CHRISTIE: Listen. If the son and the brother of a former president don't get establishment support, then he shouldn't even be in the race. So the fact is we've gotten a lot of great support, we announced our finance team today. Meg Whitman the CEO of Hewlett-Packard as coach airing (ph) with Ken Langone from here in New York, we've got a great group of people put together. We've raised a lot of money so far, and we'll raise the money, what we need to be able to be competitive. No one ever thought that anybody in this race was going to rise as much as Jeb Bush, but you know, if that much money really mattered and determined it. You have Steve Forbes would be president, too.
GUILFOYLE: Well you got 16 people in and things are going to shift and change along the way. So let's say Dana.
PERINO: Oh, (inaudible) quickly. Last year, you were the head of the Republican Governors Association, you had success there. How important is it in a lot of these key states that you have a republican governor going into 2016?
CHRISTIE: Incredible important. I mean, if you look at the state of Florida, for instance, where the RGA and my leadership spent over $12 million in a race that Rick Scott won by 60,000 votes out of 6 million cast. I think most republican candidates feel a lot better about the fact that Rick Scott will be governor of Florida in 2016 than Charlie Crist.
PERINO: Correct.
CHRISTIE: And I mean, you can cite any other number of other examples too, Dana, that.
PERINO: Right.
CHRISTIE: That Florida (ph) is a real important one.
GUILFOYLE: Greg, you have a Question?
GUTFELD: Two questions. I've read that you like Springsteen and Bon Jovi. Do you like anything that's good?
GUILFOYLE: Terrible.
CHRISTIE: Terrible.
GUTFELD: I know. I hate (inaudible).
CHRISTIE: Terrible.
GUTFELD: And I actually saw.
CHRISTIE: (inaudible)?
GUTFELD: I saw Springsteen in 1980. I fell asleep during the river tour when he did that four-hour chunk of ballads. I fell asleep with the Oakland Coliseum and somebody robbed me.
GUTFELD: Not saying, it was Clarence Clemons.
WILLIAMS: It could (inaudible).
GUTFELD: I'm not saying it wasn't. But I have a serious question.
CHRISTIE: yes, sir.
GUTFELD: OK. There are conservatives -- I like to phrase, there are some.
PERINO: Some people say.
GUTFELD: Who think that you hugging the president after the hurricane were worse than eating a live puppy while burning an American flag? How do you respond to that?
CHRISTIE: Yeah, there's the big picture that everybody's all concerned about with me shaking the president's hand.
CHRISTIE: And welcoming him to New Jersey.
GUTFELD: You should be impeached.
CHRISTIE: I would do the same thing again.
CHRISTIE: I would shake his hand again and welcome him to my state because I take an oath of office. And the people of my state, 365,000 homes destroyed, 75 percent of the state without power. No operating wastewater treatment or water treatment plants. Most of the state highways blocked. It was the worst disaster that ever hit the state of New Jersey, second worst natural disaster in the history of the country. If the president deserves credit, I give him credit. When he deserves blame as you've heard on this show, I give him blame. But in the end, what people expect from their governor or any of their elected leaders should be you do your job. I did my job for the people of New Jersey and I make no apologies for it. In the end, it doesn't make any difference in the election anyway.
GUILFOYLE: And Mitt Romney, he didn't hold it against you.
CHRISTIE: Still does not.
GUILFOYLE: That's not.
BOLLING: Maybe not.
CHRISTIE: Definitely.
GUILFOYLE: He doesn't.
CHRISTIE: And he said it himself.
CHRISTIE: Any number of times them, he wouldn't let me sleep at his house on Fourth of July, if he still hold it against it.
BOLLING: How as that?
CHRISTIE: It was fun.
CHRISTIE: Me and Marco, we have a great time.
GUILFOYLE: Real quick, Governor. We got to just said, the closing kind of little statement from you. Why do you feel that you should be the one to be the republican nomination for president of the United States?
CHRISTIE: The reason is if you want someone who's going to be able to do the job when they get there, who has the executive experience, who has strength and character, and someone's whose gonna be able to stand on the stage with Hillary Clinton and be able to deliver the points we need to deliver. That this nation is in bad shape because of the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, we're less respected in the world, even Jimmy Carter the other day. Jimmy Carter said that he couldn't think of one country that we had a better relationship with today than the day Barack Obama became president. We need to put the world back in order. We need to get our economy growing again. I'm a guy who can get that done because not only do I have the strength to be able to stand for my principles, but the other part of it is I know how to work across the aisle. I've worked with other people. I'll help bring those things to Washington, D.C. again. And that's the only reason to be president if you think you can really improve our country.
GUILFOYLE: Can you get a former U.S. attorney that understands how the Department of Justice should work...
CHRISTIE: I'll have a real attorney general as president.
GUILFOYLE: Right, exactly -- that I like.
So much for joining us, thank you so much. We appreciate it, Governor and good luck on the campaign trail.
GUILFOYLE: It was a pleasure.
Next, another shocking Planned Parenthood video has emerged. One GOP presidential candidate is blasting the democratic contenders for their deafening silence on the scandal. The Five returns in a moment.
GUTFELD: In yet another new video, a Planned Parenthood flak is caught pondering the prices of aborted baby parts. Warning it's gross. Or rather she's gross.
MARY GATTER, PLANNED PARENTHOOD MEDICAL DIRECTOR: Well why don't you start by telling me what you're used to paying?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE OK. I don't think so. I'd like to hear, I would like to know, what would make you happy?
GATTER: Well, you know negotiations the person who throws out the figure first is at a loss, right? So, write me a three to four paragraph proposal, which I will then take to Laurel and the organization to see if we want to proceed with this. And then, if we want to pursue this, mutually, I'll mention this to Ian and see how he feels about using less crunchy technique to get more whole specimens. It's been years, since I've talked about compensation, so let me just figure out what others are getting. If this is in the ballpark, then it's fine. If it's still low, then we can bump it up.
I want a Lamborghini.
GUTFELD: Less crunchy.
So this nice lady says cash isn't important, but it has to be worthwhile. Then she jokes, I want a Lamborghini. Now don't blame her, some kids would gave a left kidney to have a Lamborghini. Maybe they will. But she obviously doesn't know what Lamborghini charges for spare parts. They make Planned Parenthood look like Odd Lots. I'd call that gallows humor, except it's not her pancreas on the line.
As usual, the New York Times editorial board sees this as an attack on abortion rights. The rest of us call dismembering unborn children attacks. The Times calls them, abortion rights. But let's ponder the social issues that the media makes the right answer for every day: Evolution, guns, gay marriage, and believe me, we've apologized for evolution a million times. So why can't the left apologize for what might be the most venal bargain since Faust summoned the devil? That these videos undermined abortion rights is nuts. Relax, you hacks: Abortion's going nowhere. No one will be prying the forceps out of your cold dead hands. But why try to hide this as majestic reminders of the human potential for inhumanity. You should embrace this monster -- you gave birth to it. So will the press hound Democratic candidates on their Planned Parenthood support? In a same way, they chase righties over guns? I wouldn't bet a Lamborghini on it.
Kimberly, the defense -- I think, you know that in New York Times and media matters and all this other stuff, as they claim that it was deceptively edited. But you can see full video in transcript, they released it the same time they released the video. So was it like they are hiding anything.
GUILFOYLE: No. I mean, that's the best that they can do? What is deceptively edited about? I mean, if it speaks for itself, the video. No matter how you would edit, the contents is there. They're talking about essentially creating organ bags out of fetuses. I mean, it's just -- it's so horrific. And I don't understand why congress isn't up in arms and doing something about this in a substantial way. I mean, there should be an investigation, full-scale of Planned Parenthood.
PERINO: Can I ask her something?
PERINO: It's like --
GUTFELD: Go ahead, of course.
PERINO: Because I was curious like if -- do you think that there's a potential that there is criminal activity, that's been going on?
PERINO: Other than the funding issue, like the actual criminal activity.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I mean, it should be investigated. That's why I'm saying congress should call for an investigation and perhaps, even further. There could be criminal activity. There could be illegal things going on. These are just the videos that we've been made aware of. Why wouldn't someone want to investigate this to make sure that these atrocities are being discussed in the video that there aren't more that border on criminal behavior or activity -- of course.
GUTFELD: Eric, it's funny because again, the media is quarrelling over the video being spliced, but not the gruesome procedure.
BOLLING: Yeah, and you made that point after the first video came out.
GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.
BOLLING: The New York Times calls it, quote, "A campaign of deception," not only the video, but everyone who is talking about it in the aftermath of the video. But if you watch that video, there's only one problem with the campaign of deception. She broke the law. She was negotiating a price for these organs. And she at one point she even says, well, how much for an intact fetus? How much for the organs of an intact fetus? I'm looking to buy a Lamborghini. Ha-ha -ha. They start that whole video with, how much for the parts? The other one says, well, you go first. That's a negotiation. They are dealing. They are not saying we'll give you these parts for scientific purposes at our cost.
PERINO: Right.
BOLLING: There's (inaudible) and Planned Parenthood can distance themselves from her. But if there's another one, or a second, or third or fourth, they have a big problem. They get $5 billion in tax. My $538 million.
BOLLING: In tax.
GUILFOYLE: How they continue to fund it?
BOLLING: Either way.
BOLLING: Abortion is not going away, but this tax support of it should.
GUTFELD: Yeah. The -- Juan, they claim that what they were haggling over is the cost for the tissue donation, like storage and just basic compensation. Does that make it any better? I mean, basically what this is, it takes abortion out of the euphemism. We actually see what it's like and we see what they do. We actually see the honest portrayal of it. Isn't that what worries people?
WILLIAMS: I think no adult that who has ever -- who lives in this country and understands that this is a very traumatic and difficult and in fact, you know, you would say for anybody who's a doctor or anybody who's in the room, you would say it's graphic and horrific, right?
WILLIAMS: OK. So this is not. But what this is about is Guerilla Theater. Eric, you know what? The guy who did this, apparently, they -- you know, they went into business just to do this kind of Guerilla Theater.
BOLLING: Juan, she.
WILLIAMS: And there's gonna -- they have lots of tape and have they said they have tape for a year coming, so it's gonna be part of the political campaign season. And what it is about is a wedge issue of abortion, which this terrifically divisive.
BOLLING: Can you define now, Juan.
GUTFELD: If they did it, you would salute it.
WILLIAMS: No, no, no.
GUTFELD: To the NRA, the NRA. That gives you the NRA.
WILLIAMS: Let me just say. This is so personal for so many people. I just think it's wrong to politicize it in this way.
GUTFELD: What about gay marriage? Gay marriage is personal for to a lot of people.
WILLIAMS: Oh, that's fine. But I'm saying, with this is now a highly politicized and to your point.
GUILFOYLE: Does that make it?
WILLIAMS: Guess what.
GUILFOYLE: So you can say it's politicized? Does it make it OK?
WILLIAMS: Money going that goes to Planned Parenthood. It's going to abortion, so you don't have to worry about.
WILLIAMS: But what we're doing -- what you guys are doing.
BOLLING: 325,000.
BOLLING: Abortions per year.
WILLIAMS: Let me -- oh, yeah. That has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood. Let me just tell you.
BOLLING: If I give you money and you put.
WILLIAMS: No. let me tell you.
BOLLING: I'm funding your drug habit.
WILLIAMS: You know this is why people get mad at republicans for politicizing such personal issues.
GUTFELD: No, we should show what happens.
WILLIAMS: No. Because you know what Planned Parenthood does? They do screenings.
GUTFELD: Of course.
WILLIAMS: They care about cancer for women.
GUTFELD: Of course, yeah.
WILLIAMS: They're trying to help with contraception, so you don't have to have an abortion.
GUTFELD: In every day, a mugger buys his mother milk.
WILLIAMS: Oh, there we go. No, but you know what? This is -- again, these people are engaged in Guerilla Theater to create an issue.
GUTFELD: What wrong with Guerilla Theater?
WILLIAMS: And you know what?
GUTFELD: What do you got against Guerilla?
BOLLING: Like Juan, you have a woman.
GUILFOYLE: Unbelievable.
BOLLING: Negotiating for -- but baby.
WILLIAMS: Oh, let me -- oh, oh.
BOLLING: Body parts so she can buy a Lamborghini.
WILLIAMS: What about the national -- and your point health.
BOLLING: And you're pointing a finger at the filmmaker?
WILLIAMS: Yeah. Because they're -- let me just say it.
PERINO: Juan, the point of being with the filmmaker is a.
PERINO: Pattern.
WILLIAMS: No, it's not. National Institutes of Health, Stefanie.
GUILFOYLE: But you're ignoring.
WILLIAMS: With this kind of fetal tissue.
GUILFOYLE: Juan, Juan, you're ignoring the content of the issue.
WILLIAMS: What's the content?
GUILFOYLE: No one wants to hear you say that it's political. No one wants to hear that from you, period.
WILLIAMS: All right.
GUILFOYLE: It's like, you should be objecting to the content of that video.
WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah, yeah, right.
GUILFOYLE: It's irrelevant who's on which side.
GUILFOYLE: Look at the content.
GUTFELD: Well, I mean, it's like a gruesome version of The Godfather, leave the baby we'll take the liver.
GUTFELD: The baby -- no, the baby's worthless, but the river is not.
WILLIAMS: I've never said.
GUTFELD: There you go.
WILLIAMS: Who said -- this is horrible.
GUTFELD: I'm just trying to explaining it.
GUILFOYLE: It is horrible. We're objecting to the content of the video and raising a serious question as to Planned Parenthood getting funding for operational expenses. You're separating it out, saying oh, will they do this screening (ph), doesn't go directly to worsen.
WILLIAMS: They do?
GUILFOYLE: Lights are on, doors are open. That place is functioning. There should be an investigation. This should matter. I don't care if you're a democrat or republican.
WILLIAMS: What -- where will we go?
GUTFELD: All right, guys. We have to go.
GUTFELD: President Obama, reluctantly bid farewell to Jon Stewart last night. It was tearful. I cried. How will the left go on without their steadfast satirist? -- Ahead.
BOLLING: President Obama only has 18 months to go before leaving office and he's devastated his chief satirist won't be sticking around to help him mock republicans.
JON STEWART, THE DAILY SHOW HOST: You're also senioritis, yes? What you got about a year?
STEWART: You're on your way out.
OBAMA: I can't believe that you're leaving before me.
OBAMA: In fact, I'm issuing a new executive order.
OBAMA: That Jon Stewart cannot leave the show.
BOLLING: Well, Stewart's leaving The Daily Show in two weeks, the very same day as the first republican presidential debate. What will the democrats do without him and what if anything, can the GOP learn from this liberal love fest? Let's start with you, Dana.
PERINO: Well, I think -- first of all, you saw two things there. President Obama has revamped the way they do PR in the White House, and I don't think that will ever change. I think that it's all, let's -- completely different from even eight years ago, and part of that is social media. But also, I think Jon Stewart had a lot to do with it. Obama, himself, has great timing. He's very charming, so it's actually worked well for him. There are plenty of other satirists that are trying to follow in Jon Stewart's footsteps steps. I don't' know if they will be as successful, but there's - - they've got plenty of help on their side to help a democrat.
BOLLING: Greg, can a GOP -- President Obama has as a seated president, three times on The Daily Show, seven time total. Can a GOP handle himself? Is there anybody on the field that you think -- oh, I think great on this.
GUTFELD: I think -- well, we just had. I think Christie is glib and quick enough to handle Jon Stewart. But what does it tell you when a president is really sad to see you go, that you were his mouth piece? And Stewart was a great for Obama. He was his virtual press secretary who articulated Obama's values.
GUILFOYLE: Better than that.
GUTFELD: Better than he did. It says what you will about Jon Stewart.
GUILFOYLE: Look it (ph).
GUTFELD: He's smart, he's funny, but he's not really scary. He only speaks truth to power if the power has an R after his name.
WILLIAMS: No, I don't think that's quite true. But it's largely true.
GUTFELD: Doesn't have to be true.
WILLIAMS: By -- oh, yeah, it does.
GUTFELD: I can say whatever I want, Juan.
WILLIAMS: Well, I know that. And in fact, that's what I was going to say just now. I was going to say just now, that your new show on the weekends is terrific because I think that if the right wants a satirist, they should call your number, brother. I don't know if you need Donald Trump.
GUTFELD: I'm too lazy.
WILLIAMS: To hold up your phone number.
WILLIAMS: You know, for us all to call you, but I think that's right. And I think that what you need is somebody on the right who can relate to young people in this country, and to people who aren't exactly, you know, in the country club.
GUTFELD: As a 50-year-old man, I think I'm the guy.
GUILFOYLE: For president?
GUILFOYLE: Wait a second. Let's not get carried away, unicorn boy over there.
BOLLING: (inaudible).
WILLIAMS: Oh, I can't..
PERINO: Oh my.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.
PERINO: Oh my, God.
WILLIAMS: Because I said something about Greg? Oh, OK.
BOLLING: No, I think that.
PERINO: Try to say something nice about cashing in and make it all good.
WILLIAMS: Oh my, God.
GUILFOYLE: Wake up, America.
PERINO: That is true, right?
PERINO: Juan, can absolve himself.
BOLLING: We were just having some fun here, Dana. Go ahead, K.G..
GUILFOYLE: Cash it in. Hashtag, wake up America.
GUILFOYLE: Now it's even.
BOLLING: OK. Fox on.
BOLLING: Is Obama's final -- Jon Stewart appearance.
GUILFOYLE: You know what, I like Jon Stewart. He's funny. I like when he did all that cool stuff and funny stuff with Dana and Greg. That was cute. And you know, in terms of the president, yeah. He's very comfortable there. Maybe he should replace him.
BOLLING: Yeah, he did. All right.
PERINO: He might.
GUILFOYLE: Out of the White House.
BOLLING: All right, all lives matter, don't they so? Why did a presidential candidate apologize for saying that -- when The Five returns.
WILLIAMS: Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley made a great point over the weekend at the gathering of liberal activist.
GOVERNOR MARTIN O'MALLEY, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Every life matters and that is why this issue is so important. Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.
WILLIAMS: Now, this is incredible. Disappointingly, he had to apologize after getting pushback from the crowd as you just saw. So outspoken ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith, defended O'Malley's initial remark, and now he's getting pushback.
GUILFOYLE: Ridiculous.
STEPHEN A. SMITH, ESPN COMMENTATOR: And I'm not saying that somebody shouldn't say that black lives matter. What I'm saying is, there's nothing wrong with somebody highlighting that all lives matter. That's not a reason for somebody to be booed. That's not a reason for a presidential candidate to have to apologize! Apologize? Does anybody take a moment to realize how we look when we force someone to apologize for saying all lives matter? Do you have any idea how that makes us look? Especially, when black folks are getting killed by black folks every day?
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.
WILLIAMS: Dana, you know, Stephen A. Smith is on target for my money. I wonder how you feel about this.
PERINO: Yeah, I -- whenever we talk about Stephen A. Smith, I always like him. I've never actually had a chance to meet him, but.
GUILFOYLE: You kind of light up.
PERINO: I like, its like -- OK, that is absolutely the best response. The thing that's amazing is that O'Malley actually did apologize. He actually apologized for saying that all lives matter. That's crazy.
BOLLING: And now that.
PERINO: And he wants to be the president of the United States?
GUILFOYLE: I would not that -- I wouldn't vote for him because of that. Why would he do that?
BOLLING: He apologized for saying what he said without saying all lives matter.
PERINO: And they think the far right is crazy, which is the far left.
WILLIAMS: I mean it really makes me.
PERINO: It's great.
WILLIAMS: Feel like wow. These people are way out of line because their argument is, that black lives matter, does it mean that had -- they came out of Ferguson and Trayvon Martin and all that, right?
GUTFELD: That's right.
WILLIAMS: OK, but the reality is all lives do matter. And once you get into this game, it is a zero game because Greg, people will say, you're racist, too, and then we're just at each other's throats.
GUTFELD: Black -- just the phrase, black lives matter is divisive because you're saying -- because you're just that, black lives matter, when it should be all lives. We're in an era where identity is more important than industry. What Stephen Smith is pointing out is that, in where when you embrace group identity, instead of staking out your own individual identity, you achieve nothing. And when you look at Smith's career, he's a unique person because there's no group think around him. Nothing rubs off on him from other people.
WILLIAMS: He's smart.
GUTFELD: He's his own man.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but he's --
GUILFOYLE: I think he's courageous and fearless to be able to say that and my, God. What kind of country are we in?
GUILFOYLE: All lives do matter. I don't understand. Like what is the problem?
GUTFELD: Unless you're unborn.
WILLIAMS: Eric, you know what, what is a real.
WILLIAMS: To me is -- the activist.
GUILFOYLE: Then you're a body part.
WILLIAMS: They want the democrats on stage to stand up.
BOLLING: Juan, Juan, I don't know what's going on with Martin O'Malley, it was that and he also said that ISIS was created by climate change. Honestly, he needs to back out now.
WILLIAMS: All right. One more thing is coming at you.
WILLIAMS: Stay with us.
GUILFOYLE: All right.
PERINO: It's time now for One More Thing, and you're gonna love Kimberly's...
GUILFOYLE: I mean, you really are, Greg, especially because guess what.
GUTFELD: Can't wait.
GUILFOYLE: Prince George, celebrating his second birthday. Is that not the cutest baby you've ever seen, Greg?
GUTFELD: Yes, I am.
GUILFOYLE: he's adorable.
GUTFELD: I am fainting.
GUILFOYLE: He's adorable.
GUTFELD: Actually...
GUILFOYLE: He's very cute and he's.
GUTFELD: Trying to find out when my car is coming.
GUILFOYLE: Very good personality. He's adorable. They're going to celebrate his birthday privately at their home, their country home on Queen Elizabeth.
GUTFELD: Don't they know that high socks went out?
GUILFOYLE: Well, you know what?
PERINO: Eric, you're next.
GUILFOYLE: You could borrow his clothes. They'd fit you.
GUTFELD: I like that -- that was good, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: Take one for the team.
PERINO: Those high stocks a figure type.
GUTFELD: You know what?
GUTFELD: Should have stopped there.
BOLLING: What? What?
PERINO: Fire on.
BOLLING: This is a Fox News extreme weather alert.
IAN ZIERING, ACTOR: Eric, who has been a good shepherd (ph) you got to do a PSA for me, pal. There's a storm coming. A storm the likes of which you have never seen before. If you're on the east coast, you're not safe. Find shelter. Hide. Do whatever you've got to do to stay out of the storm. It's going to be a big one. So leave the umbrella at home. Grab the chainsaw. Thanks.
BOLLING I got you, Finn. Finn and April, we'll gonna take care of that, everyone Sharknado -- expected tonight, very careful. Grab your chainsaw.
PERINO: All right, Greg Gutfeld.
GUTFELD: All right. Time for -- you're probably wondering could you make soccer even more interesting than it is? Yes, you can. Just add robots. Check this out. These are actual robots playing soccer. I believe you call it footbots (ph). They are proving that they have the mettle for the sport.
GUTFELD: Juan laughed at that. That just shows that Juan has no sense of humor. The upsize -- you know what's interesting about this game? They had a very, very high score -- a high score considering its soccer, with 0-0.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness. I mean, there really are no words.
PERINO: Wow. Tomorrow, could you please try harder?
GUTFELD: Oh, no. I mailed that one in.
PERINO: OK, yesterday on The Five, we talked about de Blasio and his.
PERINO: Attempt to try to cap Uber, well, guess what? Either he watched the show or he watched this to tweet because he backtracked. Kate Upton tweeting him today, why do you want to return to days when only those in mid-town and lower Manhattan could get a ride, and then Ashton Kutcher.
PERINO: From Hollywood, this is a conservative or liberal debate is about politicians representing their personal interests and not the community. So the mayor backed off and they're going to study it for four months.
GUILFOYLE: Well, Ashton Kutcher.
PERINO: Who won?
GUILFOYLE: Is an investor in Uber.
PERINO: Probably.
GUILFOYLE: No, he is.
PERINO: Why not, (inaudible).
GUTFELD: Great fact, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: I just keep bringing it.
WILLIAMS: All right, here we go. So it's summertime, time for a bear. Go up to Maine, they've combined lobsters, get this, and beer, to make a beer that's brewed with lobster.
PERINO: And Juan.
WILLIAMS: You have tasted it, brother?
BOLLING: Terrible.
GUILFOYLE: Do you have it that.
WILLIAMS: And it's called Oxbow Brewery and they brew it with - as I say lobster and salt and it's a hit.
PERINO: Juan, I got to tell you something.
WILLIAMS: Yes, ma'am.
PERINO: I'd pass on that one more thing because.
PERINO: Everyone has to try harder.
PERINO: Except for Eric who really brought it. That's it for us, "Special Report" is next.
GUILFOYLE: Wait, mom is good to baby.
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